What Should the Punishment Be for Jussie Smollett’s Lying Hoax?
It’s looking bad for Jussie Smollet. He’s no longer the victim. He’s the accused. Not only did he fabricate the story, but he played it out in real time. He not only committed a crime, but he conspired with others to advance the crime in the defamation of President Trump

Al Sharpton’s Latest Racist Rant
Al Sharpton is not interested in racial reconciliation. His latest comments about the Royal Wedding is all the evidence a person needs to see that he’s a racist and a racial divider. Sharpton claimed that the marriage of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the mixed-race actress Meghan Markle is evidence that white supremacy

Roy Moore, Sexual Harassment, and Telling the Truth
We have an obligation to search out the truth in the Roy Moore case.

Criticizing Christians for Being ‘Less than Loving’ Means Criticizing Jesus for the Same Thing
“The enemies of the truth are always awfully nice.” “Truth is the strong compost in which beauty may sometimes germinate.” Christopher Morley (1890-1957) President Obama said the following during an Easter Prayer Breakfast at the White House: “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I

Hoaxer, Race Baiter, MSNBC Host, and Tax-Cheat Al Sharpton Loves Darwin
Al Sharpton seems to get away with every moral infraction. Many people ask how he can live with himself knowing that he was involved in the smearing of six white men when he took up for Tawana Brawley who claimed she had been raped and left with racial slurs written

Rabbi Michael Lerner Compares Christians in Congress to Islamic Extremists
Rabbi Michael Lerner wrote the following in the Huffington Post: “I fear those fundamentalist extremists just as much as I fear the Jewish extremists who have threatened my life and the Christian extremists who are now exercising power over the U.S. Congress. Every form of violence outrages and sickens me.”

Republican Steve Scalise Gets Skewered While Liberal Democrats Got Passes
Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is being attacked because of some of his past political relationships. Conservatives and liberals alike are calling for his resignation. As expected, USA Today and the Chicago Tribune, have called on Scalise to resign his House GOP leadership post: “USA Today argued that Scalise’s longtime relationship

A Biblical Solution to False Rape Charges
There has been a great deal of attention given to reports of rape. Rolling Stone magazine reported on an alleged “brutal gang rape of a woman named Jackie during a party at a University of Virginia fraternity house.” Included in the story was that the University failed “to respond to this alleged

Race Baiters Hate Conservatives Who Support Black Woman Whose Business was Attacked
“Racist” is the word liberals use to shut off debate. When they are losing the argument, they pull the race card. Everything any white person does is racist. Whites can’t help being racists. They are white. To add to the indictment, a new race card has been pulled. It’s called

Hispanic Reporter Gets Schooled when She Pulls the Race Card
Pulling the race card in an attempt to win a political debate may be over. I’ll quote Saul Alinsky on this one from his “12 Rules for Radicals”: RULE 7: ‘A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.’ Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So

NBA, Liberal, Black, and Media Hypocrites
Donald Sterling has been fined by the NBA and is banned for life from attending any NBA games or have any contact with players. It’s amazing how swiftly justice is meted out when money is involved. Oprah said Sterling’s comments remind her of “a plantation mentality in the 21st century,

Al Sharpton Blasts Sarah Palin for Making Debt-Slavery Comparison
Sarah Palin compared the federal debt to slavery. Al Sharpton took immediate offense: “Our federal debt is like slavery? Slavery was horrific, vile, a vile practice that was explicitly based on race. So it’s hard to avoid sounding racist when you make comparisons like that. This kind of talk has

Why Aren’t there Any Asian Race Hustlers?
Where among Asian Americans do we find anything comparable to the race hustlers in the black community? Where are the Asian versions of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? How many Asian Americans are there in Congress pushing for a specific Asian carve out for appropriations? If there are any, we

MLK III: Skin Color a License to Murder
Martin Luther King III said the following at the 50th anniversary of his father’s “I Have a Dream” Speech: “However, sadly, the tears of Trayvon Martin’s mother and father remind us that, far too frequently, the color of one’s skin remains a license to profile, to arrest and to even

George Zimmerman Should Sue, Sue, Sue
George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin in self defense. That’s what a six-woman jury determined. Racial politics forced this trial. If you’ve been following the case, you know the story. Here’s a short lesson for all of us to remember: “The first to plead his case seems right, “Until another comes

If You Want to Win ‘Don’t Back Down’
If you want to win, you can’t back down. Define your position and stick with it. If you are going to run for political office, you better have positions that you’ve thought about for years. Run on them. If you don’t win; so be it. Keep at it until you

What to Make of “If Newtown Shooter Killed Black Kids We Probably Wouldn’t Be Talking About Guns”
MSNBCs Toure Neblett, who is black, made the following racially charged and ignorant claim last week: “If Adam Lanza had walked into a black public school in this mythical South Brooklyn or in the Southside of Chicago, we would probably not be having a sustained national conversation about guns.” Most

Obama as God and Father of the Nation
Worshiping political leaders is not a new thing. From the Egyptians and the Romans to Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong the citizenry were called on to worship their leaders. Dominus et Deus Noster, “Our Lord and God” was attributed to the Roman emperor to Domitian, who served as Emperor from AD