Pushback is the New Politics: PP, Women Fighting ISIS, and the Redskins
Why is Donald Trump high in the polls? He’s not afraid to push back against the establishment. Why doesn’t the GOP establishment? Because he keeps pushing back, doesn’t apologize, and is not giving in. I’ve spoken to a lot of people about Trump, and nearly everyone says it’s not that

Obama’s $1 Billion Library and ‘Income Inequality’
Hillary Clinton and President Obama talk a lot about income inequality. It’s the mainstay of the Democrat Party. Actually, they love income inequality as long as their income is unequal to everyone else’s income. The Clintons are multi-millionaires and the Obamas are most likely in that class and soon to be

Black Pastors Attack Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger for Racist Views
While the media continue to ignore the Planned Parenthood videos, keeping the truth behind what the abortion provider really does hidden from people who continue to watch the failing establishment media, a number of new developments have taken place that might get some attention. The first is about a group

Hillary Clinton Plans to Buy Youth Vote with New College Plan
Hillary Clinton is tanking in the polls. The admitted socialist Bernie Sanders is beating her in some polls. He has huge crowd numbers. Hillary remains in hiding hoping to wait out the ascendancy of Sanders. Sanders’ only hiccup is that the Black Lives Matter crowd doesn’t believe he’s a big

Blacks Revolt Against their Democrat Slave Masters
NBC is reporting that Democrat/Socialist “presidential candidate Bernie Sanders left a campaign event in Seattle without giving his speech Saturday after ‘black lives matter’ activists took over the podium.” This isn’t the first time that Black Lives Matter protesters have protested racial inequality by going after so-called Progressive candidates. “On

Chris Matthews Wanted Evolution Question Asked at GOP Debate
Chris Matthews, like liberals in general, is about the “Gotcha questions.” The purpose,, of course, is to keep an opponent off balance so a candidate won’t bring up troubling aspects of liberal policies. One such “Gotacha question” is the subject of evolution. Here’s what Matthews had to say on the

Government Literally Does Not Care What You Think: Just Follow the Money
The phrase “follow the money” first appeared in the 1976 film All The President’s Men, made part of the film by screenwriter William Goldman who attributed the phrase to Deep Throat. To “follow the money” means that ultimately political decision making and political corruption are about money and power to get the money. No political

Planned Parenthood and the 3% Abortion Myth
The folks at Planned Parenthood and the organization’s apologists are sending out the narrative that abortions only make up 3% of its total services but are not telling us what percentage that number represents. So why make such a big deal about Planned Parenthood and abortion when this number is

“Does the Bible have Authority Over the Constitution?,” Ben Carson is Asked
Dr. Ben Carson was asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd a question from a Facebook poster named Victor Roush, “Does the Bible have authority over the constitution?” It was posed as a “simple question.” Here is what Dr. Carson said: “That is not a simple question by any stretch of the imagination.

How the Media, Democrats, and the GOP Miscalculated Donald Trump
When Donald Trump first opened his mouth, the liberal media, Democrats, and the GOP establishment believed that attacking him would be a slam dunk. In fact, they believed they didn’t need to attack him. His own words would send him to the political backwater. Boy, were they wrong. “A new Monmouth

Obama Makes Huge Blunder in Pushing ‘Gay’ Rights in Kenya
President Obama traveled to his home country of Kenya. While there, he pushed his pro-homosexual agenda with these comments: “When you start treating people differently not because of any harm they are doing to anybody, but because they are different, that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode,” Obama said

GOP Candidates Can’t Answer this Simple Question
Rick Santorum is the latest Republican presidential hopeful that either refuses to answer the question or can’t answer the question about whether same-sex attraction and action are innate. Scott Walker and Marco Rubio have also waffled on the issue or at least not having a good answer to the question:

There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Education
There’s a liberal meme gong around that list the cost of college in a number of countries. It’s been put together by Occupy Democrats. Occupy Democrats was founded in 2012 as an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to “give President Obama and other progressive (liberal)

Gun Owners Pack Heat to Guard Military Recruiting Center
The recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where four Marines were gunned down by an Islamic terrorist, was a “gun-free zone.” That meant that anybody with evil intent in their heart who had a gun and had some reason to kill American servicemen on United States soil, would meet with no

NAACP Wants to Sandblast Confederate Mount Rushmore
Calls for digging up civil war generals and their wives, removing any symbol of the confederacy, and even painting over the confederate battle emblem on the Dukes of Hazzard show-care the General Lee are gaining steam. It’s all symbol over substance. Not a single black teenager will find a job

‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’: $135,000 Fine for Not Baking a Cake
By now you know that a bakery has been fined $135,000 for not baking a cake for a lesbian wedding. Let that sink in. It’s not that the bakery refused to bake a cake; it only refused to bake a cake with a particular message on it. Now we’re learning

Image of White Man Working on Minnesota Flag is Offensive and ‘Racist’
Judith Harrington is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, and she’s offended. She doesn’t like the image on Minnesota’s state seal that appears on the state flag. “The image of the pioneer, a peaceful man who has laid down his gun and is plowing his field, is juxtaposed

Our Government Would Outlaw the Declaration of Independence Today
Many people don’t know we celebrate Independence Day. It’s a non-work day, so that’s good enough for them. Political independence from a controlling government over local politics was the goal. The following is from Breitbart: “A new poll just out from Rasmussen shows the credibility of the Supreme Court has been severely