How Democrats Will Try to Turn the Northam KKK Debacle Into a Political Win
Democrats want to get rid of Virginia DEMOCRAT Gov. Ralph Northam as fast as possible. He’s spoiling their fake narrative. His killing babies comments made them look bad even though they agreed with him. But infanticide is too much for most Americans. When you’re losing an argument. Play the race
What They’re Not Telling You About the ‘Racist’ ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’
The woke Social Justice Warriors were out in full military regalia over Thanksgiving. It seems they were triggered after watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving that originally aired in 1973. Franklin Armstrong, the only black child featured in the animated feature is sitting in a lawn chair alone on one side of
Leftists Call for Georgia Boycott Because of (wait for it) … Racism
Alyssa Milano is at it again. She’s displaying her ignorance. This time she’s calling for a boycott of Georgia from Hollywood. Georgia is a popular state to produce all types of TV shows (The Walking Dead and Ozark) and films (42 and Hunger Games). Here’s what she wrote on Twitter: There are over
Pres. Trump Continues to Embarrass Obama and the Left
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks” is a line from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. “It’s spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to the insincere overacting of a character in the play within a play created by Prince Hamlet to prove his uncle’s guilt in the murder of his father, the King of Denmark.” Have you
Al Sharpton’s Latest Racist Rant
Al Sharpton is not interested in racial reconciliation. His latest comments about the Royal Wedding is all the evidence a person needs to see that he’s a racist and a racial divider. Sharpton claimed that the marriage of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the mixed-race actress Meghan Markle is evidence that white supremacy
Leftist Racialists Pounce on Starbucks. Leftists Eventually Eat Their Own
As soon as I heard about how two black men were arrested in a Starbucks because they would not leave, I made some predictions. First, there would be Leftist outrage. Second, there would be an overreaction by Starbucks. Third, the Left would not be satisfied. My fourth prediction is below.
Rich Hollywood Director Says ‘American Christians’ Are ‘Racist,’ ‘Greedy,’ and ‘Nationalistic’
Scott Derrickson is a film director. He’s known for The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005), Sinister (2012), and the 2016 Marvel property the occultic Doctor Strange. For some reason, Derrickson is not happy with Christians, describing them as a whole “greedy, “racist,” and “nationalistic.” Derrickson begins his Twitter post trying to
Depiction of Hard Working ‘Corn Pop’ Said to be Racist
As you know, everything is racist today. When you don’t have an argument, just call someone a racist. It’s the wild card in any debate. Over time, playing the race card diminishes actual racial bigotry. The latest racial kerfuffle is over a brown corn pop on a cereal box. Here’s
Was Trump’s Warsaw Speech Racist and Bigoted?
“Follow the left to its logical conclusion. You must embrace your own destruction or you are racist and crazy. You have been the majority. You must be brought down. The West is evil. White people are evil. The only remedy is to get rid of them. Abort them. Flood their countries with immigrants. Replace their religions, their history, and their culture.”
You Don’t Have to be Literate to Teach in NY Public Schools
My grandparents (both sides) were born in Italy. My mother had 11 brothers and sisters and my father had 10. My grandparents could not speak English very well. They insisted that their children learn English, and learn it well. My mother’s father sold the farm that he owned on the
Is the Game of Pool Racist?
You may have seen the article that milk is now racist. It’s not racist because it’s white; it’s racist because of calcium and the way non-whites assimilate it and government nutrition guidelines. The Mother Jones article [see here] states that not only is milk non-beneficial to Africans, but following the guidelines
The End of the ‘White American Majority’ is a Myth
“The U.S. Bureau of the Census has projected that America will have a ‘non-white’ majority by 2044.” (H/T: National Review) I don’t know any real white people. We are all shades of color, thus, “non-white.” White means Caucasian. That makes Hispanics “white” because they are Caucasian since their ancestors came
College Students Want ‘White Christmas’ Song Banned because It’s ‘Racist’
The latest descent into college absurdity are protestations of singing the 1942 Irving Berlin song “White Christmas,” the bestselling recording of all time with more than 150 million copies to its credit. Dan Joseph “presented some college students with a petition urging radio stations to stop playing the holiday classic ‘White Christmas’
No Whites or Asians Need Apply for New Science Teaching Job
If you have a Ph.D. in science and want a teaching job at the University of Louisville, it’s not enough. The big bucks you spent to get a Ph.D. may not have been money well spent. You’re skin color or ethnicity is more important. It seems that the folks at
Barack Obama is Darth Vader and Storm Troopers are White Democrats
MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry claims that Star Wars is racist because Darth Vader, the personification of evil, is dressed in black. Actually, he’s a white guy dressed in black. Here’s some of what she said: “‘I know why I have feelings — good, bad and otherwise — about Star Wars,’
Was Justice Scalia Right When He Said Blacks Should Attend Less-Advanced Schools?
During oral arguments concerning an Affirmative Action case, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia “suggested that black students do better in ‘less-advanced schools’ that are on ‘slower tracks.’” “There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do
Is Obama’s Immigration Policy Letting In Paris-Like Terrorists?
While Muslim extremists are killing Christians, threatening to burn down churches, and bombing some of Europe’s major cities, a cadre of college students is fearful of “micro-aggression” and want “safe places” so they don’t have to endure speech that disturbs them. What do they think would happen if Islamists took
Gloria Steinem: Killing My Unborn Child Allowed Me ‘To Live My Life’
Abortion advocate Gloria Steinem said in an interview that “the abortion she underwent after college allowed her to live her life freely. ‘It gave me my life,’ she told PBS host Tavis Smiley. ‘I mean, I wouldn’t have been able to live my life otherwise.’” What is an abortion? The word means different