Cuban Embargo Helped Those it was Intended to Hurt and Hurt Those it was Intended to Help
In the sequel to the film The Godfather, Michael Corleone travels to Cuba during the pre-Castro, pre-Cuban embargo days to finalize some “business” deals with Hyman Roth(stein). “All reports were enthusiastically optimistic,” Doug Casey writes, “but he begged off after witnessing a street fight in which one of Castro’s rebels didn’t

The Real Reason Governments Ban the Ten Commandments
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma. Why are the courts so opposed to the Ten Commandments? Secular governments don’t want any competition. Governments want to be free to establish their own laws without a law

Why Don’t Pro-Gay Companies Use These Real ‘Gay’ Images to Promote Their Products?
There’s a list going around of 35 companies that have come out in support of the 5-4 pro-homosexual marriage decision. support for homosexuality has been going on for a long time in big-name companies — from Coca Cola and American Airlines to Delta Airlines and Whole Foods. In these promotional advertisements

Backlash to Supreme Court’s Decision Comes Fast and Furious
A Pennsylvania newspaper announced that since the Supreme Court has spoken on the issue of same-sex marriage, the debate is over on the subject. Kind of like the debate over abortion – which was “settled” by the Supreme Court in 1973 – is over. The debate goes on, public opinion has changed,

Why the Confederate Flag Could be Bigger than Ever
I don’t own a Confederate Battle flag. I don’t have a dog in the flag flap fight. My grandparents were born in Italy and came to the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. We’ve never owned slaves. I’ve lived in various parts of the country – from

Guns, Cakes, Murderers, Gay Weddings, and Liberal ‘Logic’
You don’t have to be a genius to think like a genius, and you don’t have to be a moron to think like a moron. Here’s some moronic thinking: If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a ‘christian’ baker participated in their marriage, does selling a gun to

Donald Trump Want’s Americans to Pay a 35% Tax on New Cars
Donald Trump wants to run for president. He says he can beat Hillary. Sometimes Donald Trump has something good things to say, and sometimes he makes me shake my head in disbelief. During a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina, “Trump referred to the constantly growing field of Republican candidates as

To Celebrate ‘Caitlyn Jenner’ MLB Signs Amphibious Pitcher
It’s a first for Major League Baseball. The first amphibian has been signed by the Oakland Athletics. The headline of the article reporting on his pitching marvel who opened against the Boston Red Sox reads “Amphibious pitcher makes debut.” I thought, given today’s politically correct climate, if an amphibian wants to pitch

It’s Time for Pastors to Enter the Battle Against Tyranny
There are tens of millions of evangelical Christians in the United States, and millions do not participate in politics even though the Bible says that the civil magistrate is a “minister of God” (Rom. 13:4). Millions of these Christians don’t participate in the political process because their pastors are either

Obama’s 15 Unpaid Tickets, Rubio’s 4, and Ted Kennedy’s 1
If the worst the left can find on Marco Rubio is some traffic tickets, he’s in good shape. When liberals tried to find something on Mitt Romney, they went all the way back to his high school days – 50 years ago — and some hair-cutting incident. I know, it

North Carolina Senate Shows It Has Political Balls
It’s not all bad news for politics. Not all Republicans are limp noodles when it comes to taking on the hard pieces of legislation. North Carolina passed Amendment 1 that proposed to amend the North Carolina Constitution making it unconstitutional for the state to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions. On May 8, 2012, North

Rick Santorum is Not the Political Fighter We Need
Rick Santorum has thrown his hat into the presidential ring. I can’t understand how a politician has been out of a political job for nearly 10 years can all of a sudden thing he’s qualified to be president. Rick Santorum joined the Cruz Busters when the Texas Senator was trying

Dennis Hastert’s Real ‘Crime’ Was How He Made His Money
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been indicted on banking crimes. Did he steal money from the bank? No. Did he fail to pay his taxes? No. So what was his ‘crime’? He withdrew his own money from his bank because he was being blackmailed over alleged sexual misconduct that

Faith-Based Ministries Must Submit to Same-Sex Agenda or Lose Funding
Remember the promise made by many people that same-sex marriage legislation would not affect affect people or organizations that don’t believe in same-sex marriage? No one would be forced to comply with anything related to homosexuality. Live and let live! How is it possible that some people can be so gullible?

Judge Puts Atheist in His Place Over “Under God” in Pledge of Allegiance
It seems that not all judges are whacked. Some judges, although few and far between, actually know some American history, logic, and the Constitution. Almost like clockwork, an atheist high school student, with support from an atheist group, filed a law suit last year against the Matawan-Aberdeen school district in

Obama Criticizes Private Schools While Sending His Daughters to Private Schools
I was driving along, listening to the radio, when I heard President Obama condemn rich folks for sending their children to non-government (private) schools. We don’t dispute that the free market is the greatest producer of wealth in history — it has lifted billions of people out of poverty. We

Romans 13, Christian Resistance, and the Coming Tyranny
In a previous article I discussed the biblical principle of Christian resistance as it relates to the upcoming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. As was pointed out in that article, there are examples in the Bible of God’s people resisting direct commands by civil officials based on a very

12 Reasons Homosexual Marriage Will Wreck the Nation
In addition to being the editor and a contributor to Godfather Politics, I also serve as president of American Vision, a Christian ministry that deals with biblical worldview issues. American Vision has been involved in issues like same-sex marriage, politics, economics, education, ethics, atheism, creation and evolution, apologetics, and many