It’s Time to Stop Funding Public Universities With Stolen Money
Randa Jarrar, an English professor at the California State University (Fresno) attacked Barbara Bush online just hours after the 92-year-old former First Lady died. Jarrar said some disgustingly awful things, which is her right to do, but not on my dime. Like Jarrar, I have problems with the Bush presidencies. George
You Aren’t Qualified to Hold Public Office If You Don’t Know What the First Amendment Means
“They have a right to protest” is the new Leftist narrative. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee “took a knee for the First Amendment.” Who’s denying that people have a right to protest? Who’s against Free Speech? (Actually, liberals are, but that’s a different story for another time.) Everyone has a right
Why it’s Impossible to Soften Language against Killing Unborn Babies
Pro-abortionists blame “hateful rhetoric,” a phrase used by Planned Parenthood in a statement, for the shootings at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Like clockwork and in unision, pro-abortion supporters took up the Planned Parenthood media handbook on how to divert attention from what happens daily at Planned
Carly Fiorina Attacked by Condom-Throwing Planned Parenthood Operatives
Who’s really intolerant? The Left. Liberals. Pro-abortionists. Pro-homosexuals. You name the positon, and I’ll name the intolerants. Go on most college campuses, and you will find a nearly closed system. The Free Speech Movement of the 1960s has become the “No Speech But Approved Speech Movement” of the 21st century.
Fascist Al Gore Wants to ‘Punish’ Climate Change Deniers
Everywhere we turn the Democrats are sounding more like Benito Mussolini every day. They’ve become the fascist party. Fascism is a system of government where the party in power forcibly suppresses opposition and criticism. We’re seeing over the issue of same-sex sexuality, ‘gay rights,’ homosexuality, whatever you want to call it. Any opposition
Chick-fil-A Booted From Indiana University Campus Because of Same-Sex Marriage Controversy
Your tax dollars are paying for this: “Chick-fil-A has been booted off another campus because a small group of students with voting power disagreed with some of the business’ Biblical beliefs.” If this were a private college that got absolutely no tax money, I would not object. But colleges are
Facebook Deletes Pro-Cliven Bundy Comments
The following offensive text was considered by someone at Facebook to be inappropriate. It was posted by Todd Starnes of Fox News: “Rancher Bundy should’ve told the feds that those were Mexican cows – who came across the border illegally to seek better grazing opportunities. It was an act of
Evidence of the Death of Free Speech in our Time
Forbes reports that today’s liberalism is about shutting down debate. We’ve “reached the point,” Steven F. Hayward writes, “where you can’t criticize the welfare state any more. Criticism of welfare programs today get you marked out as a racist. And that’s not the only subject that the Left is trying to mark
Santa Claus and “Don’t Tread on Me” Out of Business?
Businesses don’t want to offend their customers. I get that. But when a business owner decides not to offend some customers, he may end up offending more customers. A business owner should be able to do anything he wants with his business. It’s his business. I’m not for suing a