Beware of Educational Brainwashing
In two- or three months millions of high school graduates will head off to college where the goal will be to retrain them to get their minds right. What will they encounter? Is there an agenda? You bet there is. Consider what happened at the law school at the City
The battle for our children’s minds — How to achieve victory by evacuation
In the aftermath of the Dunkirk evacuation, Churchill preached caution to his countrymen in his famous “We shall fight on the beaches” speech. He warned that “Wars are not won by evacuations.” But that’s not always true…
Canadian government orders Christian school to stop teaching “offensive” Bible verses
Let this be a warning to private schools, churches, and Christian schools everywhere: never, ever take one dime of government money…
11-year-old black girl suspended from school after being jumped by 8 bullies
Their charter school takes threats seriously, the principal said afterwards. The sheriff’s office and the public school officials both agreed that the threats the bullies made beforehand didn’t warrant expulsion…
The Myth of the Uneducated Country Conservative
What’s the cause of all the division in politics? Why isn’t everyone voting like a liberal? It’s because the dissenters are suffering from a serious defect…
75-year-old Bible in the Schools program threatened by “kindergartener”
Did you know that Kindergarten children could sue?
Middle school student at failing public school hospitalized after on-campus drug use
The budgets increase. Meanwhile, students suffer…
50% of college students think you will pay for their student loans
There are 44 million Americans carrying student loan debt. Most are delusional…
If You Really Want to Protest the Government do this One thing that Will Change Everything
Dr. Gary North has written, “You want to rebel against the Feds (and this agenda)? Get your kids and grandkids out of government schools.” What Aamon Bundy and his brothers are doing in the takeover of a Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters to draw attention to the plight of the Hammond
Homosexuals Use Radical Islamist-Like Tactics to Intimidate Christian Schools
Radical Islamists require that a person convert to Islam or lose his property, pay a tax, or — in the most extreme cases — undergo execution. Now it seems that homosexuals are taking a page from the ISIS playbook. You may recall that homosexuals assured us (I never believed it
College Students Want ‘White Christmas’ Song Banned because It’s ‘Racist’
The latest descent into college absurdity are protestations of singing the 1942 Irving Berlin song “White Christmas,” the bestselling recording of all time with more than 150 million copies to its credit. Dan Joseph “presented some college students with a petition urging radio stations to stop playing the holiday classic ‘White Christmas’
This Black Woman’s Black Life Doesn’t Matter to the BLM Movement
Vanderbilt Professor Carol Swain has been beset with protesters calling for her resignation since January of 2015 when she made remarks about Islam and its terrorist elements when Muslims attacked and murdered members of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. “In The Tennessean, Swain wrote that the [January 2015] Paris attacks show
No Whites or Asians Need Apply for New Science Teaching Job
If you have a Ph.D. in science and want a teaching job at the University of Louisville, it’s not enough. The big bucks you spent to get a Ph.D. may not have been money well spent. You’re skin color or ethnicity is more important. It seems that the folks at
Christian College Blasted for Putting Professor on Leave for Comment that Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God
All of a sudden liberals care about what goes on in Christian colleges. The latest attack on Christianity — not Islam for beheading Christians, raping Christians, burning down their churches, and selling Christians into slavery — is a disciplinary action by Wheaton College. The college is being attacked for putting Professor Larycia
Was Justice Scalia Right When He Said Blacks Should Attend Less-Advanced Schools?
During oral arguments concerning an Affirmative Action case, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia “suggested that black students do better in ‘less-advanced schools’ that are on ‘slower tracks.’” “There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do
Once Christian Yale Opposes Truth and Light
Save your money and don’t send your children to Yale. In fact, you might want to determine if any college or university is worth your money. It used to be that schools were chosen because of their academic reputation. This is no longer the case. Places like Yale and Harvard
Woodrow Wilson: Democrat, Darwinist, Friend of the KKK, and a Racist
Finally there’s something on which I can agree with the liberal student crybabies. Some students at Princeton University don’t like Woodrow Wilson – a Democrat – who served as president of Princeton from 1902 to 1910 and as the 28th President of the United States. They want his name expunged
Students Should Report ‘Hurtful’ Liberal Speech to Campus Police
Liberals use the American system of liberty and freedom to gain power and then shut the door behind them once they are in power. The Berkeley “Free Speech Movement” of the 1960s is a perfect example. It was the catalyst for the near overthrow of the secular university system in