18 Feb 2015

Liberal: Global Warming is More of a Crisis than ISIS

First of all, there is no such thing as global warming unless you’re talking about the sun warming the planet every day. Yes, there is climate change. Ever since we’ve had a climate, there has been climate change. The climate changes every day, and sometimes it changes in the same

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
19 Nov 2014

Democrats who Opposed Keystone XL Pipeline Should Not be Allowed to Buy Gasoline

The latest Democrat foible was to vote down the Keystone XL pipeline project. These nut jobs are so out of touch with political reality that they were willing to sacrifice a Louisiana Senate seat to the Republicans. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote, “I oppose Keystone XL, an ill-conceived project locking

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
17 Jun 2014

Obama Celebrates ‘Gay Flag Day’ While World Burns

What’s the most pressing agenda for Obama and Company?: (3) Climate Change legislation; (2) flooding the United States with illegal aliens to increase the Democrat base; and (1) pushing the homosexual agenda around the world. President Obama is more celebratory with the homosexual gay flag than he is with the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
23 May 2014

Why John Kerry’s ‘Flat Earth Society’ Slam is All Wrong

John Kerry said the following in a speech he gave at a graduation ceremony at Boston College: “If the US does not act and if it turns out that the critics and naysayers and the members of the Flat Earth Society — if it turns out they’re wrong, then we

Gary DeMar 0 Read More