Climate change? Blame John Deere.
New data is challenging the global warming agenda. The narrative employed by the global warming movement, however, is not new. The plot is the same. Only the characters have changed. It’s a recycled move out of an old government playbook…

The Invention of the Catapult and the Rise of the West
The catapult helped to make possible the ancient world’s greatest empires…

How a Radical Muslim “Natural Born Citizen” Could Be President
Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a mother who is a natural born Citizen and a father who is a naturalized citizen. Ted Cruz’s father immigrated to the United States and lived here before going to Canada for work. According to some conservatives and liberals, Ted Cruz is not

Why Middle East Violence is Not Evidence the ‘Rapture’ or the End of the World is Near
Once again, the Bible is being interpreted through the lens of current events. The Christian Post reports: “Nearly eight out of 10 Evangelicals say they believe the ongoing violence in the Middle East is an indication that the rapture is on the horizon, a new survey released Friday shows. “Research

Guess WhichPresident Banned Iranians From Coming to America
Facts can be irritating and stubborn, especially when they expose blatant hypocrisy. The internet has made it difficult to hide from facts. Amidst the fake news stories, conspiracy theories, and downright lies, there is the truth. When Donald Trump made his comments about Muslims in New Jersey, he was immediately

Contrary to Popular Opinion We Are Not Living in the Last Days
Once again Christians are being told that we are definitely living in the last days. For example, Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California said in a November 19, 2015 sermon that current news events are following the plan laid out in Bible prophecy. Melody Dareing, writing for

Children Being Taught God is Not Part of Thanksgiving
What are children told about Thanksgiving in our nation’s government (public) schools? Who or what are they thanking? Ancient fish that evolutionists claim are our grandmothers? “Grandmother Fish is the first book to teach evolution to preschoolers.” There is no god in the world of evolution. Are children to thank the

Wait for ‘Crybullies’ to Attack George Washington for Writing This
Will George Washington be next by the “safe space” crybullies on our nation’s University campuses? They’ve already attacked Thomas Jefferson and Woodrow Wilson. What until these crybullies read George Washington’s 1789 “Thanksgiving Proclamation” that describes God as “the Great Lord and Ruler of Nations.” The First Amendment — along with

Who’s Smarter than a 5th Grader?: Ben Carson or Leftist Journalists
Ben Carson has said some odd things. His Pyramid claim does not fit with the text of Scripture, but it’s not a unique belief. It has some history behind it. His latest historical faux pas (or not) concerns the Constitution and the role Thomas Jefferson did or didn’t play in its

Why Immigration Won’t Solve the World’s Problems
If Islam is so great, why aren’t Muslims heading for Muslim-led nations? We’ve been told my Muslim “scholars” that Islam built great civilizations. If this is true, why haven’t Islamic nations flourished like Europe and the United States? The type of questions can be asked of every poverty-stricken country. In

What About Whoopi Goldberg’s Claim that Adolf Hitler Was a Christian?
Not only is Whoppi Goldberg the resident Bible scholar on “The View,” but it seems she’s also the resident historian. She declared on “The View” that “Hitler was a Christian.” He was a Christian in the same way that Judas was a follower of Jesus. The apostle John describes people

The Christmas Story is Not about a Refugee Family
For years liberals have tried to make the Christmas story about a homeless couple. Jesse Jackson was the first to turn Joseph and Mary into a “homeless couple” when he claimed that Christmas “is not about Santa Claus and ‘Jingle Bells’ and fruit cake and eggnog,” of which all Christians

Ben Carson, Pyramids, Grain Storage, and the Bible
In a college commencement speech that he gave 17 years ago, Dr. Ben Carson had said that the pyramids were built for grain storage. Here are some of his current comments on the topic: “My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson said in

University Students Feel Oppressed by Statue of Thomas Jefferson
Poor sensitive college students. They’re not upset about killing unborn babies, the shooting of self-professed Christians on a community college campus, increasing the power of the State, or the radicalization of Muslims who want to impose an Islamic Caliphate that would shut down every university in the United States. No,

The Left’s War on Jewish Self-Defense
In a speech to the National Press Club in 1997, Charlton Heston said, “Now, I doubt any of you would prefer a rolled up newspaper as a weapon against a dictator or a criminal intruder.” Dr. Ben Carson started a firestorm of controversy with his comments about gun control in

Gun Control in the Third Reich: Learn the Lesson
There’s been a great deal of discussion about gun rights, gun confiscation, gun free zones, and the most controversial, if Jews had been armed in Germany during the Nazi Party’s rise to power, would it have made a difference? Dr. Ben Carson wrote in his new book A Perfect Union, “Through a

America’s Forgotten (On Purpose) Christian History
Islam is antithetical to Christianity and the founding of the United States. Anyone who is curious about America’s history should know this. But because of our government schools and the claim of religious neutrality (atheism), most public (government) school students have never been introduced to America’s Christian history. What follows

The Slow and Long Road to Moral Degeneracy
Most radical ideas have been hidden from the general public and only burst forth after of time of deep seeding in the culture through art, music, the educational establishment, entertainment, and the media. These radical ideas were sold to the American people as a more grand goal. “Everything must be