Why Aren’t there Any Asian Race Hustlers?
Where among Asian Americans do we find anything comparable to the race hustlers in the black community? Where are the Asian versions of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
How many Asian Americans are there in Congress pushing for a specific Asian carve out for appropriations? If there are any, we don’t hear about them.
Why is it that Asians don’t seem to need programs to advance educationally or economically? I wonder how many Asians are on welfare, food stamps, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)?
There was a time when colleges were being criticized for accepting so many Asians. The problem was that the Asian students had high test grades. Not to accept them would mean discriminating against success. A New York Times article asks if Asian students are too smart for their own good: “In the 1920s, people asked: will Harvard still be Harvard with so many Jews? Today we ask: will Harvard still be Harvard with so many Asians?”
Why is it that, generally speaking, Asian Americans have a lower high school dropout rate than Hispanics and blacks? In fact, Asian Americans score higher than whites on achievement tests. “Asians have the highest proportion of college graduates of any race or ethnic group in the country and this compares with 28 percent for all Americans 25 and older.” The following is an astounding statistic:
“Median household income [$67,885] for Asians in 2011 [is] the highest among all race groups. However, median household income differed greatly by Asian group. For Asian Indians, for example, the median income in 2011 was $92,418; for Bangladeshi-Americans, it was $45,185.”
There is a perception among liberals, and a growing number of conservatives, that the poor and disadvantaged need a governmental helping hand. Programs need to be developed and funded in order to raise the poor to an acceptable economic and social level. Are these programs necessary? Do they do more harm than good?
Thomas Sowell comments:
“There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.
“Often these Asian immigrants arrive not only with very little money, but also very little knowledge of English. They start out working at low-paid jobs but working so many hours, often at more than one job, that they are able to put a little money aside.
“After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.
“Some people try to explain why Asians and Asian-Americans succeed so well in education and in the economy by some special characteristics that they have. That may be true, but their success may also be a result of what they do not have; namely, ‘leaders’ who tell them that the deck is so stacked against them that they cannot rise, or at least not without depending on ‘leaders.’”
There is a general attitude among many young people today that they are too good for some jobs. If they can’t the job of their dreams right out of college, then they will vote for politicians who will make laws that will insure them economic success.
As a group, Asian Americans prove that there is no need for race hustlers. The Asian community has proved that it’s better off with out them.