Former Christian Becomes an Atheist Because of Ken Ham?
The Christian Post is publishing an eight-part series about Christians who are “Leaving Christianity.” The series “explores the reasons why many Americans are rejecting the faith they grew up with.” I have to say that some of the reasons these former professing Christians used to justify their rejection of “the
Will The United States Succumb to “Secular Fundamentalism”?
Will America suffer the same fate as Europe and the rise of what Karen Armstrong calls “secular fundamentalism”? We seem to be headed in a similar direction with the secularization of our schools, courts, media, morality, perverse sexual practices, and politics. Christianity in America, like Christianity in Europe, is under
Bill Nye is Looking Forward to Your Death Like Someone Else We Know
Bill Nye is the front man for evolution, “climate change,” and everything that a Leftist could love. He has considered an argument that would penalize people who have more than a necessary number of children. The scientists he interviews argue that children put pressure on the environment. The best way
Bill Nye Butchers the Constitution . . . Again!
Not only is Bill Nye not a scientist, but he’s also not a historian or a student of the United States Constitution. Anybody can make any written document say anything if portions of it are taken out of context. It’s done with the Bible all the time. The second most misquoted and
Atheist Murderer Was Big Fan of Rachel Maddow and Bill Nye the Science Guy
Was “Catcher in the Rye” to blame for Mark David Chapman killing John Lennon? How about video games being held responsible for the the deranged Newtown, Conn., shooter who loved them? There’s a good chance that some link to a motive can be found for every murder. Hillary Clinton and
Bill Nye Butchers the Constitution to Promote Global Warming Claim
Not only is Bill Nye not a scientist, but he’s also not an historian or a student of the United States Constitution. Anybody can make any written document say anything if portions of it are taken out of context. It’s done with the Bible all the time. The second most misquoted and
More Bad Science, Logic, and History From Bill Nye the Un-Science Guy
I almost never watch CNN. In fact, I rarely watch any news programs including Fox. But on Friday my wife was undergoing eye surgery, and I was relegated to the waiting room where the only program on TV was CNN. Bill Nye, best known for his TV series “Bill Nye
Read the Stupid Thing Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ Said
Bill Nye was best known for hosting the science program “Bill Nye the Science Guy.” The funny thing about Nye is that he’s not a Ph.D.-credentialed scientist. He has a number of honorary Doctor of Science degrees. In 2010, Nye received the 2010 Humanist of the Year Award from the American
The One Thing Evolutionists Don’t Want You to Know
Since the Ken Ham v. Bill Nye debate on February 4, there have been a lot of posted comments and articles on the debate. I’ve written some myself, for example, “How I Would Debate Bill Nye the UnScience Guy” and “Where the Bill Nye v. Ken Ham Debate Went off
Where the Bill Nye v. Ken Ham Debate Went off Track
The great Creation/Evolution debate is over. Will it go down in the history books with the same importance as the Thomas Huxley v. Samuel Wilberforce debate of 1860? Time will tell. I put in my two cents worth on how Ken Ham should have approached the debate. Here’s some of
Christian Author Bullied by Pro-Gay Reviewers on Amazon
Don’t you just love tolerance? You do your thing, and I’ll do my thing, and as long as your thing does not interfere with my thing, all is right with the world, until you write a book evaluating the underpinnings of your thing, a thing that is now being forced
Big Evolution vs. Creation Debate to Take Place with Bill Nye
On February 4, 2014, Ken Ham, Creation Museum Founder and Answers in Genesis President/CEO will debate Bill Nye at the Creation Museum on this question: “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific world?” Bill Nye is the former host of the popular Bill Nye the Science
Bill Nye the UnScience Guy
Over the weekend I was in Pittsburgh attending my 45th high school reunion. While in the hotel I was flipping through the channels and came across Bill Maher’s show where he was interviewing Bill Nye “The Science Guy.” They were talking about religion and science. Maher tried to argue that
Bill Nye the Atheist Guy
Do you want your children exposed to a scientist who claims God does not exist? Since scientists can’t make such a claim in the name of science, such a scientist is not being a scientist. A scientist can believe God does not exist, but he can’t demonstrate scientifically that God