Nancy Pelosi Misreads the Bible Again
The political party that shuns and ridicules Christians has no problem appealing to the Bible when it suits their warped and twisted big-government purposes. Pelosi said the following in a Tweet: It should be a sign to us that today’s Catholic Gospel reading is the Good Samaritan, where Jesus teaches

Christians Pushing ‘The Biblical Values of Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic Socialism’
The folks at Sojourners have been pushing socialism in the name of Jesus and the Bible for decades. Claiming that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s economic policies are biblical is the height of absurdity. She does not know anything about economics. Her claim that a $3 billion tax break can be spent is prima facie evidence

Are Tax Cuts Anti-Christian and Murderous?
Liberal Christians believe that tax cuts are sinful.

Millennials Believe Socialism is the Best Form of Government (Your Tax Dollars at Work)
Socialism has been chosen by millennials as the best form of government.

Leftists Try to Make This Anti-Christian Democrat Senator into a Christian Saint
Religion is evil when it’s practiced by Christians and Republicans. Religion is good when it’s practiced by non-Christians, Democrats, and people who claim to be Christians but aren’t. For example, in an interview, Hillary Clinton said, “At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence

Hypocritical Liberals Appeal to Jesus in Support of Government-Mandated Healthcare
Like clockwork, when the Republicans voted to make changes to the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, Liberals went to Jesus for help with the hashtag #JesusNeverSaid. For example: “#ThingsJesusNeverSaid ‘You have a pre-existing condition, I can’t cure you.’” When the State can cure people like Jesus did, I’ll

Soft-Selling Communism and Stalinism in the ‘Trumbo’ film
My wife and I sat down the Saturday before the Academy Awards to watch the 2015 film Trumbo. Dalton Trumbo is played by Bryan Cranston who did a marvelous job, certainly worthy of the Academy Award nomination he received for Best Actor. It’s loosely based on the Hollywood screenwriter, author,

Paying it Forward to End Welfare and Change Lives
The Bible asks, “For who has despised the day of small things?” (Zech. 4:10) And yet, there are too many people who do. They feel the need for the establishment of a huge bureaucracy in order to care for the truly needed. Many will appeal to the Bible in an

Ohio Gov. John Kasich Believes the Bible Supports the Welfare State
Once again we have a politician using the Bible to support a political position. This time it’s Ohio governor John Kasich, a Republican, believes the Bible can be used to support taking money from some people so it can be given to other people. He’s critical of people who oppose

Did You Know “Jesus Was a Marxist”?
Dan Arel, author of Parenting without God, has written that Jesus was a Marxist. I’m not sure why an atheist would care. Let’s begin with a true statement made by Arel: “If you have read the Bible, you then know much about the story of Jesus and how he helped

The Story that Could Win Mitt Romney the Presidency
It’s been said by the Democrats that Mitt Romney is a murderer, felon, and tax cheat. Democrats have also maintained that Bain Capital is all about making money and destroying the little guy. As it is with Liberals, there are no facts to back up the allegations. People are supposed

Liberals Love to be ‘Generous’ With Other People’s Money
It’s been said that the last bastion of Communism is found on the campuses of American universities. Alan Wolfe is the poster child for soft-core Communism. He is currently on the faculty of Boston College and serves as director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life. He

The Occupiers Turn to Jesus for Help
The Occupiers are pulling out all the stops to support their failing cause. When Leftists start appealing to the Bible, you know they’re in trouble. How many times have we heard that “religion and politics don’t mix,” “you can’t impose your morality on others,” or “there’s a separation of church

Liberal Says: “It’s not ‘class warfare,’ it’s Christianity”
I was wondering when liberals were going to bring Jesus into the discussion about taxing the rich. Christians are labeled ‘theocrats’ and ‘dominionists’ when they quote the Bible, but when a liberal appeals to Jesus she’s being compassionate. The latest is an article written by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite who is