Is Modern-Day Iran Ancient Persia?
I posted a few comments on Mark Hitchcock’s site where he was promoting his third (or is it his fourth) book on Iran and Bible prophecy. I can’t find what I posted, so I’ll post some of what I wrote there. First, Mark Hitchcock writes a lot of books on
Anne Graham Lotz Claims We’re About to Enter the Gog and Magog War
Based on President Trump’s pullout of troops from Syria, it occurred to Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, “that there is a war prophesied in Ezekiel 38 that has not yet taken place. When Gog, the prince of Magog — who some people believe is Putin
Is Gog and Magog Battle About to Commence?
“Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security concludes the Gog battle is a ‘realistic scenario,’” a recent article from WND reports. “The study forecasts the toll of a massive nuclear war.” Christian prophecy writers have been making similar claims for decades. Are they right? Chuck Missler writes in his
Bible Prophecy in the White House
Mike Pompeo told an audience in Cairo that “he had come to the region as ‘as an evangelical Christian.” That’s OK. Glad to hear it. But then there’s this: In his speech at the American University in Cairo, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible
Ray Comfort Claims the Bible Prophesies that ‘Russia Will Attack Israel’
A few years ago, I wrote a series of articles about Ray Comfort’s comments on Bible prophecy. You can read them here, here, here, and here. I spoke with Ray about his views on prophecy. He was receptive to my critique and told me that he would not be addressing
Are Russia, Iran, and Syria Headed for an End-Time Meltdown?
I’ve been listening to an interview that Brannon Howse had with pastor and author Andy Woods about his book The Middle East Meltdown. He, like so many prophecy writers today, believes Ezekiel 38 and 39 are about modern-day Russia and nations surrounding Israel that will lead to the deaths of
Rabbi Warns of Biblical Gog and Magog War in Israel
WND reports that “over the weekend, Palestinians in Gaza fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, and Israel responded with strategic attacks on terrorist camps. It’s happened before and likely will again. But a prominent rabbi warns that one of these times, it’s not going to end easily, because it will
Is Russia Mentioned in Bible Prophecy?
Prophetic prognosticators continue to claim that Russia is predicted in the Bible, in particular, Ezekiel 38 and 39.
Prophetic Speculation and Its Enthusiastic Followers
There is a great deal of prophetic speculation going on that has been going on for centuries and it’s dentralizing Christians.
How Bible Prophecy Pundits are Neutralizing Christians With Their End-Time Claims
Once again, prophecy prognosticators are predicting that Jesus is going to wrap up everything in our generation because things are so bad the end must be near. A recent article written by Britt Gillette that appears on the Prophecy News Watch website says as much: “The signs of the Second
Michele Bachman and Glenn Beck Can Only See the Apocalypse
I’ve been writing on the subject of eschatology (the study of the last things) for a long time and countering the argument that a near end-time apocalypse is around the corner. Over the years I have participated in innumerable debates, written ten books on the subject, and published nearly 100
Is Russia’s Presence in Syria the Beginning of the Gog and Magog War?
“The newspaper has no prerogative to challenge God’s word of truth. Nor do those who read the newspapers.”1 With Russia involved in Syria, the prophecy pundits are making predictions again. The four so-called Blood Moons are so yesterday. There’s a new prophecy speculation on the horizon. The folks at The Blaze have
Michele Bachmann Claims Iran Deal is the Fulfillment of End Times Prophecy
Earlier this month, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, declared “that the nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the United States and five other world powers is nothing more than the fulfillment of End Times prophecy found in the Bible, and added that the world will likely see the ‘strong right
‘Apocalyptic Islam’ Paving Way for ‘Islamic Messiah’
In addition to Sharia law and killing for Allah for a first-class ticket to the Islamic version of heaven with 72 virgins based on a reading in the hadith, there’s an end-of-the-world aspect to Islam. Here’s how Joel Rosenberg, author of a number prophecy books, has been addressing the topic
Glenn Beck Wrong about End-of-World Prophecy Views
Listening to Glenn Beck requires a good grasp of history, religion (especially the Bible), and general worldview thinking to filter out the misinformation, especially when it comes to Bible prophecy. Too often Beck relies on misinformed “experts” whom he trusts without investigating their claims or at least seeking out another
Prophecy Writers Spreading Misinformation
“The single best-selling nonfiction book of the 1970s was not The Joy of Sex or even The Joy of Cooking; it was Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth.”1 It was declared by the New York Times to be the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.”2 Estimates put sales