How to End Illegal Immigration, Stop Government Theft, and Save Billions
Hungary doesn’t have a migrant problem. Why do migrants not try to get into Hungary? Cal Thomas writes: Two summers ago on a visit to Budapest, I asked the spokesman for the Hungarian government about the growing problem of migrants coming into Europe. He told me Hungary doesn’t have a migrant problem

The Midterms: “Free Stuff” or Freedom?
In previous articles, I’ve mentioned that we really wouldn’t need a wall to protect our borders if we did not live in a massive and growing welfare state. The great migration to the United States that my Italian grandparents took advantage of happened prior to the income tax, Social Security,

Some Things the Bible Says About Immigration
Liberals and conservatives are using the Bible to defend their versions of immigration. I’m glad the Left is using the Bible. It’s too bad they don’t appeal to the Bible on issues like abortion and same-sex sexuality. While we can derive moral principles related to how to treat people who

Liberals Are Now Interested in What the Bible Says (Not Really)
The hypocrisy of the Left is astounding. The Bible has now become the favorite go-to source for ethics. Who would have thought that such a thing could happen? Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrisy. Here’s an example: Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying: “The

Liberal Outrage on Detaining Children but Not Killing Them
Wonders never cease. Almost overnight, Liberals are using the Bible as a textbook for governing on the topic of immigration. They hate the Bible when it addresses abortion and same-sex sexuality, but they love the Bible when they think they’ve found Bible passages that support socialism and wealth redistribution of

Is Christmas About a Homeless Couple or Government Tyranny?
Every Christmas, liberals who despise the Bible and its message about abortion, same-sex sexuality, and the 8th commandment (“You shall not steal”) try to find something from the Bible to advance a liberal cause they claim is based on the Bible. For them, the Bible is selectively relevant and authoritative.

George W. Bush Attacks Trump for ‘Blaspheming’ the State
For 8 years former Pres. George W. Bush said almost nothing about the policies of former Pres. Obama.

Abolish the Welfare State and We Won’t Need a Wall
The only way we are going to win the anti-illegal immigration battle is to go to the root of the problem: America’s unconstitutional wealth-transfer system. We need to remove the incentives for people who come to the United States for a free ride. This will mean dismantling the welfare state

3 Illegal Immigrant Gang Members Charged with Murder of 17-year-old
The oldest gang member is 24 years old. One of the men is already wanted for murder in Maryland.

“Scholar of American Religion” Doesn’t Know Much about Christianity
In a USA Today article, Stephen Prothero writes that “Sanders, a secular Jew, is the most Christian candidate in this race.” Prothero self-identifies as a “scholar of American religion.” All that means is that he has a PhD from a secular institution, but it doesn’t guarantee that he really knows that

Why Immigration Won’t Solve the World’s Problems
If Islam is so great, why aren’t Muslims heading for Muslim-led nations? We’ve been told my Muslim “scholars” that Islam built great civilizations. If this is true, why haven’t Islamic nations flourished like Europe and the United States? The type of questions can be asked of every poverty-stricken country. In

Is Obama’s Immigration Policy Letting In Paris-Like Terrorists?
While Muslim extremists are killing Christians, threatening to burn down churches, and bombing some of Europe’s major cities, a cadre of college students is fearful of “micro-aggression” and want “safe places” so they don’t have to endure speech that disturbs them. What do they think would happen if Islamists took

Liberals See Immigration as a Way to Abolish the Second Amendment
The long-term effects of immigration — legal and illegal — could have disastrous consequences. First, soccer would become the national past time. Second, the Second Amendment would be abolished: “Mass immigration from the Third World would destroy the NRA and ultimately the Second Amendment, a Washington Post op-ed declares, as

Boston Bombers Were Refugees
The early days of American immigration had certain standards for those entering the country. It was an orderly process. There were designated areas where immigrants were screened. If you check immigration records, you can see dates, names, point of entry, etc. My oldest son is investigating the records of his great-grandparents

Two Ways to Fix Immigration
The majority of people opposed to Obama’s immigration policies are not opposed to immigration in general but to what America has become in particular. The great waves of immigration that built America happened when the government of the United States was relatively small. There was no Federal Department of Education,

Call it a ‘Safety Security Entryway’ not a ‘Wall’
Donald Trump has said that as President he would build a wall along the border between Mexico and the United States to stop the flow of illegal immigration. “It’s gonna be a great wall,” Trump said. “This will be a wall with a big, very beautiful door because we want

Immigration Reform: Now is the Time to Abolish the Welfare State
Democrats are keen on not letting a crisis go to waste. As soon as the Virginia shooting took place, liberals were immediately calling for more gun control even though the man who murdered the two news crew workers jumped through all the legal hoops. You can’t legislate against evil and

ACLU Wants to Force Catholic Charities to Kill Unborn Babies
Reproductive freedom is a euphemism for child murder. Being “pro-choice” means being pro-abortion and ignores the choice of the innocent unborn child being killed. Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with parenthood. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a well thought out euphemism for oppression since the organization is selective