The Secular Gods are Out in Force
How many times have you heard that religion and politics don’t mix? Don’t believe it. Religion is always mixed with politics. It’s impossible to separate religion from politics or God from any form of government. When the one and only God is rejected, another god takes His place. It’s that
Kamala Harris Asks Right Question About Constitution But Won’t Like The Right Answer
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) referred to a pocket-sized version of the U.S. Constitution that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh often referred to it during the judge’s confirmation hearing as “that book you carry.” That “book” contained a copy of the document that Harris and every member of Congress takes an
Nursing Student Stands Up to Anti-Christian Bullies
It’s easy to give him. Most people don’t like to fight. But there comes a time when fighting is the right thing to do. If a person gives into a bully, the bully will only revert to more bullying. There are two ways to fight a bully. Become strong yourself
Chuck Todd Just Embarrassed Himself By Showing His Ignorance of History and the Constitution
I know Judge Moore, and I guarantee you that he knows more about the Constitution and the founding of America than Chuck Todd does.
Was Trump’s Warsaw Speech Racist and Bigoted?
“Follow the left to its logical conclusion. You must embrace your own destruction or you are racist and crazy. You have been the majority. You must be brought down. The West is evil. White people are evil. The only remedy is to get rid of them. Abort them. Flood their countries with immigrants. Replace their religions, their history, and their culture.”
Let’s Stop Celebrating “The Fourth of July”
Many (most?) churches are not equipped theologically to deal with Christian resistance against tyranny. Too many pastors instruct their parishioners to “submit” no matter what the demand.
High School Graduate Defies Government Edict Not to Mention Jesus in Graduation Speech and Why She Was Right.
It’s too bad that Moriah Bridges was not taught constitutional history and some of our nation’s hidden history. She could have educated her graduating class in a way that her school did not.
Atheists and Liberals Go Insane Over Trump’s Executive Order on Religion
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on May 4, the National Day of Prayer, “that allows churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.” While conservatives were hoping for more, atheists and liberal Democrats were hoping for less, except in black churches where Democrats
Montana Democrats Support Sharia Law
The Montana House of Representatives advanced a bill that would ban Sharia law in the state. With a Democrat Governor, there’s a good chance that he will veto it. “Senate Bill 97, sponsored by Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, passed mainly along party lines on Monday 56-44. While it does not specifically mention
Liberals that Hate Christianity and Politics Today Would Have Hated Many of our Nation’s Founders
Horror author Stephen King said that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is “very scary” because he “is a fundamentalist Christian.” He went on to say in an interview with the Daily Beast: “He’s very scary. I actually think Trump, in the end, would be more electable than Cruz because Cruz
Obama Condemns the Founders and the Declaration of Independence at Town Hall Meeting
During CNN’s town hall meeting with President Obama concerning his Executive Orders on guns, he said the following: “What I think Mark is alluding to is what I said earlier, this notion of a conspiracy out there, and it gets wrapped up in concerns about the Federal government. Now, there’s a
Here’s What Obama Did While Pro-Gay Judge Sent Kim Davis to Jail
While Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who is following the Kentucky Constitution that prohibits same-sex marriage, was sent to jail by pro-homosexual U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning (enthusiastically supported by Mitch McConnell), President Obama was making up new laws and forcing us to pay for men wanting to become women
Our Government Would Outlaw the Declaration of Independence Today
Many people don’t know we celebrate Independence Day. It’s a non-work day, so that’s good enough for them. Political independence from a controlling government over local politics was the goal. The following is from Breitbart: “A new poll just out from Rasmussen shows the credibility of the Supreme Court has been severely
Next Targets: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and American Flag
Parodies and satire are built on the consequential absurdities of some statement, incident, or argument. Who would have ever thought that an Olympic athlete would claim to be a woman, or that any man would want to be a woman and certain elements in society would claim that such transitioning
Democrat Congressman Argues God Says You Can Marry Your Dog If It Makes You Happy
The slippery slope is gaining speed. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia warned in the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision that the Supreme Court had created “a massive disruption of the current social order” by striking down a Texas law barring sodomy. He went on to write: “State laws against bigamy, same-sex
Defense Department says Bible and Constitution are ‘Sexist’ Documents
I’m not sure why the Defense Department cares anything about the Bible and Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence, since our government doesn’t pay attention to any of them. The Daily Caller reports: “Those three cherished texts all count as ‘historical influences that allow sexism to continue,’ according to a
Liberal Reporter Proves High Priced College Education Makes People Ignorant
I’ve never understood why parents spend nearly $100,000 to send their children to high-priced universities. The best and brightest of these graduates have screwed up our nation, and yet there are tens of millions of Americans who believe that graduates from these over-priced and under-delivering schools will somehow save us.
John F. Kennedy Disagrees with Chris Cuomo about God and Our Rights
Chris Cuomo is at it again. He is claiming that our founders, the documents they penned, and the system of government they established were godless. In fact, these men were so distrustful of God and government that they kept Him out of our founding documents. Cuomo’s latest historical ignorance came