New York Passes Law to Stop Conservative Churches from Addressing Politics
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a state version of the federal Johnson Amendment that “bars non-profit entities like religious organizations from endorsing candidates or donating to political campaigns.” “Religious organizations” includes churches. NY State Sen. Liz Krueger had this to say about the bill: This is a
Are Liberals Really Against Rape and Sexual Assault?
It’s fascinating what liberals will justify in the name of their pet political policies. If an accused rapist votes the way they want him to vote, they will keep him in office. The following is from the January 5, 2016 episode of “The View”: JOY BEHAR: Hillary is in a
Senators Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy and the “Waitress Sandwhich”
The Supreme Court was never meant to be the final arbiter of right and wrong. Our founders never set up the non-elected members of a Supreme Court to make law. The founders would never have thought of giving so much power to five unelected people after dividing the power of
The Clarence Thomas Inquisition Revisited: Brett Kavanaugh in Egypt
The Preacher wrote: “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). There are lessons to be learned from an understanding of how the Bible deals with false
It’s Time to Put the Late Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and the Democrat Party on Trial
There was Clarence Thomas v. Anita Hill, Roy Moore v. some teenage girls, and now it’s Brett Kavanaugh v. Christine Blasey Ford who claims Kavanaugh abused her more than 35 years ago when they were teenagers. The thing of it is, except maybe in the Moore case, it’s one person’s
Al Franken, Congress, and Selective Moral Outrage
Democrats have no problem with people like Al Franken as long as people like him vote for Democrat policies.
Democrats Own Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, and this Barista
Sexual abuse, demeaning women, and promoting all types of sexual libertinism are the domain of the Democrats and their supporters. The latest is Harvey Weinstein.
Why the GOP Loses the Big Elections
It’s not only some of the GOP’s bad policies and believing that if they compromise with Democrats the Democrats will return the favor and compromise with them that loses the big elections for what’s left of the Grand Old Party. It’s their unwillingness to fight because they don’t believe they
This is the Reason Millions of People like Trump and Despise the GOP Establishment
“Sunday on Fox News Channel’s ‘Fox & Friends’ Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said if the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton attacks him as sexist, it is ‘fair game’ to bring up her husband former President Bill Clinton’s indiscretions.” (H/T: Breitbart) This is why people like Trump, even though they know he’s not
This New Video May Sink Hillary’s Campaign
If those in the media ever break ranks and report honestly on the lack of honesty of Hillary Clinton, it will be a new day in America. We will be through with the Clintons forever. The media won’t break ranks until they know there is an electable alternative to her.
ISIS Video Uses Obama and Bill Clinton to Recruit for ISIS
At Saturday evening’s Democrat debate in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trump is the biggest recruiter for ISIS and that ISIS is using Trump videos as propaganda for recruitment. “He is becoming ISIS’ biggest recruiter,” Clinton said “They are showing videos of Donald Trump” as propaganda. Hillary Clinton
Confederate Flag and Racism are a Democrat Problem
The Confederate Battle flag has only recently become an issue because Democrats see it as a way to gain some political advantage over Republicans. It’s because Nikki Haley the governor of South Carolina is a Republican. Somehow the flag is her problem and the GOP’s problem. The Democrats ruled the
Bill Clinton’s Former Spiritual Advisor Goes Gay
Support for homosexual unions, commitment ceremonies, and marriages are coming from within the church. This should not surprise us since Paul warned the Ephesian elders nearly 2000 years ago: “I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your
Lawsuit Filed Against Clintons for Possible Racketeering
“Somebody has to do it.” These are the words of Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch regarding the possible criminal actions of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Since Congress is afraid to act, it’s up to private citizens to investigate the Clintons and growing suspicions about the way they are using their
Former Spiritual Adviser to Bill Clinton Says Christians Should Vote for Hillary
Tony Campolo is a social liberal who speaks to many conservative groups who says that he is opposed to homosexual relationships while his wife, Peggy, is not. They play a good cop-bad cop role. Tony Campolo has been described as “probably the most influential Christian communicator to Baby Boomers and young people in the English language. He writes
Hillary Clinton Said the Bible is the ‘Biggest Influence’ in Her Life
Hillary Clinton will say whatever is necessary to get elected. The biggest whopper is that the Bible is the biggest influence in her life. The following is from 2014: “Many believe a 2016 presidential bid by Hillary Clinton is all but inevitable. With her recent increase in media exposure, the
Scary: ‘Five Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Wins in 2016’
In order to defeat an opponent, you need to know what you’re up against. Wishful thinking will not cut it. Whatever the reasons are — even if they are insane in our way of thinking — they must be confronted, planned for, and acted upon. We should never say “the American
Gays Say Jewish Business Must Print “Death to Israel” Signs
The title to this article is the logical extension of protests against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. If a baker is discriminating by refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, then a printer is discriminating for not printing a “Death to Israel” sign. Homosexuals and their ignorant supporters