Is This the Reason Obama Didn’t Investigate Russian Hacking?
Lost in the “Russia, Russia, Russia” narrative is that the Russia hacking took place in 2016. There is ample evidence that Russia and other countries have tried to influence our elections. Is anyone surprised at this? The United States not only tries to influence the elections of other countries but

Hey, Democrats! We Don’t Care You’re Not Showing Up for Trump’s Inauguration
The Mainstream Media are making a big deal over how many Democrats aren’t showing up for Trump’s Inauguration. I’ve seen where it’s now up to at least 60 House Democrats. The list will grow as more Democrats will be cajoled into not attending. They think we care. They need us

Obama Attacks and Censors Christianity but Praises Islam
President Obama claims to be a Christian. Claiming that Obama’s a Muslim will get you a seat on the nutter bench. Rush Limbaugh had some questions about the way President Obama seems to attack Christianity while praising Islam every chance he gets. Why did President Obama use his message at the
The Truth About Obama’s Claim that Islam Has Always Been Part of America
President Obama claimed in his visit to a mosque that Islam is “woven into the fabric” of the United States since our nation’s founding and is a religion of peace. President Obama went on to say that “Jefferson and John Adams had their own copies of the Koran” and that

Obama Condemns the Founders and the Declaration of Independence at Town Hall Meeting
During CNN’s town hall meeting with President Obama concerning his Executive Orders on guns, he said the following: “What I think Mark is alluding to is what I said earlier, this notion of a conspiracy out there, and it gets wrapped up in concerns about the Federal government. Now, there’s a

The Truth about Obama’s Smoke and Mirrors Theater on Gun Control
No President has the authority by the use of an Executive Order to limit the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, and that includes gun control. Why is it that there are more thousand regulations (federal, state, and local) impacting the Second Amendment but almost no laws regulating the

Defy Obama, Buy a Gun, and Dedicate it to the Best Gun Salesman in America
The Second Amendment is part of the “law of the land” because its in the Bill of Rights which, of course, is in the Constitution. President Obama wants to put more restrictions of American citizens who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights. The thing of it is, the President

Pro-Abortionist Upset With ‘Newsweek’ Cover Because an Unborn Baby Looks Like a Baby
Liberals not only try to control the narrative, they also try their hardest to keep truth from getting out to low-information voters. For years abortionists have tried to keep full disclosure from women considering abortion. Liberals want every ingredient listed on every food package but woe to anyone who wants

Hillary and Obama ‘Most Admired’ Until You Read the Fine Print
A new poll is out that says that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. Do you want to guess what percentage she received to garner the top spot? Obama was the most admired man. Before I give you the numbers, I want to lay out for you

This is why the Second Amendment Was Added to the Bill of Rights
President Obama, as messaged from the White House, can’t understand why gun sales increase after a major shooting. It’s because there are people who will kill no matter what laws say they shouldn’t, criminals will always find ways to arm themselves, and the police can’t be everywhere to stop a

“The Gun Control Song” is a Must See and Hear
It’s sung to Billy Joel’s “Only the Good Die Young.” It’s sure to be conservative classic that you’ll want to share with your friends and maybe some of your gun-foe, anti-Second Amendment frenemies. “On December 16, satirist Dan Joseph released ‘The Gun Control Song,’ mocking President Obama’s habit of responding

Leftist Teacher Bullies Conservative Black 13-Year-Old Student
Remember in February of this year when Rudy Giuliani said this? “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were

Obama Bans Pork: Who Knew There Were So Many Muslims in Prison?
It’s weirder and weirder. President has had more to say about not offending Muslims in prison than he has about Christians who were targeted by the Oregon murderer. “The federal Bureau of Prisons, a subdivision of President Barack Obama’s Justice Department, has banished all pork products from the menus in all

What if the Oregon Shooter had Targeted Muslims, ‘Gays’ or ‘Transgenders’?
The nation was rightly horrified when Christians in a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, were gunned down. There was so much outrage that anything Confederate was considered to be an affront to civil rights. Flags were removed, names of Confederate Generals were expunged, and some even advocated digging up

Ted Cruz Explains Why John Boehner Resigned and How He Made a Deal with Pelosi
There were cheers among conservatives over the news that John Boehner announced his resignation from Congress. But Rep. Boehner could do a lot of damage in 30 days if he follows his usual practice of giving into Obama and working with the Democrats. Instead of leading the House majority that

Obama Says Sex Act Trumps Religious Freedom
Where in the Constitutional does it say a sex act is a “right”? If one sexual act is a right because the people who practice that sex act says it is, then who’s to say that not all sex acts are constitutional rights protected by law that no one can

Obama’s $1 Billion Library and ‘Income Inequality’
Hillary Clinton and President Obama talk a lot about income inequality. It’s the mainstay of the Democrat Party. Actually, they love income inequality as long as their income is unequal to everyone else’s income. The Clintons are multi-millionaires and the Obamas are most likely in that class and soon to be

Obama Makes Huge Blunder in Pushing ‘Gay’ Rights in Kenya
President Obama traveled to his home country of Kenya. While there, he pushed his pro-homosexual agenda with these comments: “When you start treating people differently not because of any harm they are doing to anybody, but because they are different, that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode,” Obama said