Has God Called Us To be the Doormat for the World?
If Christians don’t engage the culture at every level — politics included — then they will be excluded from every area of life. Get busy now or forever hold your peace when the iron boot of the State and social forces stomp on your face forever.

Millennial Pastor Seeking to be Relevant Becomes Irrelevant
The greatest threat to the church is coming from inside the church. The Apostle Paul made this clear in his parting instructions to the elders of the church at Ephesus: “I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own

The Ten Commandments: Foundation of Liberty
What we are seeing during the judicial proceedings for Judge Kavanaugh is a symptom of a greater principle. The foundation of law is absent. Uncorroborated testimonies have become a substitute for evidence and witnesses. The people who attacking Judge Kavanaugh are the same people who support the killing of unborn

Mega-Pastor Rejects the Ten Commandments
Pastor Andy Stanley is at it again. He seems to have a problem with God’s law, specifically, the Ten Commandments: “You’ve heard the story before: A group of Christians puts up a monument of the Ten Commandments in a public space or on government property,” begins Stanley in his article

Liberal Educators Are America’s Biggest Censors
The biggest censors in America are liberals. They refuse to have an open discussion of the bad science behind evolution and work tirelessly to scrub every vestige of the Bible’s influence on America’s founding from our nation’s textbooks. I’ve always maintained that the major source of America’s problems resides in

Nancy Pelosi and the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Commandments
Nancy Pelosi has accused Pres. Trump of describing “undocumented immigrants” as “animals.” Here’s what she said: And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, “These aren’t people. These are animals,” you have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity, and worth

How to Learn the 10 Commandments in 10 Minutes
Everyone talks about the Ten Commandments, but it seems that most Americans don’t know them. Atheist groups want monuments of the Ten Commandments removed from government property. Judge Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate for the state of Alabama, “was removed from his position as Chief Justice in November 2003

People Who Believe in only 6 of the 10 Commandments Have a Big Problem
“According to a poll by YouGov, only six of the ten [commandments] are important to British Christians, with most saying the other four are not ‘important principles to live by’ in the 21st century.” This might explain what we’re seeing in every area of life – from sexual assaults, homosexuality, governmental

Was Roy Moore Wrong to Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Ruling by Supreme Court?
A constant attack on Judge Roy Moore, who is the Republican candidate for US Senator in Alabama, is that he violated his oath by not acquiescing to the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage. Like Martin Luther King, Moore was following a higher law and the rights afforded to the

Why Judges and Politicians Hate the Ten Commandments
A court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma and the Supreme Court “sided with a lower court that ordered a New Mexico city to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the lawn outside City Hall.” Judge Roy Moore, who

Today’s Judges Are Dangerous for One Specific Reason
Some time ago I was watching the film The Magnificent Yankee (1950), a film about Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Early in the film, Holmes is introduced to the first of his law-school graduate secretaries played by Jimmy Lydon, best known for his role as Henry Aldrich in the film

Atheists Attack Christianity in Pennsylvania
“A city council in Pennsylvania has unanimously voted to remove a park bench that was meant to honor veterans due to objection from an atheist group regarding a God-centered inscription on the display that is attributed to the state’s founder.” (Christian News) While there is no constitutional prohibition, either at

Charlton Heston: “Political Correctness is Tyranny with Manners”
While doing some research for an article on the Ten Commandments display in Oklahoma, I came across the following comments in a Wikipedia article on Charlton Heston (1923-2008) who starred in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments. They were prescient. Unlike so many Republicans today, Heston wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.

Ten Commandments Battle in Oklahoma: Will It be OK to Steal and Murder?
A Ten Commandments monument has been removed from the grounds of the State Capitol in Oklahoma at the insistence of the ACLU. What makes a law a law? Why is it wrong to murder, steal, and lie, three of the Ten Words (Decalogue) found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

Whoopi Goldberg is the Resident Bible Scholar on ‘The View’
Whoopi Goldberg is a classic practitioner of the ignorant expert. She often gets away with her ignorance because her audience is often just as ignorant as she is. Here’s her latest: “The hosts of The View on Tuesday ranted about Catholicism, the Pope and his visit to America. Whoopi Goldberg, offering

Atheists Get Slapped Down in Pennsylvania Ten Commandments Case
“A federal judge in Pennsylvania has thrown out a lawsuit challenging the presence of a Ten Commandments monument at a local high school, declaring that the complainants have not suffered injury from the display.” That’s hardly a good argument. “Plaintiffs … have failed to establish that they were forced to

The Tyranny of Law in America and the Subversion of History
There’s not a lot to celebrate this July 4th. Our founding institutions have been corrupted and subverted, and it didn’t begin when the Supreme Court ruled that states must sanction the perversion of something called “same-sex marriage.” When Supreme Court Justice Charles Evan Hughes declared, “We are under a Constitution,

The Real Reason Governments Ban the Ten Commandments
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that a Ten Commandments’ monument must be removed from the State Capitol grounds in Oklahoma. Why are the courts so opposed to the Ten Commandments? Secular governments don’t want any competition. Governments want to be free to establish their own laws without a law