“If Taxation is Theft, Who Will Build the Roads?”
“Taxation is theft” is a popular Libertarian meme that is often objected to with the question about who will build roads. It needs to be qualified. Taxation is theft if the money taken from some people is given to other people who did not earn it. Taxation is not theft

The Bizarro World Of Nancy Pelosi Where Keeping Your Own Money is Theft
Nancy Pelosi is unhinged. The things she is saying, however, make up the Socialist side of the Democrat Party. Her claims, like those of Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders, are so outrageously false and tyrannical that it’s incomprehensible that people agree with her history and “logic.” But millions

“If Taxation is Theft, Who Will Build the Roads?”
Who will build roads is a favorite question asked by people who believe only government can do certain things.

This Type of Socialism Millennials Won’t Like
While Millennials claim socialism is the best form of government, when it’s applied to them personally, it shows it’s a bad system.

Obama’s New Program to Steal More Money from Taxpayers and Buy Votes
Let’s suppose I wanted to send my children to college, but I couldn’t afford it. So I decided to steal the identity of one of my neighbors and take money from his account and use it to send my children to college. Would that be morally justifiable? I suspect that

Americans Believe It’s OK for Governments to Steal for Them
What is the first principle of economics? Some economists will claim that it’s supply and demand, while others insist that it’s scarcity or the division of labor. The first principle of economics is “thou shalt not steal.” The word economics is derived from two Greek words: oikos, meaning “house,” and

How to End Deficit Spending in Five Minutes and Why It Won’t Happen
Warren Buffett, in a July 7, 2011 interview with Becky Quick of CNBC, offered the following as a way to cure Congress’ out-of-control spending habits: “I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3%

Taxation is Theft
What is the first principle of economics? Some economists will claim that it’s supply and demand, while others insist that it’s scarcity or the division of labor. The first principle of economics is “thou shalt not steal.” The word economics is derived from two Greek words: oikos, meaning “house,” and