Why the GOP Loses the Big Elections
It’s not only some of the GOP’s bad policies and believing that if they compromise with Democrats the Democrats will return the favor and compromise with them that loses the big elections for what’s left of the Grand Old Party. It’s their unwillingness to fight because they don’t believe they
Bernie Sanders Wants Me to Apologize for Something I Didn’t Do
It’s hard getting old. Bernie Sanders is getting old and he’s not thinking straight. It doesn’t help that his political philosophy is out of whack. His latest scheme to get votes is demanding that white America apologize for slavery. I’m pretty sure that the deaths of 600,000 dead American citizens
Three Children of the Founder Who Proposed the ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Clause Were Not Born in the United States
The history behind the inclusion of “Natural Born Citizen” in the Constitution was proposed by one man – John Jay. Jay is described as “an American statesman, Patriot, diplomat, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, signer of the Treaty of Paris, and first Chief Justice of the United States (1789–95).”
Ted Cruz, the Natural Born Citizenship Debate, and Political Payback
I saw an article with this title: “6 Things Ted Cruz Wants You to Forget.” The first one is “He wants you to forget he was born in Canada.” I’m sure there are lots of people who know he was born in Canada to an American mother and some people
If You Really Want to Protest the Government do this One thing that Will Change Everything
Dr. Gary North has written, “You want to rebel against the Feds (and this agenda)? Get your kids and grandkids out of government schools.” What Aamon Bundy and his brothers are doing in the takeover of a Malheur Wildlife Refuge Headquarters to draw attention to the plight of the Hammond
What to Say to People Who Don’t Like Trump’s Strong Language
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh yesterday when a young woman called in and asked Rush how to answer some of her family members who won’t vote for Donald Trump because of his “rough edges.” It was clear to me that this meant some of the harsh things he’s been
Hillary and Obama ‘Most Admired’ Until You Read the Fine Print
A new poll is out that says that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. Do you want to guess what percentage she received to garner the top spot? Obama was the most admired man. Before I give you the numbers, I want to lay out for you
This is the Reason Millions of People like Trump and Despise the GOP Establishment
“Sunday on Fox News Channel’s ‘Fox & Friends’ Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said if the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton attacks him as sexist, it is ‘fair game’ to bring up her husband former President Bill Clinton’s indiscretions.” (H/T: Breitbart) This is why people like Trump, even though they know he’s not
This New Video May Sink Hillary’s Campaign
If those in the media ever break ranks and report honestly on the lack of honesty of Hillary Clinton, it will be a new day in America. We will be through with the Clintons forever. The media won’t break ranks until they know there is an electable alternative to her.
You Could be Fined $250,000 for using the Wrong Pronoun
How many times were we told that legalizing same-sex sexuality and its kissing cousin transgenderism would not affect people who do not engage in same-sex sexuality or decide not to modify their true sexuality? Homosexuals and their advocates kept telling a gullible public that they were all about “live and let live.”
Homosexuals Use Radical Islamist-Like Tactics to Intimidate Christian Schools
Radical Islamists require that a person convert to Islam or lose his property, pay a tax, or — in the most extreme cases — undergo execution. Now it seems that homosexuals are taking a page from the ISIS playbook. You may recall that homosexuals assured us (I never believed it
Liberal Depicts Hispanics as Monkeys: Remember in November
Ted Cruz is an organ grinder and his two daughters are dancing monkeys. That’s what a Pulitzer Prize winner drew: “Ann Telnaes, a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, argued that because the Texas senator had used his children as ‘political props’ in a recent Christmas parody infomercial they were ‘fair game.’”
College Students Want ‘White Christmas’ Song Banned because It’s ‘Racist’
The latest descent into college absurdity are protestations of singing the 1942 Irving Berlin song “White Christmas,” the bestselling recording of all time with more than 150 million copies to its credit. Dan Joseph “presented some college students with a petition urging radio stations to stop playing the holiday classic ‘White Christmas’
Was Justice Scalia Right When He Said Blacks Should Attend Less-Advanced Schools?
During oral arguments concerning an Affirmative Action case, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia “suggested that black students do better in ‘less-advanced schools’ that are on ‘slower tracks.’” “There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do
ACLU Board Member Urges People to Kill Supporters of Donald Trump
Liberals apparently don’t know the meaning of the word liberal. “Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government.” Liberal used to mean “liberty.” Today, liberalism means “if you don’t
Jesus, Guns, and Self-Defense: What Does the Bible Say?
Good Christian? Bad Christian? It all depends on who’s doing the evaluating. The reaction to Jerry Falwell Jr.’s comments on encouraging students at Liberty University to be armed in case there is an ISIS attack at the school has led to a great deal of theological and political angst. Brian
One More Reason to Vote for Cruz: John McCain Doesn’t Like Him
John McCain had his chance. He ran for President and lost. Most conservatives held their nose and voted for him because the alternative was too horrible to contemplate. President Obama has lived up to the horror. McCain would have been better, but he still would have frustrated the hell out
Liberals Pray that Obama and Government Will ‘Fix This’
The cover of the Daily News featured a slam at prayer and God with this headline: “God Isn’t Fixing This.” It followed the headline with this tag line: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to