I Told You Republicans Wouldn’t Do Anything
I often responded to posts on Facebook that directed readers to articles that told us that Republicans were about to expose this or that bit of wrongdoing by the Democrats with “don’t hold your breath.” The Republicans had a narrow window to affect substantial political change for our nation with

No Matter What Happens It’s All Trump’s Fault
The media are only interested in stories they can manipulate to make Pres. Trump look bad. Even before he won the presidency in 2016, hostilities toward him and his supporters came from the Democrats. We’re all familiar with the numerous examples of anti-Trump vitriol that has been leveled against him and

The Either/Or Healthcare Fallacy
Either the government must provide healthcare coverage for everyone or millions of people will die. This is called the either/or, fallacy dilemma, or bifurcation fallacy. Description: When only two choices are presented yet more exist, or a spectrum of possible choices exists between two extremes. False dilemmas are usually characterized by

Trump/Putin Meeting Compared to Cuban Missile Crisis, 9/11 attack, Pearl Harbor, and Kristallnacht
While the USA did not qualify for 2018’s World Cup that was held in Russia, the team would have gone if it had qualified. The rest of the soccer-loving world had no trouble sending their teams to Russia. Why would all of these countries do this if Russia is the

Will Democrat Rhetoric Lead to More Violent Acts?
The more Democrats talk, the more they incite their followers to unspeakable rhetorical savagery on men and women they disagree with. Some of them go so far as to make violent threats against people they disagree with. The vast majority of Democrats rarely raise a whisper against the comments of

Millennial Claims Trump is the Reason for Recent Violence
You don’t have to look far to see that most violence comes from the political Left.

First Step in Fixing Healthcare: Get the Government Out!
There was a time that doctors were paid in cash or some form of barter exchange. “In 1900, the average American spent $5 a year on health care ($100 in today’s money). No one had health insurance, because you don’t need insurance for something that costs $5 a year.” (NPR)

JumboTron to Broadcast LIVE Abortions at University at Buffalo
Rand Paul showed that pro-abortionists, who dominate the Democrat Party, support abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy. Debbie Wasserman Schultz would not answer the question whether she would or wouldn’t support the abortion of a 7-pound baby. Here was her response: “Here’s an answer,” said Schultz. “I support letting

How Rand Paul Turned the Tables on the Abortion Debate
The war on women meme is raging again. It’s like pulling the race card. When you don’t have a substantive argument or when the facts are against you, pull the race card or claim that there’s a conservative “war on women.” Look what happened when presidential candidate Rand Paul dared

Democrats Claim Ebola Outbreak the Fault of Republican Budget Cuts
Multimillionaire Barbra Streisand has written, “By the way, if not for Republicans austere budget cuts, the NIH [Nation Institute for Health] could have possibly had an Ebola vaccine by now.” I wonder how much she’s donated to an Ebola vaccine? Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated $25 million in the

Racist Conservatives Pick Ted Cruz and Ben Carson in Presidential Straw Poll
Conservatives prove once again that they’re racists. Look what they just did, positive proof that Republicans and conservatives are at heart racially motivated in their political decisions. No doubt the Democrats will pull the ubiquitous race card again by making up some story about why the poll results turned out

Why Wall Street Republicans Will Support Hillary Clinton in 2016
Everybody loves free stuff! So it’s no wonder that the Wall Street Republicans love Obama and will love Hillary in 2016. Quantitative Easing has artificially boosted profits on Wall Street. Billions have been made with funny money, and it’s all happened with a Democrat in the White House. Barack Obama

Rand Paul Wants Conservatives to Compromise on Moral Issues
The Washington Post is reporting that Rand Paul is calling for conservatives to compromise on moral issues: “I think that the Republican Party, in order to get bigger, will have to agree to disagree on social issues,” Paul told vocativ.com. “The Republican Party is not going to give up on

Neo-Con Doesn’t Get the Importance of Rand Paul’s Filibuster
Rand Paul’s 13-hour filibuster over domestic drone strikes has set the Neo-Con world on edge. The old bulls feel threatened by the surging new bulls. For decades conservatives have been waiting for someone to stand up against the spineless, too-long-in-Congress, old guard Republicans. John McCain and Lindsey Graham were the

John McCain Calls Paul, Cruz, and all Constitutionalists ‘Wacko Birds’
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) continues to criticize his fellow Republicans for their filibuster of incoming CIA Director John O. Brennan because of ambiguous responses to the administration’s drone policy. In an interview with the Huffington Post, McCain referred to Republican Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz as “wacko birds.” McCain

President Obama Wants a Second (Socialistic) Bill of Rights
Rand Paul said the following about what he believes are President Obama’s real political ambitions: “I think the President understands the Constitution enough to know that he would prefer a different type of constitution. [Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader] Ginsberg said she admired the South African Constitution. So, I think

Anti-Voters Dump on the ‘Pragmatists’
I’ve been following the comments by the anti-voters on several Facebook threads. Their argument is that if you vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama, you’re a pragmatist. I’ve been following the conservative movement for more than 30 years, and I’ve been hearing the same rhetoric for 30 years: “No

Some Advice for those Who Won’t Support the GOP
A lot of my friends are not going to vote in November, or if they do vote they’re going to write in Ron Paul. They say they’re voting their “conscience” as if people who are voting for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney are not voting their “conscience.” I’m going to