By Liberal Standards, What’s Wrong if Obama is a Muslim?
Why are liberals upset that Donald Trump didn’t correct a questioner who claimed President Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim? What is wrong with being a Muslim? Liberals love Muslims. They elect them to office. They are in high level government positions. Being Muslim is really in. So what’s the

Contrary to a Homosexual’s Claim, We Don’t Live Under Caesar
A pro-homosexual advocate wrote the following about the Kim Davis case in a Facebook post, being critical of the stand she has taken and those who support her: “Read the Gospel ‘Render unto Caesar . . .’ [Matt. 22:21] and Jesus’ commandment to love [Matt. 19:19; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27;

Bernie Sanders (Like All Socialists) is a Thief Claiming to be a Humanitarian
Most people don’t know what a socialist is. Socialist sounds too much like “social.” A socialist, I suspect, for most Americans means to be “social.” Who could be opposed to that? Bernie Sanders is a Socialist. In reality, he’s a theft using the respectability of the United States Senate as

Liberal Admits Liberal Journalists Ignorant About Religion
A couple of items in the news confirmed what religious conservatives have known for a long time. First, liberal journalists aren’t very religious. Second, they are ignorant about religion. Third, they believe, according to Paul Waldman who wrote on The Washington Post’s Plum Line blog, that “religious conservatives” are trying

Office Depot Refuses to Print Copies of Anti-Abortion Prayer and It’s Their Right to Refuse
“Last month, Maria Goldstein, a Roman Catholic, asked employees at an Office Depot location in Schaumburg, Ill., to make 500 copies of ‘A Prayer for Planned Parenthood.’ . . . Company spokeswoman Karen Denning told the Chicago Tribune that Office Depot prohibits the copying of material that advocates ‘the persecution

God Sends Personal Message to Public School Parents
William Cowper’s hymn “God moves in a Mysterious Way” is an apt description of what is happening in public (government) schools across our nation. One would have thought that tens of millions of Christian parents would have realized by now that the schools that propagandize their children six hours each

Shepard Smith Pulls the ‘Sharia Law’ Card to Defend Homosexuality
The following is from Mediate.com: “During Fox News’ live coverage of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ release from prison, anchor Shepard Smith suddenly spoke over the press conference to chastise Davis and those who supported her decision to refuse to issue gay marriage licenses. “‘They set this up as a religious play again,’ he

American Cancer Society ‘Cigarette-Smoking Fetus’ and Abortion
I was reading an article written by my friend Darren Doane on how he became a music video director. It all started when he saw Paula Abdul’s 1988 music video “Straight Up.” “So – Way Back in 1989 there was no Internet. And directors’ names were not on videos. So

An Atheist and a Homosexual Support Kim Davis
The threat of tyranny makes strange bedfellows. Many liberals have attacked Kim Davis for keeping her oath to uphold the Kentucky constitution. As you know by now, the Blue Grass State’s constitution forbids same-sex marriage. It was voted on by the people and the prohibition was written into the constitution.

MLK: “We are in Good Company When We Break Unjust Laws.”
Like today, many clergymen opposed to taking a public and resistant stand to unjust laws. They feared the consequences. They might lose church members. The government might close the doors of their churches. Their tax-exempt status might be revoked. In addition to these practical issues, many pastors argued from a biblical

Must Christians Always Submit to the Governing Authorities?
Kim Davis took an oath to uphold the Kentucky Constitution which forbids same-sex marriage. As a result of her refusal, Judge David Bunning put her in jail until she complies. There are many Christians who are arguing that Christians must submit in obedience to every government decree. Here’s the question:

Here’s What Obama Did While Pro-Gay Judge Sent Kim Davis to Jail
While Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who is following the Kentucky Constitution that prohibits same-sex marriage, was sent to jail by pro-homosexual U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning (enthusiastically supported by Mitch McConnell), President Obama was making up new laws and forcing us to pay for men wanting to become women

Kim Davis (Defiant Kentucky Clerk) v. Muhammad Ali (Defiant Kentucky Liberal Icon)
Kim Davis has been jailed for following the Kentucky constitution to which she took an oath to uphold. An appointed judge said she had no right to defy the Supreme Court’s ruling, a ruling that did not nullify the Kentucky constitution on the subject of same-sex marriage. Unfortunately, and something

Is an Opinion of the Supreme Court the ‘Law of the Land’? Let’s ask Thomas Jefferson. . .
Did our founders, after drafting a Declaration of Independence, fighting a war with England, and then sitting down to pen a national governing document (the Constitution) put in that document the right of a majority of federal judges to make laws for the entire nation? Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim

Planned Parenthood Suing Alabama Could be a Good Thing
Here’s some good news. Planned Parenthood is suing Alabama because the state refuses to use taxpayer money to fund the abortion provider. “Planned Parenthood Southeast Friday filed suit against the State of Alabama and Governor Robert Bentley over his decision to cancel the state’s family planning contract with the abortion

Martin Luther King Supported Planned Parenthood
There’s a lot of unknown history floating around. Some of it is uncomfortable to read. Every political side has any number of skeletons that they want kept buried. I’m thankful to see black groups and pastors standing up for the unborn. There’s the Black Genocide website that tells the truth

The Two ‘Racist’ Words that Got Alison Parker Murdered
Who would have thought that “‘swinging’ by some place” or going “out in the ‘field’” could be construed as racist epithets that would be enough for a black man to kill white people? According to an article published in the New York Post, that’s what set off the Virginia murderer. “The

Dog Killer Michael Vick Gets More Bad Press than Planned Parenthood
Michael Vick is back in the news. He’s been signed to a one-year contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers as a backup to quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. The announcement was protested, ironically, on National Dog Day. Michael Vick was nearly banned from professional football because of his treatment of dogs. “Vick pleaded