Ignorance of Socialism is No Excuse
Socialism is all the rage, but few people really know what it is and how it doesn’t work over the long haul. This is especially true of Millennials. “These days, if you hear people spouting the benefits of socialism, don’t assume that they’re talking about the socialism you probably loathe.

Is the Bible the Original ‘Communist Manifesto’?
Communism is in vogue. “A new survey released by the Washington, D.C., nonprofit Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation reflects that, if the younger generation gets out and votes in 2020, those running for office on the far left have reason to be hopeful.” This finding is based on “historical amnesia.”

Jim Carrey Is worth $150 million and Supports Socialism
Once-upon-a-time funny person Jim Carrey says Democrats need to “say yes to socialism.” “We have to say yes to socialism — to the word and everything,” Carrey told Bill Maher. “We have to stop apologizing” for the word and the ideology behind it. The two multi-millionaires must assume that socialism means to be

Millennials Believe Socialism is the Best Form of Government (Your Tax Dollars at Work)
Socialism has been chosen by millennials as the best form of government.

Soft-Selling Communism and Stalinism in the ‘Trumbo’ film
My wife and I sat down the Saturday before the Academy Awards to watch the 2015 film Trumbo. Dalton Trumbo is played by Bryan Cranston who did a marvelous job, certainly worthy of the Academy Award nomination he received for Best Actor. It’s loosely based on the Hollywood screenwriter, author,

Did You Know “Jesus Was a Marxist”?
Dan Arel, author of Parenting without God, has written that Jesus was a Marxist. I’m not sure why an atheist would care. Let’s begin with a true statement made by Arel: “If you have read the Bible, you then know much about the story of Jesus and how he helped

The “Jesus Was a Socialist” Meme and Lie
“If Jesus had been born 30 years ago, Fox News and the Republican Party would label him a dangerous Middle Eastern man who wants to impose socialism on the world and enable the poor.” The above meme is making its way around Facebook. The last time I checked, it’s not

School Bleachers Torn Down Because They Weren’t “Equal”
The end of freedom comes by mandating equality. Here’s a perfect example. Note the name of the school, the Plymouth Wildcats, it will become important later: “A new set of seating is being torn down outside the Plymouth Wildcats varsity boys’ baseball field, not long before the season begins, because

Climate Change Fanatics Lie, Deny History, and Want to Control Our Lives
It happens every day. That’s right. The climate changes every day and throughout the day, day in and day out. Have you noticed that Global Warming is out and Climate Change is in? Why is this? Because a new study shows that Global Warming, if there ever was such a

Liberals Must Abolish the ‘Cult of the Individual’
The early history of America shows that there was a battle between the individual and the community — the collective. We see this in Jamestown (1607) and Plymouth Plantation (1620). Early in their colonial history, the collective was deemed to be more important than the individual. As a result, the

The Mayflower Compact: 391 Years Ago Today
When the Pilgrim Dissenters sent by the Virginia Company to plant a colony in the “northern parts of Virginia” were blown off-course by a storm into the coast of Massachusetts. No longer under the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company or its governor, they realized that they needed a new governing