Doritos Supports Men Having Sex with Other Men With Rainbow Chips
Frito-Lay has joined in the promotion of same-sex sexuality with its new rainbow-colored Doritos. We saw the same thing when Burger King and the maker of Oreos chose rainbow-themed advertisements for their products. Let’s say what it is. The rainbow is being used as a fig leaf to cover up
Liberal Toxic Culture Has Made Christians and Churches Easy Targets
The motive in the Charleston church shooting seems to be about the shooter’s perverted view of race. As a result, the media are calling it a racial “hate crime” and that the alleged shooter Dylann Roof was mentally ill, a common way to explain murderous acts these days. It’s all
Ben Carson and President Obama Agree Homosexuality is a Choice
Dr. Ben Carson got eviscerated by the media because he claimed that people who engage in homosexuality do so by choice. Dr. Carson’s analogy about prisons was not the best example to use to make his case, but the choice factor is a given. And even if choice is not
The Savagery of Dan Savage Who Savages Parents of Dead Child
Dan Savage is a sexual savage. Not only does he engage in unnatural, irrational, and immoral same-sex sex called homosexuality, but he is savagely anti-God, anti-Christian, and anti-people. Savage “spews hate against Christians, Republicans, and even other gay people who think differently than he. He’s asserted that ‘monogamy is ridiculous’
A&E Will Run PSAs on ‘Tolerance’ that Will be One-Sided
A PSA is a Public Service announcement. A&E is going to run a series of PSAs in response to the flak it’s gotten from the pro-homosexual advocacy group GLAAD because the network reinstated Phil Robertson. Robertson, you may recall, made some graphic but accurate remarks about same-sex sex without ever
Homosexual Activist Dan Savage Says Killing Unborn Children Should be Mandatory
Dan Savage is a sexual savage. Not only does he engage in unnatural, irrational, and immoral same-sex sex called homosexuality, but he is savagely anti-God, anti-Christian, and anti-people. Savage “spews hate against Christians, Republicans, and even other gay people who think differently than he. He’s asserted that ‘monogamy is ridiculous’
Matthew Shepard and the Lie that Got “Hate Crime” Legislation Passed
Hate Crime legislation is one of the most insidious legal monsters ever to have been created by the State, and the Mathew Shepard case is the most notorious. A person who is murdered out of spite, revenge, or just for the fun of it should receive the same weight of
Hey Google Boys, Love Is Already Legal
There’s a funny throw-away line in the film Moneyball (2011), based on the book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (2003). It’s the story of how the Oakland Athletics, with its general manager Billy Beane, put together a game-winning baseball roster after losing three of their best players.
Hollywood’s Fake and Forced ‘Gay’ Support
Publicly, most of Hollywood is pro-‘gay.’ Privately, Hollywooders are just as anti-homosexual as the general population. It’s just that they have to work in an industry that has a disproportionate number of homosexuals. Their jobs depend on what has been described as the ‘gay mafia.’ The latest example of pro-‘gay’
Larry Flynt and Fidel Castro’s Niece Come Out in Support of President Obama
It’s been said that people are known by the company they keep. President Obama has gotten a great deal of praise from some rather unusual people. Although he has not directly sought out their endorsements, it’s interesting to note who’s supporting him. The daughter of Cuba’s president, Raul Castro, praised
Anti-Bulling Bully Bullies Christians and the Anti-Bullying Community Remains Silent
Anti-bulling ads and proclamations are everywhere. Harvey Weinstein, one of Hollywood’s biggest bullies, even made a movie about it titled Bully. Now we have Dan Savage, the biggest homosexual bully there is, bullying a group of young people at a journalism conference to accept homosexuality as normal and moral or