Should Churches Arm Their Members?
The unthinkable has happened, and not just at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, where 26 church members were murdered and more than 20 were wounded. There was the horrific race-based shooting in 2015 that took place in Charleston, SC, at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church where nine people

Pro-Choice Texas Congresswoman uses taxpayer money to insult our intelligence
Liberals become apoplectic when Conservatives oppose murdering babies.

Should Taxpayers be Forced to Fund ‘Same Sex’ Benefits?
The Supreme Court’s pro-same-sex marriage decision is having far-reaching implications. Not only a people of the same-sex having their marriages legitimized but anyone who opposes same-sex marriages can be severely punished as has happened in a number of high-profile cases. Not only are people being discriminated against in their personal beliefs and

ISIS in America and the Importance of the Second Amendment
The push for gun control is a push for assured destruction. A well-armed American population will stop any attempt by Islamic extremists to coordinate a planned domestic terror attack using conventional weapons. I’m reminded of an exchange between Rick, Humphrey Bogart’s character in the film Casablanca (1942), and Major Heinrik

Texas Supreme Court Halts Rogue Judges’ Same-Sex Marriage Rulings
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is following his state’s constitution, the action by the voters (81% of voters voted against same-sex marriage), and the legislature that also opposes same-sex marriage. Read more: “Southern Baptist Leader Says Roy Moore Should Comply with Judge’s Order or Resign.” Same-sex marriage is illegal in

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott Responds to Houston Sermon Demand
One of the ways the Left has beaten constitutionalists is by having people in places of authority to control the narrative and the legislation. The homosexual movement, comprising 1.6 percent of the population, has dominated the narrative and worked tirelessly to get its people in positions of power. Consider the

Houston Sermon Demand Really About Future Hate Crime Lawsuits
I have followed the Houston petition story for months. I’ve had numerous conversations with a person directly involved in the petition drive. I’ve known him for more than 25 years. He’s one of the most connected persons in Texas when it comes to politics. Long before this became a national

City of Houston Uses Nazi-Era Tactics Against Pastors
If Christian pastors across the United States don’t get the message from what the city of Houston Texas is doing under the leadership of Mayor Annise Parker, then their churches deserve to be shut down by the government. Officials with the city of Houston, who are fighting for a controversial

‘Gay’ Judge Will Not Marry Heterosexual Couples but Don’t You Try It
You’ve read stories about business owners that will not serve same-sex couples when it comes to proving services for weddings. Bakeries, a photographer, a florist, and others have been sanctioned by the government because they would not participate in the charade of same-sex marriages. An Oregon couple has had to

How Texas Became Conservative
When my wife and I moved to Georgia in 1979, it was dominated by Democrats. In fact, the President of the United States was Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer from the Peach State of Georgia. Today, all the major offices in Georgia are held by Republicans. An interesting factoid, Michelle

Texas Official Adds ‘In God We Trust’ and all Hell Breaks Loose
Even though our nation’s motto is ‘In God We Trust,’ Tarrant County tax assessor and collector Ron Wright is being attacked for violating the made up constitutional provision of separating church and state for adding the phrase to his office’s envelopes and tax statements. The ironic part of all of

Governments Use Regulatory Laws to Nullify First Amendment
One of the most frightening trends in American law is using regulations to nullify our fundamental rights, especially those found in the First Amendment. The most prevalnent tactic is campus speech codes. We’ve seen it with zoning ordinances. A Bible study group meets in homes and zoning regulations claim that

Only Liberal Democrat Filibusters are Good: A Tale of Two Filibusters
Ted Cruz takes to the Senate floor and filibusters for 21 hours and he is condemned by the President, Democrats, and some of his fellow-Republicans. ABC on Wednesday morning dismissed Ted Cruz as “bizarre.” The Texas senator has been compared to Adolf Hitler and described as a “problem for our

Woman Watched Her Parents Die in a Gun-Free Zone
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz published an open letter that ask customers not to “bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas,” thus wanting to create a “gun-free zone.” Will evil people who want to harm others care? Criminals pursue the easiest targets. A gun-free zone is an easy target.

Gestapo-Like Initiative Becomes Law in San Antonio
The latest act of political tyranny comes out of San Antonio, Texas. Here’s the story (see Texas constitutional provisions that follow that are specifically violated by the new law): “The San Antonio City Council passed by an 8-3 vote a controversial ordinance Thursday (Sept. 5) by which city officials can

Support Pro-Abortion Women Who Decide Not to Have Sex With Their Husbands
Pro-abortion women in Texas are calling on other pro-abortion women to abstain from sex with their husbands until they support baby killing like they do. “An outspoken feminist is recruiting women to stop having sex with all Texas men – even their husbands – until the men start voting for

No Voter ID Law Means More Democrat Voters in November
The Justice Department’s civil rights division shot down new voter ID law requirement for voters in Texas because many Hispanic voters lack state-issued identification. A similar edict from the Justice Department was leveled against South Carolina. When I saw the doctor yesterday to be treated for a sinus infection, I

Voter Fraud Could Decide Next Election
Reports are coming in that the voter rolls have been faked. We knew that the voter rolls were padded in places like Chicago, but now we’re learning that the fraud is more widespread than we ever could have imagined. The question is, can we do anything to stop it? In