25 Oct 2018

Democrats Have Only Now Discovered Violent Rhetoric and Violent Actions

Popular movements often attract fringe characters. As my friend, James Jordan, often said, “Bright lights attract big bugs.” It would not surprise me that the pipe “bombs” that have been sent to Democrats and some of their vociferous supporters were made by some fringe supporter of Trump. If it turns

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
04 Jul 2018

The Democrats Would Rather Celebrate The French Revolution Than Independence Day

What we’re seeing in the streets, confrontations in restaurants (Sarah Sanders Huckabee and EPA’s Scott Pruitt), homes (Kirstjen Nielsen), and movie theaters (Florida AG Pam Bondi), and the denouncement of free speech on college campuses are reminiscent of the political climate that resulted in the bloody, anti-Christian French Revolution. Maxine Waters

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
17 May 2018

Was Pres. Trump Wrong to Describe MS-13 Gang Members as ‘Animals’?

The Left is in a perpetual state of rage. The latest incident that’s upsetting the perpetually offended is a comment that Pres. Trump made about the vicious MS-13 gangs. The President has described them as “animals” at least nine times since 2017. What’s changed? The Democrats are getting even more

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
14 Jul 2017

Should Pres. Trump Celebrate Bastille Day With the French?

It was anti-Trumper Kathy Griffin who held up the head of a decapitated Donald Trump. Decapitations took place at a regular pace in revolutionary France. Madame Guillotine was very busy.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
01 Jun 2017

Jeopardy Winner ‘Not So Genius’ Ken Jennings Slams Barron Trump and This Bad Thing Happens

Kathy Griffin beheads Donald Trump and gets canned. It was a bad career move. She’s an unlikable comedian. The first time I saw her comedy act was on an episode of Seinfeld where she built her routine around the claim that Jerry was the devil. It wasn’t that funny. Who’s the devil now? It cost her

Gary DeMar 0 Read More