Just like in Star Wars, nothing in the Liberal’s world matters one bit
The leftists have claimed The Last Jedi as their own, but they are kicking against the pricks. Yet in doing so, they baited Conservatives into falling into a standard liberal trap that can be articulated in just five words…

Bizarre! Daughter to season Christmas dinner with her mother’s ashes
And who says the British still prefer bland food…

LGBTQs on Net Neutrality Repeal – “It’s now harder for us to get at your children!!”
The liberals are always in favor of increased government control and taking away people’s freedoms to “help” them. But they don’t like it when that gun barrel swings back towards them…

Pension promises are killing Connecticut’s budget
Despite a “Booming” economy, tax revenue is down. Connecticut is reaching into its emergency fund during the good times. What’s going to happen when the recession actually hits?

Police try to shut down Pastor outside abortion mill. Guess what happens?
Warning – watching this might make you angry.

The end of science as we know it?
The history of Western Civilization is the history of a culture that adopted a linear view of time. But now, because the Big Bang Theory has numerous problems, a new paper has proposed abandoning the linear view and taking a new look at a much more ancient model…

What we lose by voting against Roy Moore
In the final hour, Roy Moore is down by 10. Is this the end?

Three video clips that suggest the Hollywood sexual abuse scandal was an open secret
There has been a lot of surprise expressed by executives in high places over the eruption of the 2017 sexual abuse scandals. But these clips suggest that maybe it had actually been a long-running open secret within the industry…

Here’s the real problem with Judge Moore staying in the Senate race
Senator Al Franken has announced that he’ll be resigning his Senate seat soon — in the coming weeks. (Probably.) But he couldn’t help but take a jab at Roy Moore on his way out.

New report reveals Hollywood’s homosexual boy abusers now a step closer to being exposed
Former child actor Corey Feldman faced skepticism after claiming he turned over names of child abusers to police in 1993. Now, it looks like he may be vindicated…

If liberals don’t care about unborn babies, why are they so worried about robot rights?
The rapid advancement of computing technology and artificial intelligence is making humanists sweat. Squirming over the ethics of giving rights to robots, they strain out gnats…

Trump reverses Obama’s Executive-branch overreach with this major decision
It’s not a yyyuuuuuge victory, but it’s definitely symbolic. We should appreciate the small things…

Net neutrality: are you a Socialist and you don’t know it?
Liberals favor net neutrality. But some Christians and Conservatives do, too, even though they shouldn’t. Here’s why…

Hollywood’s Pro-Gay Propaganda Machine Cranks Up
It makes you wonder why they’ve given Kevin Spacey such a hard time…

Politics and sorcery – the Left’s loss of faith in politics and the rise of witchcraft
When people lose hope, they sometimes turn to magic. Since Trump’s victory, the loss of hope has accelerated on the left…

Millennials Are Turning to Witchcraft and Sorcery
The number of people turning away from Christianity in America is increasing, but they’re not all simply becoming atheists…

Boy Scouts to welcome girls into the tent?
The Boy Scouts have announced that they are going to admit girls. What changes will this lead to?