More Homosexual Penguins on Parade to Propagandize Children
The following is from an article about homosexual penguins and their “gender-neutral” chick: Two female penguins are set to raise the first “gender-neutral” chick, a London aquarium said on Wednesday, the latest same-sex penguin parents to take a furry baby under their wings. Homosexuals have been able to convince many

Given an atheistic or even an agnostic starting point, how can someone be outraged by evil? Without God, being outraged over the presence of evil is a subjective notion borrowed from the Christian worldview. “If God is nothing,” according to Russian novelist Feodor Dostoyevsky (1821–1881), “everything is permitted; if God

Are Liberals Really Against Rape and Sexual Assault?
It’s fascinating what liberals will justify in the name of their pet political policies. If an accused rapist votes the way they want him to vote, they will keep him in office. The following is from the January 5, 2016 episode of “The View”: JOY BEHAR: Hillary is in a

Jimmy Carter Says Jesus Would Approve Some Abortions
If you’ve ever been in a debate over abortion, you know where the land-mine questions are buried. The first one is, “You have no right to tell me what I can do with my own body.” The most accurate and simplest answer is, Of course, I don’t have any right

How Evolution’s Devaluation of Human Life is Affecting Our Culture
For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another (Gal. 5:14-15). Eating your neighbor is not a happy thought. None of us

The Trickle-Down Effect of Atheism, Irrationalism, Subjectivism, and Darwinism
In The Dark Knight (2008) Batman meets up with his most diabolical enemy – the Joker, played fiendishly by the late Heath Ledger. There’s nothing funny about Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker. It’s not Jack Nicholson’s clownish Joker. This Joker is psychotic. Or is he? Alfred warns Bruce Wayne that

Is There Such a Thing as ‘Sexual Assault’ in an Atheistic Evolutionary World?
Given the operating assumptions of evolution, sexual assault and rape are natural.

Liberal actress Ashley Judd insults rape victims with recent political remarks
Ashley Judd is a beautiful, talented actress who made news recently when she made some very poor decisions in public.

Anti-Trumper Judd Apalow Belittles Women Who Actually Have Been Raped
Rape is not something anyone should joke about. Neither should anyone who disagrees with someone politically compare it with being raped. Such a comparison belittles the tragedy that physical rape is to women who have been raped. Judd Apatow is a comedian and the producer of such films as Anchorman and Bridesmaids,

Why the GOP Loses the Big Elections
It’s not only some of the GOP’s bad policies and believing that if they compromise with Democrats the Democrats will return the favor and compromise with them that loses the big elections for what’s left of the Grand Old Party. It’s their unwillingness to fight because they don’t believe they

This is the Reason Millions of People like Trump and Despise the GOP Establishment
“Sunday on Fox News Channel’s ‘Fox & Friends’ Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said if the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton attacks him as sexist, it is ‘fair game’ to bring up her husband former President Bill Clinton’s indiscretions.” (H/T: Breitbart) This is why people like Trump, even though they know he’s not

This New Video May Sink Hillary’s Campaign
If those in the media ever break ranks and report honestly on the lack of honesty of Hillary Clinton, it will be a new day in America. We will be through with the Clintons forever. The media won’t break ranks until they know there is an electable alternative to her.

Media Still Trying to Sell us on the ‘Gay Gene’ Myth
There’s a new study out that claims “gay” DNA may have been found. Not so fast. “Nature News were among the first to break the story based on a press release issued by the conference organisers. Others quickly followed suit. ‘Have They Found The Gay Gene?’ said the front page of Metro, a London paper. .

A Response to Bad Arguments in Defense of Same-Sex Sexuality
I’ve been asked by a number of people to respond to an article by Erica Williams Simon titled “There are 6 Scriptures about homosexuality in the Bible. Here’s what they really say.” Here’s her introduction: “I’m the daughter of two ministers and still spend every Sunday in church, so I

Liberals Went Insane After Phil Robertson Said This
Phil Robertson tells it like it is. Since he’s not running for political office, and he doesn’t need the money, he can be truthful. Also, as an uncompromising Christian, he wants people to understand the implications of their worldview in this life and in the life to come. It’s called

How Rand Paul Turned the Tables on the Abortion Debate
The war on women meme is raging again. It’s like pulling the race card. When you don’t have a substantive argument or when the facts are against you, pull the race card or claim that there’s a conservative “war on women.” Look what happened when presidential candidate Rand Paul dared

A Biblical Solution to False Rape Charges
There has been a great deal of attention given to reports of rape. Rolling Stone magazine reported on an alleged “brutal gang rape of a woman named Jackie during a party at a University of Virginia fraternity house.” Included in the story was that the University failed “to respond to this alleged

The “Jesus Didn’t Say Anything About Homosexuality” Lie
I’ve only recently heard of Hillsong Church. It’s described as a “mega-church.” It would have remained anonymous to me except that Facebook lit up with some rather odd comments about the Bible and homosexuality made by some of the leadership. “Hillsong Church’s New York location reportedly draws ‘a lot of