New York Passes Law to Stop Conservative Churches from Addressing Politics
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a state version of the federal Johnson Amendment that “bars non-profit entities like religious organizations from endorsing candidates or donating to political campaigns.” “Religious organizations” includes churches. NY State Sen. Liz Krueger had this to say about the bill: This is a

Democrat Attorney General Sends Letter Attempting to Silence Churches Ahead of Midterm Elections
Churches have been fooled into believing that they are prohibited from discussing politics from the pulpit. For more than 50 years the threat of the IRS revoking a church’s tax-exempt status has been held over churches. Some pastors don’t care because they don’t want to address controversial issues like politics.

Trump Paid $38 Million in Taxes While the Obamas Spent $85 Million on Vacations
The Democrats wanted to see Donald Trump’s tax returns. Now they have, and they’re sorry his 2005 tax returns ever came to light. Be careful what you wish for. Rachel Maddow believed she had gotten a golden ring to expose Trump as a tax-dodging fraud until Trump beat her to

Obama’s IRS Bullied Conservatives So Wiretapping Trump Should Not Surprise Us
It’s shocking that the leadership at the IRS was not taken away in handcuffs. They committed political crimes against American citizens who had opinions contrary to those of the political party in power. We expect this type of abuse of power to be used in the former Soviet Union and

State Tells Christian Ministry it Must Hire Non-Christians
Once people call on the government to create laws on who a business can hire and fire, you can expect agencies that govern the terms of hiring and firing to grow exponentially as political pressure is put on the government by special interest groups to be treated specially. Eric Holder’s

Anti-Obama Hotel Mogul Steve Wynn Investigated by the DOJ and IRS
Wynn Resorts, built and managed by Steve Wynn, is being investigated for possible money laundering violations. Wynn has been a vocal critic of President Obama. Is there a connection between Wynn’s public criticisms of Obama and the Depart of Justice investigation? Wynn resorts could be guilty of wrong doing, but

Pastors Show Backbone and Tell IRS to Take a Hike
Most pastors don’t like to cause trouble. They have enough on their plates that they don’t relish the idea of getting in a political brawl with the government and one of its most powerful agencies – the IRS. The needless fear of an audit by the IRS is enough to

Jimmy Carter’s Grandson Running for Governor Says Government “Doles Out . . . Rights”
Jason Carter is the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter. He’s running for governor in Georgia as a Democrat on his grandfather’s tattered coattails. “Carter’s biggest asset appears to be that he is the grandson of the nation’s most ineffective president, former peanut farmer Jimmy Carter. As evidenced by Carter’s

IRS Won’t Release Deal Made with Atheist Group
The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has been at the forefront of challenging anti-religious groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The Freedom From Religion Foundation has been working overtime to remove religion and religious expression from every area of American life. If it could, it would dismantle the First Amendment.

Sen. Ted Cruz Questions IRS over Breitbart News Audit
The IRS continues to go after conservative organizations. The IRS knows that it will be protected by the Obama administration. With “lost” emails, cover-ups, and collusion with Eric Holder’s Department of Justice and with no criminal action coming from Congress, the IRS feels emboldened to continue its lawless actions against

The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy and Rewriting American History
I’m in Phoenix at the moment about to speak on the topic of “A Nation ‘Under God’: Hype, Hysteria, or Heritage?” If you listen to groups like the Freedom from Religion Foundation that sued the IRS to get it to monitor churches on the political content of their sermons, a

I’m Proud to be Called a Crazy A**hole Conservative by Lois Lerner
We all knew Lois Lerner had something to hide. Now some of her emails confirm it. The following is from Politico: “Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner refers to some Republicans as ‘ass-holes’ and ‘crazies’ in an exchange from 2012, according to emails released by House Republicans on Wednesday. “‘Maybe we are

Nazi Tactics Being Used Against American Churches
In a previous article, I reported on how the IRS has teamed up with the anti-Christian organization the Freedom from Religion Foundation to monitor churches to make sure they don’t speak out on the subject of politics in a way that seems to be “partisan.” As I showed, there is

Atheists Work with IRS to Dismantle First Amendment and Attack Churches
The following is from Freedom Outpost: “The Internal Revenue Service settled a 2012 lawsuit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRM). The lawsuit was settled after the IRS agreed to monitor what is said in houses of worship.” Monitoring churches is something the Nazis did. When German anti-Nazi theologian

Justice Department Like the ‘Godfather’ in IRS Case
“The Justice Department will protect former IRS official Lois Lerner, as long as she keeps her mouth shut about the agency’s practice of targeting conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status, Washington D.C.-based lawyer Cleta Mitchell told Newsmax TV. “Just think ‘The Godfather,’ think about the movie,’ she told J.D. Hayworth

Lost Lois Lerner Emails and Nixon’s Lost 18-Minute Recording
I wonder what the IRS would say if I told them during an audit that I lost all of my receipts that I had scanned for electronic safe-keeping. I’m sure they would assure me that it wasn’t a problem. They would take my word for my business deductions. Yeah, right.

The Phone Call Bureau of Land Management Probably Got from the White House
Most people who were following the federal government’s power play in Nevada against Cliven Bundy were surprised and elated that the government suddenly backed off from their assault. They’ll be back but most likely not until after the 2014 election. In fact, they may wait until after 2016. Government employees

Give IRS Officials a Week, then Cite them for Contempt and Perp Walk them in Handcuffs to Prison
The claim is that the IRS targeted conservative groups because they oppose this present administration’s policies. It’s been alleged that orders for this harassment came from the highest levels of government, possibly from the Obama administration. The problem is, all of these charges are hard to prove. Former IRS employee