Why Many Liberal Women’s Groups Are Sticking with Biden
Why are most liberal women’s groups and high profile Democrat women not going after Biden over the sexual assault allegation? Because Democrat politics is all about abortion. They know Biden will vote that women have the right to kill their unborn babies. If some women were sexually assaulted by him,

Biden Says You are a ‘Terrorist’
The Internet has a long memory. Joe Biden has an Internet trail of gaffes with praises for segregationists and more sinister racial problems. In a 1975 Senate hearing, the legendary civil rights lawyer Jack Greenberg had something to say to freshman Sen. Joe Biden. Greenberg, longtime director of the NAACP

Could This Former Supreme Court Justice Be Appointed to the Court Today?
Supreme Court Associate Justice James Wilson (1742-1798) said that the government of the United States of America is “the best form of government which has ever been offered to the world.” Wilson, as a delegate from Pennsylvania to the Constitutional Convention and a signer of the Declaration of Independence (one

Roy Moore, Sexual Harassment, and Telling the Truth
We have an obligation to search out the truth in the Roy Moore case.

A Lesson from the Nuremberg Trials and Today’s Morality Problem
We’re beginning to hear from Hollywood insiders that Hollywood “has no moral authority.” It’s not just Hollywood. By what standard is morality determined today? How many times have we heard, “You can’t impose your morality on me”? In what way is it morally right for women to impose their view

Joe Biden Says ‘Abortion is Always Wrong’ But He Supports It Anyway
When then candidate Obama chose Joe Biden as his VP, the topic of abortion came up. Biden is Roman Catholic, and if there is a consistent voice of opinion in the Church it’s that abortion is a grave moral wrong. Biden has taken what he describes as a “middle-of-the-road position”:

Joe Biden Wants to ‘Emancipate Wealth’ by Stealing More of It and Making More Poor People
Joe Biden is creepy and dangerous. He was picked by Obama to be the vice-president for two reasons: First, because he knew that Biden could not compete with him in the realm of public popularity. He needed a vice-president who would not upstage him. Biden was the perfect pick. The

Why America Can’t Defend Itself Against Sharia Law
There is a great amount of fear that Sharia law will make its way to the United States. Efforts are underway to stop it. What legal/moral standard will be used to determine why Sharia Law should not be implemented? What is the foundation of law in the United States? Does

Republican Steve Scalise Gets Skewered While Liberal Democrats Got Passes
Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is being attacked because of some of his past political relationships. Conservatives and liberals alike are calling for his resignation. As expected, USA Today and the Chicago Tribune, have called on Scalise to resign his House GOP leadership post: “USA Today argued that Scalise’s longtime relationship

Six Years and Two Voter Maps: The Great Political Shift
The 2014 election has become a huge story. It’s so big that liberals don’t know what to think of it. They’ve had to throw away all their pre-written scripts, go off teleprompter, and come up with a new narrative. They are dazed and confused. “Tennis Channel CEO Ken Solomon told the Hollywood

Joe Biden is an Idiot, a Plagiarist, and a Liar
I believe President Obama chose Joe Biden as vice president because Biden would make Obama look good. There would never be any question about Joe Biden overshadowing the President. There was no way that Obama was going to lose running against John McCain and the liberal media no matter who

Democrats Still Pushing False Assault Weapon Narrative in Navy Yard Shooting
Democrat strategist Steve McMahon was on MSNBC with Chris Jansing Monday evening pushing for more gun control legislation in the aftermath of the Navy Yard shooting: “I think you’re absolutely right that the NRA has the politicians in Washington and many state legislatures completely spooked, but Wayne LaPierre talked about

Navy Yard Shooter Followed Biden’s Advice and Obama’s Example
The first reports that came out about the Navy Yard shootings were that the perpetrator had used an AR-15 “assault rifle.” An AR-15 is no more an assault rifle than a single shot rifle, because that’s what an AR-15 is. It just had to be an “assault weapon” in order

‘Saving Lives’ is the New Liberal Phrase for ‘Tyranny’
There you have it. Vice President Joe Biden says the government has the right to restrict gun ownership because it’s in the best interest of people. It will mean “saving lives.” He compares further gun restrictions to seat belt legislation. CNS News reports: “Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday compared

Biden’s “I’m Personally Opposed to Abortion” Argument
In the vice-presidential debate, the topic of abortion came up. Vice-President Biden said that he was “personally opposed to abortion,” but he did not believe it was right to oppose his personal aversion to abortion on women who disagree with his personal beliefs. Biden is Roman Catholic, and if there

Biden to Play ‘Crazy’ Joe Davola in New Seinfeld Episode
If you have been following the post-debate commentary on Joe Biden’s performance, you already know that Crazy Joe showed up. My wife was immediately turned off by his antics. People who saw the debate tell me that they didn’t hear a thing Biden said. They only saw his facial expressions,

Business Owners Stand Up to Anti-Freedom Business Bullies
A baker in Massachusetts refuses to sell her dessert pies to people who pay for them with their food stamp card (EBT Card). She maintains that the EBT card should be used for necessities. If they want to purchase desserts, they should use their own money. The controversy started when

100 Million Americans are in Chains and Joe Biden Wants to Keep them that Way
I love Joe Biden. The more he opens his mouth, the more people see how bankrupt this administration is. Did President Obama pick Biden to make himself look and sound better to the American people? The latest foot in mouth disease statement came when he was addressing a crowd in