Elizabeth Warren’s Plans to Separate Law-Abiding Citizens from their Second Amendment Rights
What present laws would have stopped the latest murder sprees? What about future laws? Red flag laws wouldn’t have stopped any of the shooters, but they might bring a cadre of gun-toting government law enforcement agencies down on your house if you are a conservative blogger. All it takes is

City With Mandatory Gun Ownership Has One of the Lowest Crime Rates
The anti-Second Amendment crowd is on the warpath again. I live just a few miles from the most pro-gun city in the United States – Kennesaw, Georgia – where gun ownership is mandatory. It’s not the “Wild West” like some people predicted it would be when city officials passed a

Why An AR-15 Is a Necessary Weapon for Citizens to Own
Talking about guns and who should own them has become toxic. It wasn’t too many years ago that parents never had the thought that their children could be murdered while at school by a crazed person with a gun of any type. It was all about grades, not getting in

Have you Heard About the Four Boxes of Liberty that Liberals Hate?
The more I read about Frederick Douglass, the more I like him. His white master’s wife taught him to read. A literate slave was a danger to the institution of slavery, especially when a literate slave read the Bible and understood its message that the spirit and the body are

Do You Want the Government to Define “Mental Health” So You Can Buy a Gun?
If we let the government define mental health, we might find ourselves entrapped

Does the Second Amendment Only Apply to Muskets?
We’re hearing the argument again that the Second Amendment was only about muskets. Our founders never envisioned that high-powered rifles and handguns would ever be invented and taken up by ordinary citizens. This is a curious argument since the designation “militia” is used. Does this mean that any military use

Is This the Reason For Mass Shootings and Other Acts of Violence?
A federal judge has ordered Lehigh Valley County, Pennsylvania, to remove the cross from its seal. He says it violates the Constitution. The cross represents the reality of sin, separation from God, and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ to reconcile us to God. The judge in the case “made

It’s Time to Register Journalists and Regulate Freedom of the Press
The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” You will notice that there are no qualifications. In fact, the right to keep and bear arms is said

How Gun Control Advocates Could Take Your Guns With One Law
I thought about whether I should write an article on how gun control advocates might go about confiscating guns with almost no physical force. They might actually do it just like this. “So, I would like you to explain with 350 million guns in 65 million places, households, from Key

Obama Condemns the Founders and the Declaration of Independence at Town Hall Meeting
During CNN’s town hall meeting with President Obama concerning his Executive Orders on guns, he said the following: “What I think Mark is alluding to is what I said earlier, this notion of a conspiracy out there, and it gets wrapped up in concerns about the Federal government. Now, there’s a

Conservatives Could Be Denied Guns because of ‘Mental Disorder’
Before you go to see your doctor, make sure you have purchased all the guns and ammo you think you’ll need. After some seemingly innocent probing about your lifestyle and beliefs, he or she may consider you to be a danger to yourself, your family, and others (mostly the liberal

The Truth about Obama’s Smoke and Mirrors Theater on Gun Control
No President has the authority by the use of an Executive Order to limit the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, and that includes gun control. Why is it that there are more thousand regulations (federal, state, and local) impacting the Second Amendment but almost no laws regulating the

Defy Obama, Buy a Gun, and Dedicate it to the Best Gun Salesman in America
The Second Amendment is part of the “law of the land” because its in the Bill of Rights which, of course, is in the Constitution. President Obama wants to put more restrictions of American citizens who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights. The thing of it is, the President

This is why the Second Amendment Was Added to the Bill of Rights
President Obama, as messaged from the White House, can’t understand why gun sales increase after a major shooting. It’s because there are people who will kill no matter what laws say they shouldn’t, criminals will always find ways to arm themselves, and the police can’t be everywhere to stop a

“The Gun Control Song” is a Must See and Hear
It’s sung to Billy Joel’s “Only the Good Die Young.” It’s sure to be conservative classic that you’ll want to share with your friends and maybe some of your gun-foe, anti-Second Amendment frenemies. “On December 16, satirist Dan Joseph released ‘The Gun Control Song,’ mocking President Obama’s habit of responding

It’s Time For ‘Background Checks’ on Journalists
Obama and the anti-Second Amendment crowd want more restrictions for gun buyers. The media have especially gotten behind the demand for more limits on the Second Amendment. For every new limitation that those in the media accept and promote, there needs to be an equal number of limitations on the

Liberals See Immigration as a Way to Abolish the Second Amendment
The long-term effects of immigration — legal and illegal — could have disastrous consequences. First, soccer would become the national past time. Second, the Second Amendment would be abolished: “Mass immigration from the Third World would destroy the NRA and ultimately the Second Amendment, a Washington Post op-ed declares, as

Gun Owners Pack Heat to Guard Military Recruiting Center
The recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where four Marines were gunned down by an Islamic terrorist, was a “gun-free zone.” That meant that anybody with evil intent in their heart who had a gun and had some reason to kill American servicemen on United States soil, would meet with no