Weekly White House Bible Study Inflaming the Atheists
A group of some of the most influential policy makers of the Executive Branch are attending a weekly Bible study in the White House. Now, the atheists are upset. . . .
Ultra-Liberal Robert Reich’s 5 Reasons Why Ted Cruz is the Best Candidate
Robert Reich “served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997. . . . He was appointed a member of President-elect Barack Obama’s economic transition advisory board. . . . Time magazine named him one of the Ten Best Cabinet Members of the century, and The Wall Street Journal in
Political Correctness Censoring Unpopular Views Among Sci-Fi Authors
Liberals have always used the tolerance wedge to get their views a hearing. All they want is “tolerance” for their views. They don’t want to deny anyone else’s views, they just want a place at the table. But once they’re at the table, the rest of their time is spent
In 1977 Jimmy Carter Said We Should Have Run Out of Oil by Now
Global Warming/Climate Change advocates claim that the debate is over. The science is settled. Debating the “science” behind the certainty of man-made Climate Change is like debating whether the earth is flat or round. So say supposedly 97 percent of all scientists. Rubbish. A similar no-debate claim was made in
Stop Watching the NBA — Not Enough White Players
Jada Pinka and Spike Lee are calling on their fellow-black friends to boycott the Academy Awards because there were no black nominees. It’s not that blacks have not not been nominated in the past. Here’s a list from Wikipedia. Most people would be surprised at the number of black actors and
Trump’s New York Values Include Partial Birth Abortions
Ted Cruz brought up Donald Trump’s “New York values.” I suspect that he mostly had New York City in mind, but let’s say that he had the entire state. Of course, Cruz knows that not everyone in New York City and the state at large is a leftist, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual
The End of the ‘White American Majority’ is a Myth
“The U.S. Bureau of the Census has projected that America will have a ‘non-white’ majority by 2044.” (H/T: National Review) I don’t know any real white people. We are all shades of color, thus, “non-white.” White means Caucasian. That makes Hispanics “white” because they are Caucasian since their ancestors came
How Gun Control Advocates Could Take Your Guns With One Law
I thought about whether I should write an article on how gun control advocates might go about confiscating guns with almost no physical force. They might actually do it just like this. “So, I would like you to explain with 350 million guns in 65 million places, households, from Key
Planned Parenthood’s Bloody Business About to be Exposed
In my article “What if Nazis Had Sued Jewish Film Crew for Secretly Filming Nazi Death Camps?” a number of people who commented claimed that the videos had been edited in such a way that distorted the operations of Planned Parenthood (PP) facilities. If this was the case, PP would be
Why the GOP Loses the Big Elections
It’s not only some of the GOP’s bad policies and believing that if they compromise with Democrats the Democrats will return the favor and compromise with them that loses the big elections for what’s left of the Grand Old Party. It’s their unwillingness to fight because they don’t believe they
Bernie Sanders Wants Me to Apologize for Something I Didn’t Do
It’s hard getting old. Bernie Sanders is getting old and he’s not thinking straight. It doesn’t help that his political philosophy is out of whack. His latest scheme to get votes is demanding that white America apologize for slavery. I’m pretty sure that the deaths of 600,000 dead American citizens
Obama Condemns the Founders and the Declaration of Independence at Town Hall Meeting
During CNN’s town hall meeting with President Obama concerning his Executive Orders on guns, he said the following: “What I think Mark is alluding to is what I said earlier, this notion of a conspiracy out there, and it gets wrapped up in concerns about the Federal government. Now, there’s a
Conservatives Could Be Denied Guns because of ‘Mental Disorder’
Before you go to see your doctor, make sure you have purchased all the guns and ammo you think you’ll need. After some seemingly innocent probing about your lifestyle and beliefs, he or she may consider you to be a danger to yourself, your family, and others (mostly the liberal
If You Really Want to Protest the Government do this One thing that Will Change Everything
Dr. Gary North has written, “You want to rebel against the Feds (and this agenda)? Get your kids and grandkids out of government schools.” What Aamon Bundy and his brothers are doing in the takeover of a Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters to draw attention to the plight of the Hammond
You Could be Fined $250,000 for using the Wrong Pronoun
How many times were we told that legalizing same-sex sexuality and its kissing cousin transgenderism would not affect people who do not engage in same-sex sexuality or decide not to modify their true sexuality? Homosexuals and their advocates kept telling a gullible public that they were all about “live and let live.”
Homosexuals Use Radical Islamist-Like Tactics to Intimidate Christian Schools
Radical Islamists require that a person convert to Islam or lose his property, pay a tax, or — in the most extreme cases — undergo execution. Now it seems that homosexuals are taking a page from the ISIS playbook. You may recall that homosexuals assured us (I never believed it
Liberal Depicts Hispanics as Monkeys: Remember in November
Ted Cruz is an organ grinder and his two daughters are dancing monkeys. That’s what a Pulitzer Prize winner drew: “Ann Telnaes, a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, argued that because the Texas senator had used his children as ‘political props’ in a recent Christmas parody infomercial they were ‘fair game.’”
College Students Want ‘White Christmas’ Song Banned because It’s ‘Racist’
The latest descent into college absurdity are protestations of singing the 1942 Irving Berlin song “White Christmas,” the bestselling recording of all time with more than 150 million copies to its credit. Dan Joseph “presented some college students with a petition urging radio stations to stop playing the holiday classic ‘White Christmas’