Protesting Ice Cream is Not Where the Action Is
The folks at Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream have come up with a new flavor — “Schweddy Balls” — that’s an “ode to a classic ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch comedy” routine. A conservative group is calling for a boycott of the company. “The vulgar new flavor has turned something as

Getting a Heterosexual’s Mind Right
Expressing your opinion about controversial issues can get you in big trouble. Fourteen year old Dakota Ary from Ft. Worth, Texas, learned this the hard way. He happened to tell a fellow student what he thought about homosexual behavior. A Gaystapo teacher sent him to the principal’s office where he

Chicken Atheists Tear Pages from Bible
Do you remember how the media went insane when a pastor from Florida wanted to burn a copy of the Koran? Here’s how one paper reported the story Wearing black robes and sitting as self-appointed judge, the radical evangelical pastor called the “court” to order from behind his pulpit. On

Liberal Says: “It’s not ‘class warfare,’ it’s Christianity”
I was wondering when liberals were going to bring Jesus into the discussion about taxing the rich. Christians are labeled ‘theocrats’ and ‘dominionists’ when they quote the Bible, but when a liberal appeals to Jesus she’s being compassionate. The latest is an article written by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite who is

Secular Religious Ideology Gone Mad
The media are obsessed with a candidates religion. Anyone who believes in God is a theocrat heaven-bent on “dominion.” Anyone who is familiar with the history of America knows that religion played a major role. Some bad, but mostly good. We often forget that secularism and liberalism are religions with

A Conservative’s Very Bad Idea
The article “Conservatism that Assures the Unthinkable: the Reelection of Barack Obama,” by Chuck Rogér, that appeared on the American Thinker website caught my attention: As America flirts with permanent economic decline, certain GOP presidential contenders talk of gay marriage, Charles Darwin, and religiosity. Are we losing our minds? While

John Lennon: Republican? Theist? Anti-Evolutionist?
Former theist and now self-avowed atheist Dan Barker, who is co-president of the Freedom of Religion Foundation, promoted a “Beware of Dogma” campaign using billboards that also included the line “Imagine No Religion,” borrowed from John Lennon’s atheist national anthem “Imagine.” I wonder if the FRF’s call for everyone to

Teacher Ordered to Remove ‘Religious’ Banners After Nearly 30 Years
After an initial court victory, a high school math teacher lost his battle to keep his “God” banners displayed in his classroom. A federal appeals court ruled on September 13, 2011 that Bradley Johnson’s First Amendment rights were not violated when he was asked by the school district to take

Democrat Says Tea Party Would Love to See Blacks Lynched
Leftist Democrats are getting desperate, mean, slanderous, and borderline insane. The latest moral and mental outrage comes from Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.). Carson, the nation’s second Muslim Congressman and a member of the Congressional Black Congress, said the following: Some [of the members] in Congress right now of this Tea

Are You a Member of a Hate Group?
Any time the liberal media want to disparage the right side of the political spectrum, they call on a pool of go-to guys and gals to make their case for them. It’s not news reporting; its ideological position marketing. One of their go-to guys is Mark Potok of the hard-left

Rick Perry Questioned About Evolution and Science
Did you see the video of Rick Perry being questioned about evolution? The Texas governor was responding to a question from a little boy in New Hampshire. The child is not asking on his own account. He was being used as a prop by his mother. You can hear the

Evolution, Richard Dawkins, and the London Rioters
Two girls who took part in Monday night’s riots in Croydon, a town in South London, England, have boasted that they were showing police and “the rich people that we can do what we want.” They said it calmly and matter-of-factly. Has Richard Dawkins contributed to a change in moral

Here’s What Real Terrorists do, Mr. Vice President
You’ve probably heard by now that Vice President Biden described Tea Party members as terrorists. Others from his party said that it was the Tea Party that was holding the nation hostage during budget negotiations. It doesn’t stop with liberal politicians. As usual, the media have gotten into the act.

Anders Behring Breivik: Just another Leftwing Radical
People around the world were horrified when they heard about the Norwegian murders at the hand of Anders Behring Breivik. How could anyone do such a horrible thing to innocent people? Breivik is arguing that he did it for the good of Norway and the broader European nations. Of course,

Butchering the Pledge of Allegiance
Atheist Michael Newdow has been pestering the courts to rule that the phrase “under God” found in the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust,” imprinted and stamped on our currency, are unconstitutional. In 2010, even the usually liberal San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Newdow’s