No Whites or Asians Need Apply for New Science Teaching Job
If you have a Ph.D. in science and want a teaching job at the University of Louisville, it’s not enough. The big bucks you spent to get a Ph.D. may not have been money well spent. You’re skin color or ethnicity is more important. It seems that the folks at

Barack Obama is Darth Vader and Storm Troopers are White Democrats
MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry claims that Star Wars is racist because Darth Vader, the personification of evil, is dressed in black. Actually, he’s a white guy dressed in black. Here’s some of what she said: “‘I know why I have feelings — good, bad and otherwise — about Star Wars,’

Was Justice Scalia Right When He Said Blacks Should Attend Less-Advanced Schools?
During oral arguments concerning an Affirmative Action case, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia “suggested that black students do better in ‘less-advanced schools’ that are on ‘slower tracks.’” “There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do

ACLU Board Member Urges People to Kill Supporters of Donald Trump
Liberals apparently don’t know the meaning of the word liberal. “Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government.” Liberal used to mean “liberty.” Today, liberalism means “if you don’t

“If You’re a Felon, You Might be a Democrat”
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has become famous with “You might be a redneck” humor. We can add to his repertoire with this one: “If you’re a felon, you might be a Democrat.” Of course, for me, if Democrat politicians were taken to court and questioned on whether they upheld their oath

Guess WhichPresident Banned Iranians From Coming to America
Facts can be irritating and stubborn, especially when they expose blatant hypocrisy. The internet has made it difficult to hide from facts. Amidst the fake news stories, conspiracy theories, and downright lies, there is the truth. When Donald Trump made his comments about Muslims in New Jersey, he was immediately

Once Christian Yale Opposes Truth and Light
Save your money and don’t send your children to Yale. In fact, you might want to determine if any college or university is worth your money. It used to be that schools were chosen because of their academic reputation. This is no longer the case. Places like Yale and Harvard

It’s Long Past Time for ‘Baby Killing Control’
It’s been at least 20 years since I’ve seen Saturday Night Live. It was the last time it was funny. “On the December 5th airing of Saturday Night Live, fake-news anchor Michael Che called out the Republican Senate for scheduling action to defund Planned Parenthood, despite the recent shooting in San Bernardino.” Like

Liberals Pray that Obama and Government Will ‘Fix This’
The cover of the Daily News featured a slam at prayer and God with this headline: “God Isn’t Fixing This.” It followed the headline with this tag line: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to

Liberals Immediately Linked California Shootings to GOP and Planned Parenthood Shooting
You know that it had to happen. The media made a prejudicial leap by implying, before any facts were known about the assailants, that the attack might have had something to do with Planned Parenthood. One liberal nut ball and screw-loose liberal blamed the San Bernardino County attack on Republicans

Atheist Murderer Was Big Fan of Rachel Maddow and Bill Nye the Science Guy
Was “Catcher in the Rye” to blame for Mark David Chapman killing John Lennon? How about video games being held responsible for the the deranged Newtown, Conn., shooter who loved them? There’s a good chance that some link to a motive can be found for every murder. Hillary Clinton and

Why Weren’t Any PP Employees Shot at PP Facility if the Shooter Was after PP?
At this point in time we do not know if the Colorado shooter targeted the Planned Parenthood facility because of its abortion practices. We’re getting conflicting reports. Some reports have the shooter using the PP facility for cover after a botched bank robbery. CNN and other media outlets are reporting that

ABC Plays ‘Silent Night’ While Murdering Unborn Baby
ABC’s Scandal TV series “just crossed a sickening line in the episode ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside.’ The entire hour was an advertisement for Planned Parenthood, but the absolute worst scene was a montage set to the Christmas hymn ‘Silent Night,’ a song that celebrates the birth of Christ, while main character Olivia

This Politically Incorrect Sign Doubled Bakery’s Business
It’s the little things in life that can make a big difference. Just standing up for your beliefs is one of them and not backing down when confronted by the media and a few loudmouth malcontents. It seemed like a little thing when Rosa Parks decided not to move to

Woodrow Wilson: Democrat, Darwinist, Friend of the KKK, and a Racist
Finally there’s something on which I can agree with the liberal student crybabies. Some students at Princeton University don’t like Woodrow Wilson – a Democrat – who served as president of Princeton from 1902 to 1910 and as the 28th President of the United States. They want his name expunged

The Despicable Use of ‘Widows and Orphans’ in Refugee Debate
It’s almost a forgone conclusion that liberals will use the Bible to support a cause if they can find something in it that they can use to defend a pet policy. The latest example is the refugee crisis. Biblical law has a lot to say about resident aliens, sojourners, strangers,

Stephen King ‘s Outrageous Comments About Paris Murders and Christians
Stephen King has always had a love-hate relationship with religion. His fictional creations don’t work without a Christian context. The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption come to mind. Without God there is no moral universe to play against. King told Rolling Stone magazine that “he believed ‘in evil,’ but that all his

Students Should Report ‘Hurtful’ Liberal Speech to Campus Police
Liberals use the American system of liberty and freedom to gain power and then shut the door behind them once they are in power. The Berkeley “Free Speech Movement” of the 1960s is a perfect example. It was the catalyst for the near overthrow of the secular university system in