Children are Being Taught that Moral Facts Do Not Exist
“If Christianity goes, the whole of our culture goes. Then you must start painfully again, and you cannot put on a new culture ready-made. You must wait for the grass to grow to feed the sheep to give the wool out of which your new coat will be made. You
Liberal Reporter Proves High Priced College Education Makes People Ignorant
I’ve never understood why parents spend nearly $100,000 to send their children to high-priced universities. The best and brightest of these graduates have screwed up our nation, and yet there are tens of millions of Americans who believe that graduates from these over-priced and under-delivering schools will somehow save us.
Homosexuality Should be Rejected Because It’s Anti-Science
Liberals love to claim that conservatives, and in particular Christians, are anti-science. In fact, many articles and books have been written on the subject. For example: “GOP is an anti-science party of nuts.” “The National Circus: Will the Anti-Science Wing Tear the GOP Apart?” “The ‘anti-science party.’” “GOP Senators Parrot
3 Meals a Day is Racist and So is Everything Else
You’ve probably seen the article on how eating three meals a day is racist. What isn’t these days? Speaking about his departure from his Department of Justice position, Eric Holder said that young people should read The Autobiography of Malcolm X (who was murdered by blacks). I read it as a
John F. Kennedy Disagrees with Chris Cuomo about God and Our Rights
Chris Cuomo is at it again. He is claiming that our founders, the documents they penned, and the system of government they established were godless. In fact, these men were so distrustful of God and government that they kept Him out of our founding documents. Cuomo’s latest historical ignorance came
Obama’s ‘Legitimate Grievances’ to Behead, Burn, and Torture?
Everybody has so-called legitimate grievances, but 99.999% percent of them don’t kill people because of them. In fact, saying you killed somebody because you had a grievance against that person won’t get you very far in court unless you’re a homosexual couple that wanted a cake made for a same-sex
The Best Interview Employment Test Ever
One of the hardest things an employer has to do these days is to find out who will turn out to be a good employee. College isn’t much of an indicator since people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Michael Dell never graduated from college. Here’s a list of “100
Howard Dean Says Scott Walker is ‘Unknowledgeable’ and Not Qualified to be President
Isn’t it amazing how all of a sudden liberals are interested in the college careers of presidential candidates? Where was all this interest when Barack Obama was running for president? Have we ever seen a transcript? Obama has never released his college records. Now that two-time elected Governor Scott Walker
How Did America Lose Its Mind and Soul?
What happened in the United States that got us to this point in history? There are lots of theories and avenues to the insanity. But if there is one institution that’s done it, it’s our educational system. Most schools in the United States – from kindergarten through the graduate level,
Tax Man Obama Wants to Tax Your Tax-Free Savings Accounts
In the biblical book of Job, we find Job saying, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). In the United States, the State is god. What the State gives, it can take away. Glenn Harlan Reynolds, writing in USA Today,
Chick-fil-A Booted From Indiana University Campus Because of Same-Sex Marriage Controversy
Your tax dollars are paying for this: “Chick-fil-A has been booted off another campus because a small group of students with voting power disagreed with some of the business’ Biblical beliefs.” If this were a private college that got absolutely no tax money, I would not object. But colleges are
Can Mike Huckabee be President by Supporting Common Core?
Liberals knew that if they could capture the schools, they would have future generations of people agreeing with them on almost everything. They sold parents on the premise that public education is “free.” In reality, it has been very costly, not only in monetary value but in ideological devaluation. Mike
Virginia Homeschooling Kids Required to Defend Religious Beliefs
Homeschooling is a liberty issue and not exclusively a religious issue. Christians make a big mistake when they argue that because of their religious beliefs they should be exempt from what amounts to government tyranny for everybody. This happened in the Hobby lobby contraception case. Nobody should be forced to
Obama’s New Program to Steal More Money from Taxpayers and Buy Votes
Let’s suppose I wanted to send my children to college, but I couldn’t afford it. So I decided to steal the identity of one of my neighbors and take money from his account and use it to send my children to college. Would that be morally justifiable? I suspect that
Do You Want to Guess How Ignorant These Liberals Are?
You don’t have to be a genius to know how the government and/or governments of the United States works/work. We are a nation of states. Each state has its own constitution and elected officials. It was the original thirteen states that created the national government and gave it very specific
Billy Graham’s Grandson Claims Christianity is Damaged by Preaching about Politics
Pastor Tullian Tchividjian, the grandson of famed evangelist Billy Graham and senior pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is once again claiming “that evangelical Christianity has been tarnished by its association with the religious right.” Tarnished by whom? Who is making this claim and where are they getting
Guess What a Liberal Group Wants Kids to Steal From their Parents
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Nazi Germany . . . everywhere we go.” (Sung to the tune of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.”) Young people are being enlisted in a campaign to disarm their parents. It’s reminiscent of the Hitler Youth Movement. Hitler Youth Leader
Professor Banned From Campus for Disagreeing about Gay Marriage
Liberals are selective when discussing academic freedom. The Galileo affair figures prominently among liberal academics. They praise Galileo because he challenged the accepted science of the day. The Aristotelian scientists, astronomers, philosophers, and ethicists had adopted Aristotle’s claim that the earth was the center of the cosmos. Galileo disagreed and