It’s Time to Revive the Black Regiment
The clergy helped lead the resistance and independence movement in America in the eighteenth century. They were often described as the “black regiment” because of the black robes they wore while preaching. Before marching off to join Washington’s army, Lutheran pastor John Muhlenberg delivered a powerful sermon from Ecclesiastes 3:1–8
“He’s Dangerous” – Why this Christian man from Alabama is making liberals tremble
“He’s dangerous.” Those are their words, not mine…
A Secret Trigger Has Been Discovered That Can Destroy Obamacare — Why Isn’t Trump Pulling it??
With all the talk about repealing and replacing Obamacare, and now with the second round of talks fizzling, Trump is facing a major embarrassment. But he could end the monstrosity tomorrow if he wanted…
The new Supreme Court Justice, his oath, and what we’ve lost
A new Supreme Court justice must swear two oaths. There is confusion over what the two oaths are, and why he must swear them…
Liberals that Hate Christianity and Politics Today Would Have Hated Many of our Nation’s Founders
Horror author Stephen King said that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is “very scary” because he “is a fundamentalist Christian.” He went on to say in an interview with the Daily Beast: “He’s very scary. I actually think Trump, in the end, would be more electable than Cruz because Cruz
Why Do Millions of Christians Ignore Politics?
Let’s get a few preliminaries out of the way. First, there is no doubt that there are few differences between the two major parties. With both Houses of Congress owned by the Republicans, one would think that the claimed differences would have come out and the GOP would have fought
Ultra-Liberal Robert Reich’s 5 Reasons Why Ted Cruz is the Best Candidate
Robert Reich “served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997. . . . He was appointed a member of President-elect Barack Obama’s economic transition advisory board. . . . Time magazine named him one of the Ten Best Cabinet Members of the century, and The Wall Street Journal in
How a Radical Muslim “Natural Born Citizen” Could Be President
Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a mother who is a natural born Citizen and a father who is a naturalized citizen. Ted Cruz’s father immigrated to the United States and lived here before going to Canada for work. According to some conservatives and liberals, Ted Cruz is not
Why the GOP Establishment is Beginning to Like Trump and Hates Cruz
The GOP Establishment believed Jeb Bush was their guy. The two earlier Bush Presidents grew the government. There was no reason that a third Bush wouldn’t do the same. Sen. Ted Cruz was not the Establishment’s pick. He would not help them fund their pet projects. When you have Bob
It’s Time to Register Journalists and Regulate Freedom of the Press
The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” You will notice that there are no qualifications. In fact, the right to keep and bear arms is said
Atheists Push (Again) to Remove “In God We Trust” from Nation’s Currency
A group of atheists wants the courts to declare the phrase “In God We Trust” unconstitutional and removed from our nation’s currency. These atheists are the secular version of the Islamic State who go about destroying anything related to competing religions. And atheism is a religion. “Satellite images confirm that the oldest
How Gun Control Advocates Could Take Your Guns With One Law
I thought about whether I should write an article on how gun control advocates might go about confiscating guns with almost no physical force. They might actually do it just like this. “So, I would like you to explain with 350 million guns in 65 million places, households, from Key
Lawrence Tribe Says Cruz is Not a Natural Born Citizen but Chimpanzees Could Be
I’ve been amazed how many so-called conservatives are appealing to Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe as an authority on what a natural born citizen is. He’s a very weak reed too lean on for lots of reasons. Pick almost any subject, and Tribe is most likely on the other side.
Bernie Sanders Wants Me to Apologize for Something I Didn’t Do
It’s hard getting old. Bernie Sanders is getting old and he’s not thinking straight. It doesn’t help that his political philosophy is out of whack. His latest scheme to get votes is demanding that white America apologize for slavery. I’m pretty sure that the deaths of 600,000 dead American citizens
Three Children of the Founder Who Proposed the ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Clause Were Not Born in the United States
The history behind the inclusion of “Natural Born Citizen” in the Constitution was proposed by one man – John Jay. Jay is described as “an American statesman, Patriot, diplomat, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, signer of the Treaty of Paris, and first Chief Justice of the United States (1789–95).”
Obama Condemns the Founders and the Declaration of Independence at Town Hall Meeting
During CNN’s town hall meeting with President Obama concerning his Executive Orders on guns, he said the following: “What I think Mark is alluding to is what I said earlier, this notion of a conspiracy out there, and it gets wrapped up in concerns about the Federal government. Now, there’s a
Ted Cruz, the Natural Born Citizenship Debate, and Political Payback
I saw an article with this title: “6 Things Ted Cruz Wants You to Forget.” The first one is “He wants you to forget he was born in Canada.” I’m sure there are lots of people who know he was born in Canada to an American mother and some people
If You Really Want to Protest the Government do this One thing that Will Change Everything
Dr. Gary North has written, “You want to rebel against the Feds (and this agenda)? Get your kids and grandkids out of government schools.” What Aamon Bundy and his brothers are doing in the takeover of a Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters to draw attention to the plight of the Hammond