Fight Eco-Catastrophe: Follow Miley Cyrus’ Example
Miley Cyrus will not have children until the earth is healed. She believes, like so many other people, that human-caused climate change is real, as if humans can control the climate. It seems to me that if she’s serious about all of this that she and her husband would live

Climate Alarmism is the Left’s Apocalypticism
On Rush Limbaugh’s program yesterday (6.24.19), Rush spent some time discussing the HBO show Big Little Lies and how a teacher was scaring children that the world was going to end soon because of Climate Change. One student is so distraught that she hides in a closet and faints. “She’s

What You Believe about Climate Change Could Ruin Your Financial Future
Climate alarmism is becoming climate fanaticism and extremism. In order to sell the belief that Earth is doomed so that governments can expand their taxing authority and power, outrageous claims are being made. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to evaluate evidence. If enough authorities say something is true, then

DC Tornado-Like Weather and the Proof of a ‘Climate Crisis’
There is no excuse anymore for not getting history right. A simple search on the internet will set the record straight on most historical matters. The Bible requires two witnesses. This is no less true when investigating the claims of history when politicians and special interest groups are trying to

The Cult of the Modern-Day Democrat Party
In the 1960s and 1970s, cults were in the news. People could not understand how educated young people could be deceived to join up with Charles Manson and follow Jim Jones to Jonestown and do horrible things. Manson was a pipsqueak of a man, and yet he had many loyal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Believes the Bible … Sort Of
Democrats, who continue to pass laws making killing unborn babies a fundamental right love to quote the Bible. Nancy Pelosi, a big supporter of abortion on demand, and a Catholic like Gov. Andrew Cuomo, believes she and the Democrats “are doing God’s work.” Hillary Clinton, who claims to be a Christian, declared

Why the US is Falling Behind in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
I read an interesting article on why the United States is no longer leading the world in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It seems we’re having to import talent from China, Iran, and India. We put men on the moon in 1969 with mostly American engineers, scientists, and mathematicians.

Fake Facts About Christopher Columbus and the Flat-Earth Myth
Cristopher Columbus is back in the news but out of favor. Pres. Trump praised the intrepid explorer on what used to be Columbus Day but is now Indigenous Peoples Day. “Christopher Columbus’s spirit of determination & adventure has provided inspiration to generations of Americans,” Trump tweeted. “On #ColumbusDay, we honor his

What’s the Cause of the Recent Hurricanes and Earthquake? Judgment? Last Days?
When we experience devastating natural disasters, people often ask, “Why”? Some blame or give credit to God. Others make political statements, like Jennifer Lawrence who said, “You’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard … not to feel Mother Nature’s rage or wrath.” There is no such thing as Mother Nature.

The Real Reason The Left is Freaking Out Over US Pullout of Paris Accord
The freakout from the Left over Trump’s pullout from the Paris Accord (non-treaty) was predictable. The issue was never about science and saving the earth. It has always been about wealth redistribution. There’s only so much a government can do to raise revenue through taxation. There’s an upper limit, and

Climate change? Blame John Deere.
New data is challenging the global warming agenda. The narrative employed by the global warming movement, however, is not new. The plot is the same. Only the characters have changed. It’s a recycled move out of an old government playbook…

What happens when a leftist denies global warming?
Not only that, but a leftist who writes for The New York Times…

Shock study: teaching Conservatives about science removes their Liberal leanings
This kind of news drives the liberals crazy. I find it delightful…

In 1977 Jimmy Carter Said We Should Have Run Out of Oil by Now
Global Warming/Climate Change advocates claim that the debate is over. The science is settled. Debating the “science” behind the certainty of man-made Climate Change is like debating whether the earth is flat or round. So say supposedly 97 percent of all scientists. Rubbish. A similar no-debate claim was made in

Conservatives Could Be Denied Guns because of ‘Mental Disorder’
Before you go to see your doctor, make sure you have purchased all the guns and ammo you think you’ll need. After some seemingly innocent probing about your lifestyle and beliefs, he or she may consider you to be a danger to yourself, your family, and others (mostly the liberal

Climate Change Denier Silenced for Doing Climate Science and Disagreeing with the Science
How many times have scientists brought up the Galileo Affair as an example of how scientists have been persecuted because of a disagreement over ideology? every school textbook has at least a few pages on how Galileo challenged the “settled science” of the day. He is a science saint. How times

Ted Cruz Gets Big Negative Endorsements from Gov. Jerry Brown and Planned Parenthood
California Gov. Jerry Brown and Planned Parenthood endorsed Ted Cruz for President by opposing him. Sen. Cruz should wear the opposition endorsements as badges as honor. He should speak of these negative endorsements every chance he gets. Instead of dancing around issues like so many Republicans do, Ted Cruz should

Fascist Al Gore Wants to ‘Punish’ Climate Change Deniers
Everywhere we turn the Democrats are sounding more like Benito Mussolini every day. They’ve become the fascist party. Fascism is a system of government where the party in power forcibly suppresses opposition and criticism. We’re seeing over the issue of same-sex sexuality, ‘gay rights,’ homosexuality, whatever you want to call it. Any opposition