The Tyranny of Law in America and the Subversion of History
There’s not a lot to celebrate this July 4th. Our founding institutions have been corrupted and subverted, and it didn’t begin when the Supreme Court ruled that states must sanction the perversion of something called “same-sex marriage.” When Supreme Court Justice Charles Evan Hughes declared, “We are under a Constitution,

The Real Reason Governments Ban the Ten Commandments
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma. Why are the courts so opposed to the Ten Commandments? Secular governments don’t want any competition. Governments want to be free to establish their own laws without a law

Why Don’t Pro-Gay Companies Use These Real ‘Gay’ Images to Promote Their Products?
There’s a list going around of 35 companies that have come out in support of the 5-4 pro-homosexual marriage decision. support for homosexuality has been going on for a long time in big-name companies — from Coca Cola and American Airlines to Delta Airlines and Whole Foods. In these promotional advertisements

Backlash to Supreme Court’s Decision Comes Fast and Furious
A Pennsylvania newspaper announced that since the Supreme Court has spoken on the issue of same-sex marriage, the debate is over on the subject. Kind of like the debate over abortion – which was “settled” by the Supreme Court in 1973 – is over. The debate goes on, public opinion has changed,

Another Stupid Anti-Gun Meme
There are too many Americans who can’t think straight anymore (if they ever could). They say stupid things that they believe are good arguments. Most likely they pass on somebody else’s stupid “argument” believing that it answers an intended objective. Unfortunately, these people are permitted to vote. A few years

Terrorism and Violence for Social Change are Tactics of the Left
Once again liberals want to blame a murder spree on conservatives. Somehow Dylann Roof represents conservatives because he used a gun to kill 9 innocent black people in church and likes the Confederate Battle flag. Liberals did a similar thing with the Oklahoma City bombing. And what’s a liberal’s solution?

What Liberals Refuse to Acknowledge About Gun Violence
“Let’s be clear: At some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,” President Obama said in response to the murders that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Why Interracial Marriage and Same-Sex Marriage are Not the Same
The homosexual movement has hitched its wagon to the racial equality train. In days past, interracial marriages were prohibited by law in some states. Homosexuality was prohibited by law in every state. The laws have since changed concerning interracial marriages; therefore, the laws should change for same-sex marriage. Is this

Vince Vaughn Slaps Down Anti-Gun Crowd
Will Vince Vaughn ever work in Hollywood again? His comments about the Second Amendment and gun ownership have gone viral. Geraldo Rivera likened Vaughn’s comments in British GQ to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Here’s what Vaughn said: “I support people having a gun in public full stop, not just

Dennis Hastert’s Real ‘Crime’ Was How He Made His Money
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been indicted on banking crimes. Did he steal money from the bank? No. Did he fail to pay his taxes? No. So what was his ‘crime’? He withdrew his own money from his bank because he was being blackmailed over alleged sexual misconduct that

Faith-Based Ministries Must Submit to Same-Sex Agenda or Lose Funding
Remember the promise made by many people that same-sex marriage legislation would not affect affect people or organizations that don’t believe in same-sex marriage? No one would be forced to comply with anything related to homosexuality. Live and let live! How is it possible that some people can be so gullible?

Lawsuit Filed Against Clintons for Possible Racketeering
“Somebody has to do it.” These are the words of Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch regarding the possible criminal actions of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Since Congress is afraid to act, it’s up to private citizens to investigate the Clintons and growing suspicions about the way they are using their

Why Does Ireland’s Pro-Gay Vote Count but not the Votes of 30 States in the US?
Ireland overwhelmingly voted for same-sex marriage. Why does Ireland’s vote count when in the United States votes by state legislatures and the general public (e.g., California, Alabama, Texas) are often overruled by unelected judges? Why is it right in Ireland to vote for something and have it mean something, but

NJ Lawmakers Vote to Discriminate Against People Who Want to Have Sex with Animals
Lawmakers in New Jersey did a discriminatory thing. I realize that for most (probably all, although there are some liberal trolls) the readers of Godfather Politics will approve of what New Jersey has done. But take note of the fact there is no moral, logical, constitutional, traditional, legal, or scientific

Liberals Only Support the Death Penalty for Unborn Babies
Nancy Gertner, a retired federal judge and a professor at Harvard Law School, writing an opinion piece for the Boston Globe, is morally outraged that the jury in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the Boston Marathon bombing trial unanimously chose the death penalty instead of life imprisonment for the

Romans 13, Christian Resistance, and the Coming Tyranny
In a previous article I discussed the biblical principle of Christian resistance as it relates to the upcoming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. As was pointed out in that article, there are examples in the Bible of God’s people resisting direct commands by civil officials based on a very

A Case for Christian Resistance in Anticipation of the Pro-Same-Sex Marriage Decision
In the fight against same-sex marriage, a number of Christian leaders are warning, “We will not obey. . . . We respectfully warn the Supreme Court not to cross that line,” reads a document titled Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage. “We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake

Two False Teachings that Have Gotten us into This Mess
I know I’m going to get into trouble for writing this article. That’s OK. It needs to be said. While there are numerous contributing factors as to why we are at this point in time with the Supreme Court about to redefine the very nature of the family and what