The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation
The following is from the Introduction to my new book The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation that will be available from American Vision in January 2020 Mark Hitchcock has written a free eBook for Dallas Theological Seminary titled The Truth and Timing of the Rapture that has been promoted
Land or Earth, Race or Generation, and Who Were the Mockers?
This is the third installment in the series on “Eschatology and Biblical Apologetics.” To complete the series go to Part 1 and Part 2. Be sure to check out the videos at the end of each article. It’s obvious that the author of “Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return” is not
Are Russia, Iran, and Syria Headed for an End-Time Meltdown?
I’ve been listening to an interview that Brannon Howse had with pastor and author Andy Woods about his book The Middle East Meltdown. He, like so many prophecy writers today, believes Ezekiel 38 and 39 are about modern-day Russia and nations surrounding Israel that will lead to the deaths of
Billy Graham’s Daughter Links Her Cancer to a Possible Fatal Attack on Israel
I don’t want to be viewed as someone who is attacking a woman who’s going through health struggles, but when someone uses their condition to advocate for a particular biblical position that has no basis in fact, something needs to be said. I wish Anne Graham Lotz well as she
Rabbi Warns of Biblical Gog and Magog War in Israel
WND reports that “over the weekend, Palestinians in Gaza fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, and Israel responded with strategic attacks on terrorist camps. It’s happened before and likely will again. But a prominent rabbi warns that one of these times, it’s not going to end easily, because it will
Are Fish in the Dead Sea an End-Time Prophetic Sign?
A 2016 story from Breaking Israel News reported to the world the discovery of freshwater ponds teeming with fish and wildlife on the shores of the Dead Sea, precisely as written in the Prophets….” The prophecy is from Ezekiel 47:9-10: It will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place
Is Working With a Foreign Nation to Win an Election Unconstitutional or a Crime?
The entire Mueller appointment as a Special Prosecutor was to be an investigation into whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election. After more than a year of investigatory work, not a single piece of evidence has been put forth showing that Russia did anything with Donald Trump to manipulate the results
“End-Time Fatigue” Has Hit an Iceberg … And That’s a Good Thing
With all the talk about Israel moving its capital to Jerusalem and how Pres. Trump is a modern-day Cyrus, you might be surprised to learn that something called “End-Time Fatigue” has settled in. “For many on the Christian right, the state of Israel has been seen as a key to
If You’re Reading This, You Missed the Rapture Again
Seventy years ago, on May 14, 1948, the political state of Israel was established. For millions of Christians, the political establishment of Israel in 1948 has held prophetic significance. The claim has been made repeatedly that 1948 began what has been called the “fig tree” generation based on Matthew 24:32-34
Prophetic Doomsdayers are at it Again
There are many Christians who believe and teach that the existence of certain forms of evils in the world is prime evidence that Jesus’ return must be near. For example, someone posted the following on Facebook: A *legal* online British company sells human leather products, and postmillennialists still exist. The
Is Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem a Prophetic Sign the Temple Will be Rebuilt?
Prophecy enthusiasts content that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem based on Bible prophecy.
How One Little Word Changes Everything in the Book of Revelation. Do You Know What It Is?
Prophetic speculation is rampant. Books dealing with the end times continue to flood the market. Is America part of Bible prophecy? What about Russia? Two recent books. Let’s not forget blood moons . . . earthquakes . . . eclipses . . . hurricanes . . . wars. Probably the
How Bible Prophecy Pundits are Neutralizing Christians With Their End-Time Claims
Once again, prophecy prognosticators are predicting that Jesus is going to wrap up everything in our generation because things are so bad the end must be near. A recent article written by Britt Gillette that appears on the Prophecy News Watch website says as much: “The signs of the Second
Is Russia’s Presence in Syria the Beginning of the Gog and Magog War?
“The newspaper has no prerogative to challenge God’s word of truth. Nor do those who read the newspapers.”1 With Russia involved in Syria, the prophecy pundits are making predictions again. The four so-called Blood Moons are so yesterday. There’s a new prophecy speculation on the horizon. The folks at The Blaze have
Is Playing the Hitler and Nazi Card Always Wrong?
I generally like the writings of P. J. O’Rourke. One of my favorites is, “When you think of the good old days, think ‘dentistry.’” Can you imagine dentistry before the advent of precision medical devices and anesthetics, not just for dentistry but for all invasive medical procedures? “The greatest invention
‘Apocalyptic Islam’ Paving Way for ‘Islamic Messiah’
In addition to Sharia law and killing for Allah for a first-class ticket to the Islamic version of heaven with 72 virgins based on a reading in the hadith, there’s an end-of-the-world aspect to Islam. Here’s how Joel Rosenberg, author of a number prophecy books, has been addressing the topic
Will John Hagee’s Views on Israel Lead America to War?
“I am a student of world history,” John “Blood Moons” Hagee says, “and you can wrap up world history in 25 words or less and here it is: the nations that blessed Israel prospered and the nations that cursed Israel were destroyed by the hand of God. . . .
Muslim Tells the Truth About Why Islam is a Failure and the West is Best
Finally, some truth about Islam from an Islamist. The following are excerpts from a sermon that Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi gave on Qatar TV a few years ago. Before you read what he had to say (or watch the video below), keep in mind that the way our nation is going,