It’s Strange that Trump Has Endorsed Luther Strange in Alabama Senate Race
When the choice was between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for President in 2016, I supported Trump and encouraged others to do the same. At the same time, I made it clear that Trump would do things that would disappoint us, but far fewer things than Hillary. For the life
Hey, Jim Carrey, Leftists Eat Babies Everyday
Jim Carrey, of Dumb and Dumber fame, used to be funny.1 Not anymore. His latest unfunny screed was an attack on Pres. Trump and his supporters. Carrey said the following about Thursday’s West Virginia speech by Trump and the massive audience that showed up to hear and support him.”The actor’s tweet
It Seems The Brains of these Three GOP Senators Have Transitioned into Insanity Over Transgenderism
There is no such thing as transgenderism. It’s a mental disorder. If a person must lop off his penis and take hormones to transition into a woman, there is something mentally wrong with that person.
Black Minister Calls White House Prayer Meeting “Hypocrisy” and “Heresy”
On the July 15th edition of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rev. William Barber II, “a member of the national board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and pastor of the Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, NC, spoke out against those that prayed for President Donald Trump
Media Show Their Ignorance Over Prayer Meeting with Trump at the White House
The media once again went off the rails when they found out that a group of pastors and Christian leaders prayed with and for Pres. Trump at the White House. Here’s what Erin Burnett of CNN said of the impromptu prayer meeting: “Pretty stunning image, I mean, I’ll give you
Should Pres. Trump Celebrate Bastille Day With the French?
It was anti-Trumper Kathy Griffin who held up the head of a decapitated Donald Trump. Decapitations took place at a regular pace in revolutionary France. Madame Guillotine was very busy.
Was Trump’s Warsaw Speech Racist and Bigoted?
“Follow the left to its logical conclusion. You must embrace your own destruction or you are racist and crazy. You have been the majority. You must be brought down. The West is evil. White people are evil. The only remedy is to get rid of them. Abort them. Flood their countries with immigrants. Replace their religions, their history, and their culture.”
‘Red State’ Writer Claimed ‘Trump is Antichrist’
Compare what Pres. Trump has done with what Bernie Sanders and professing Christian Sen. Christopher Van Hollen Jr. of Maryland, a Democrat, did to Russell Vought who President Trump nominated to serve as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget and tell me who fits the biblical definition of antichrist.
The Real Reason The Left is Freaking Out Over US Pullout of Paris Accord
The freakout from the Left over Trump’s pullout from the Paris Accord (non-treaty) was predictable. The issue was never about science and saving the earth. It has always been about wealth redistribution. There’s only so much a government can do to raise revenue through taxation. There’s an upper limit, and
The ‘Covfefe’ Kerfuffle
The kerfuffle over Pres. Trump’s “Covefe” tweet shows that today’s media seem only to accent the foibles of those who are not in their club. They love to tear down those with whom they disagree. If they can’t do it with facts, they do it with ridicule. It’s easier. No
Trump Used Fake TIME Global Cooling Cover. But There’s More to the Story.
Donald Trump, like a lot of other people (scientists included), are questioning the science behind the claim that “climate change” is real and it will wreak havoc on the planet. Humans are said to be the cause of the disruptions in weather and there’s no way to fix things unless
It’s Time for Trump to Fire Everyone and Start Over
I don’t understand why Trump didn’t get rid of every holdover from the Obama administration. I would have fired everyone and started from scratch. Trump’s 2016 win shook the establishment to its core. for the first time in a long time, the Democrats and Republicans are on the same side:
Liberal Says Christians ‘Rejected’ Jesus and ‘Voted for Judas’
Once again liberals are interested in Jesus and the Bible. The latest is from Saturday’s AM Joy on MSNBC where “liberal comedian John Fugelsang mocked ‘right-wing Christians’ as people who have ‘rejected the teachings of Jesus,’ and, by voting for Donald Trump, were voting for ‘Caligula, Judas, and the Golden Calf all
The Unconstitutional Law that Has Threatened and Silenced Churches for More than 60 Years
Since 1954, anti-Christian organizations have relied on an unconstitutional law to keep Christians from speaking on the topic of politics. Pres. Trump has issued an Executive Order to dampen the effects of the 1954 law. His order does not actually nullify the law since it became law by an act
It’s not Budget Cuts. It’s Stopping Theft by Government
Governments can perform illegal acts. Not everything a government does is moral or justified. Just because a government says something is right and good does not make it so. There was a time when it was OK to enslave people. In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that killing unborn babies
Is ‘Captain America’ Out-of-Touch With American Voters?
It seems that everyone in Hollywood is liberal. Those who don’t say anything one way or the other may be conservative. Big name stars like Clint Eastwood and Jon Voight get a pass because their films make money. There are others who make noise about their (fake?) liberal political views
Trump Paid $38 Million in Taxes While the Obamas Spent $85 Million on Vacations
The Democrats wanted to see Donald Trump’s tax returns. Now they have, and they’re sorry his 2005 tax returns ever came to light. Be careful what you wish for. Rachel Maddow believed she had gotten a golden ring to expose Trump as a tax-dodging fraud until Trump beat her to
How Can Someone So Pretty be So Stupid and Ignorant?
I don’t know who Leighton Meester is. She’s an actress of some notoriety. It’s OK to be an actress. It’s OK for actors and actresses to express their opinions. What’s not OK is to be an ignorant actor or actress and express ignorant and stupid opinions. I don’t use the