Confirm Kavanaugh and Tell His Accuser to Take Her Case to Court
There is no way to please or appease the Democrats. It’s about time the Republicans learn this lesson. If the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing and subsequent delay tactics have done is expose the Democrats as a power-hungry mob. they can’t wait to get their hands on the reins of political power again. Democrats

The Democrat Party is the Enemy of the United States
The Democrats are our enemies. They do not have the best interests of the United States in view. Anyone who rejects the idea to Make America Great Again is a Communist. Not to make America great is to make some other nation or world government great at the expense of

Paul Ryan, SOB (Son of Boehner)
If you are a film lover like I am, you are familiar with the “son of” films. Son of Kong (1933), Son of Frankenstein (1939), Son of Dracula (1943), and Son of Dr. Jekyll (1951) come to mind. There was also Son of Flubber (1963), but that’s a different genre. They were cheap

Stop All Donations to the GOP until the Foot-Dragging GOP Gets on the Trump Train
Danny DeVito’s character in Twins (1988) said it best: “Money talks and bulls**t walks.” Do you want to get the attention of the foot-dragging GOP? Tell them that you won’t send them another penny until they move quickly to pass the proposed legislation they promised and helped to get them

Speaker John Boehner Set to Retire from Congress in October
I thought I was dreaming when I heard the news. John Boehner is going to retire at the end of October. Maybe that’s why he was crying as the Pope spoke. Boehner knew his days were numbered. It couldn’t come at a better time. With Boehner gone, the Democrats won’t

How the Media, Democrats, and the GOP Miscalculated Donald Trump
When Donald Trump first opened his mouth, the liberal media, Democrats, and the GOP establishment believed that attacking him would be a slam dunk. In fact, they believed they didn’t need to attack him. His own words would send him to the political backwater. Boy, were they wrong. “A new Monmouth

Will GOP Cave to Democrat Demands for New Taxes and Spending?
Even when the GOP has the majority in Congress it gets steamrolled by Democrats. Each Republicans refuse to fight the Democrats, the Democrats get bolder in their demands. They sense weakness and go for the kill. They feed off Republican weakness. Here’s the latest from the minority party. Will the

Meet the ‘Most Conservative’ Congressman Who ‘Went Turbo’ by Voting for CROmnibus
I’m watching Wreck it Ralph (2012) as I’m writing this. Ralph wrecks things. Felix fixes what Ralph wrecks. Ralph doesn’t like his bad guy image, so he “goes turbo” to get a medal to join Felix who gets a medal all the time. “Going turbo” is a bad thing in the

This Mongoose Will Show the GOP How to Beat Liberals
I only get to listen to Rush Limbaugh when I’m in my car. Since I work from home, I miss most of Rush’s show. The other day I was running a few errands and got to hear Rush on what he said about beating Democrats. There was one brief segment where
Petition Drive To Repeal Houston’s LGBT & Transsexual Bathroom Law Wins Big
Recently, a petition drive was started to overturn some new laws that the Houston City Council passed that made sexual distinctions irrelevant and even illegal. The new laws are “being used by men to enter women’s restrooms on the grounds they consider themselves women.” The potential for abuse is enormous.

GOP Needs to Argue Like 3-Year-Old Mateo in Viral Video
The most frustrating thing about the GOP is that its spokesmen can’t put up a good defense for their views. Part of the problem is that they’re not fully committed to their principles. In some cases, they don’t have any real principles. So when I saw the video of Mateo,

Democrats (and GOP) Have to be Worried About Virginia Election
President Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Vice President Biden, and a nearly $15 million edge in campaign cash couldn’t get the big victory Democrats were hoping for in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe “hauled in $34.4 million in campaign contributions, roughly $14 million more than Cuccinelli, including $8.1 million in the final

Liberal Wants Obama to “Destroy the GOP” and So Do I
John Dickerson, writing for Slate, laid all his political biased cards on the table. We knew this is what liberals were all about. We didn’t need for someone to spill the beans. It’s refreshing to see someone being so honest: “The president who came into office speaking in lofty terms

Third-World Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia
The Black Panthers are back intimidating voters at Philadelphia precincts. You don’t need an ID to vote; all you need is a Black Panther to help you. A similar incident took place in 2008. Charges were filed against the intimidators, but Obama’s Attorney General wasn’t interested. The charges of voter

Bill Maher Goes Racist Against the GOP
When dealing with racial hypocrisy, always apply the Republican test: What if a Republican had said what Bill Maher and other liberals have said about blacks and Asians (Marion Barry)? Keep this in mind as you read this article. A Greenville Technical College official twice referred to Katrina evacuees from

What Can Mitt Romney and the GOP Learn from the Wisconsin Recall Election?
When I sat next to Gov. Scott Walker in Houston last year at a fund raising dinner for the recall election, I was worried. The poll numbers didn’t look good. The Democrats were resolute. They wanted Gov. Walker and anybody else they could take down with him out of office.

Cost of Obamacare Skyrockets from Billions to Trillions
The cost of government programs is always underestimated. This is on purpose. If the president and congress actually reported what a program will really cost, the legislation would never pass. There isn’t a single government program where the cost projections have been accurate. Social Security and Medicare are two perfect

African Americans for Obama
Obama will be the first “post-racial president.” How many times have we heard this? Liberals throw it in our faces while they accuse the GOP and whites in general to be racists when they oppose anything President Obama proposes. Now we have this: Join African Americans for Obama On issues