Politics and sorcery – the Left’s loss of faith in politics and the rise of witchcraft
When people lose hope, they sometimes turn to magic. Since Trump’s victory, the loss of hope has accelerated on the left…
Millennials Are Turning to Witchcraft and Sorcery
The number of people turning away from Christianity in America is increasing, but they’re not all simply becoming atheists…
The SPLC Strikes Again – Another Christian Group’s Funds Choked Off
In a display of hypocritical intolerance, it seems the liberals are using their influence and “unbiased” judgment to cut off the flow of funds to Christian groups. . . .
Government-run healthcare – Would Jesus really pay the bill?
One former pastor thinks so. But has he made an error in the way he interprets the parable of the Good Samaritan?
Yale Divinity School Professor gets so much wrong about the Bible, that the school’s founders would be ashamed
He wrote an article in response to Marco Rubio’s tweets from Proverbs. The lesson here is short: friends won’t let their friends attend Yale Divinity School. Or else, they’ll end up as blind as this professor…
Liberal NY Times best-selling author understands Christianity better than Christians do
Some of the Church’s worst enemies have come from within. Judas. Rousseau. Robespierre. Marx and Engels. These Inside Men have inflicted great damage to the Church over the years. Now, former megachurch pastor Rob Bell wants to join their ranks…
75-year-old Bible in the Schools program threatened by “kindergartener”
Did you know that Kindergarten children could sue?
Even super-smart scientists suffer lapses in logic
Renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking recently gave an interview where he talked about humanity’s prospects for the future. He addressed a couple of serious concerns.
There Are No Homosexuals or Transgenders
If you are going to win an argument, you must get down to the operating assumptions of what’s being argued. We first heard that homosexuals were born that way, just like heterosexuals are born with desires for those of the opposite sex. While numerous scientific studies have been done to
Would Jesus Oppose Christians Challenging Supreme Court on Religious Freedom Issues?
Here we go again . . . another liberal trying to use the Bible to push an anti-Christian, pro-statist agenda. The latest attempt comes from Jay Michaelson who writes for the Daily Beast. A number of groups are challenging certain provisions of the Obamacare law that they believe are a
Governor Uses Bible to Deny the Bible and Our Liberty
Because of the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, some states are scrambling to come up with some remedial legal remedies. It’s happening in Georgia, but Republican Gov. Nathan Deal is opposing any legal protections and is trying to use the Bible to make his case. In reality, it’s money
Soft-Selling Communism and Stalinism in the ‘Trumbo’ film
My wife and I sat down the Saturday before the Academy Awards to watch the 2015 film Trumbo. Dalton Trumbo is played by Bryan Cranston who did a marvelous job, certainly worthy of the Academy Award nomination he received for Best Actor. It’s loosely based on the Hollywood screenwriter, author,
Liberals that Hate Christianity and Politics Today Would Have Hated Many of our Nation’s Founders
Horror author Stephen King said that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is “very scary” because he “is a fundamentalist Christian.” He went on to say in an interview with the Daily Beast: “He’s very scary. I actually think Trump, in the end, would be more electable than Cruz because Cruz
“Scholar of American Religion” Doesn’t Know Much about Christianity
In a USA Today article, Stephen Prothero writes that “Sanders, a secular Jew, is the most Christian candidate in this race.” Prothero self-identifies as a “scholar of American religion.” All that means is that he has a PhD from a secular institution, but it doesn’t guarantee that he really knows that
Can Atheism Ever be a Defense Against Evil?
“[P]rofessional God-slayer Richard Dawkins begrudgingly admitted that Christianity may actually be our best defense against aberrant forms of religion that threaten the world.” Here’s what he said: “There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am
Obama Attacks and Censors Christianity but Praises Islam
President Obama claims to be a Christian. Claiming that Obama’s a Muslim will get you a seat on the nutter bench. Rush Limbaugh had some questions about the way President Obama seems to attack Christianity while praising Islam every chance he gets. Why did President Obama use his message at the
Michele Bachman and Glenn Beck Can Only See the Apocalypse
I’ve been writing on the subject of eschatology (the study of the last things) for a long time and countering the argument that a near end-time apocalypse is around the corner. Over the years I have participated in innumerable debates, written ten books on the subject, and published nearly 100
Why Do Millions of Christians Ignore Politics?
Let’s get a few preliminaries out of the way. First, there is no doubt that there are few differences between the two major parties. With both Houses of Congress owned by the Republicans, one would think that the claimed differences would have come out and the GOP would have fought