Fire the Coach, Dismiss the Players, and Make them Pay for Lost Revenue
The radical leftist policies of the 1960s have come home to roost. The new ultra-radicals have out-radicalized their hippie-era malcontents. The Lord of the flies has come to university campuses. “Yes, the adults now fear the children.” Sit-ins are passé. The new-radicals are going for the heart of the universities,
Reason No. 345 to Remove Your Kids From Public Schools
I’m going to say this again. Get your children out of government schools. Do it now! We are free to do it, but most parents don’t do it because they actually think public schools are free. They aren’t. Not only are public schools paid for with confiscated money, but they
University Students Feel Oppressed by Statue of Thomas Jefferson
Poor sensitive college students. They’re not upset about killing unborn babies, the shooting of self-professed Christians on a community college campus, increasing the power of the State, or the radicalization of Muslims who want to impose an Islamic Caliphate that would shut down every university in the United States. No,
Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock … and Ourselves.
I loved anything electronic when I was Ahmed Mohamed’s age. I’ve seen every film made about early inventors. Two of my favorites are Edison, the Man (1940), the sequel to Young Tom Edison (1940) (also good) starring Mickey Rooney, and The Story of Alexander Graham Bell (1939). I built crystal radios and even had
Kid With Bomb-Like Device Gets Invited to White House
A Muslim teenager was arrested for bringing a clock he built to class — which teachers thought might have been a dangerous device. It was not part of a science class. The story has made Ahmed Mohamed a minor overnight celebrity A campaign of support on Twitter — with #IStandWithAhmed —
God Sends Personal Message to Public School Parents
William Cowper’s hymn “God moves in a Mysterious Way” is an apt description of what is happening in public (government) schools across our nation. One would have thought that tens of millions of Christian parents would have realized by now that the schools that propagandize their children six hours each
The Slow and Long Road to Moral Degeneracy
Most radical ideas have been hidden from the general public and only burst forth after of time of deep seeding in the culture through art, music, the educational establishment, entertainment, and the media. These radical ideas were sold to the American people as a more grand goal. “Everything must be
Obama’s $1 Billion Library and ‘Income Inequality’
Hillary Clinton and President Obama talk a lot about income inequality. It’s the mainstay of the Democrat Party. Actually, they love income inequality as long as their income is unequal to everyone else’s income. The Clintons are multi-millionaires and the Obamas are most likely in that class and soon to be
Hillary Clinton Plans to Buy Youth Vote with New College Plan
Hillary Clinton is tanking in the polls. The admitted socialist Bernie Sanders is beating her in some polls. He has huge crowd numbers. Hillary remains in hiding hoping to wait out the ascendancy of Sanders. Sanders’ only hiccup is that the Black Lives Matter crowd doesn’t believe he’s a big
Atheists Get Slapped Down in Pennsylvania Ten Commandments Case
“A federal judge in Pennsylvania has thrown out a lawsuit challenging the presence of a Ten Commandments monument at a local high school, declaring that the complainants have not suffered injury from the display.” That’s hardly a good argument. “Plaintiffs … have failed to establish that they were forced to
There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Education
There’s a liberal meme gong around that list the cost of college in a number of countries. It’s been put together by Occupy Democrats. Occupy Democrats was founded in 2012 as an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to “give President Obama and other progressive (liberal)
How to Beat the State, the Bureaucrats, and the IRS
There is no need for government schools. In fact, government (public) schools are our nation’s biggest enemy. They are liberalism’s false churches with their own priesthood and sacred texts. Education is where the power is. Government schools feed the law schools, and the law schools feed Congress and the courts.
How to Stop Liberalism and Retake America: But Will You Do It?
Liberals fear that Americans will wake up one day and ask this question: “Why are we sending our children to schools that are run by the government and students are being taught to love Big Brother, including how to accept same-sex perversion?” Liberals know that our nation’s schools are the
Faith-Based Ministries Must Submit to Same-Sex Agenda or Lose Funding
Remember the promise made by many people that same-sex marriage legislation would not affect affect people or organizations that don’t believe in same-sex marriage? No one would be forced to comply with anything related to homosexuality. Live and let live! How is it possible that some people can be so gullible?
Obama Criticizes Private Schools While Sending His Daughters to Private Schools
I was driving along, listening to the radio, when I heard President Obama condemn rich folks for sending their children to non-government (private) schools. We don’t dispute that the free market is the greatest producer of wealth in history — it has lifted billions of people out of poverty. We
Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Common Core, and the Control of Education
Liberals knew that if they could capture the schools, they would have future generations of people agreeing with them on almost everything. And they’ve done this by making us pay for the rope they’re hanging us with. They sold parents on the premise that public education is “free.” In reality,
Blacks Need to Rise Up Against Liberal Black Establishment
“The American Civil Liberties Union tweeted Friday that ‘Black Spring has begun’ and called on the protesters to know their rights.” For more than 50 years liberals have claimed that the way to help the poor was to transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. It hasn’t worked. It’s only
Defense Department says Bible and Constitution are ‘Sexist’ Documents
I’m not sure why the Defense Department cares anything about the Bible and Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence, since our government doesn’t pay attention to any of them. The Daily Caller reports: “Those three cherished texts all count as ‘historical influences that allow sexism to continue,’ according to a