09 May 2018

Iran and North Korea and the Tale of Two Presidents

As usual, the Left is upset with Pres. Trump. This time it’s over the Iran deal. And what did Iranian government officials do after Trump nixed the deal? You guessed it. Lawmakers burned an American flag and cried ‘Death to America.’” “Be careful not to burn down the parliament,” speaker Ali Larijani

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
03 Jan 2018

What’s Really Happening in Iran that We’re Not Being Told

No country is perfect. The Shah was not a perfect leader and neither were the Mullahs who turned Iran into an oppressive hell hole. But that’s what Islam does. The people don’t convert to Islam; Islam is forced upon them. My friend Jerry Bowyer, an economist, author, and columnist who

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
02 Jan 2018

Is It Unbiblical to Protest Unrighteous Governments Like What’s Taking Place in Iran?

The people in Iran are holding public protests against the Iranian government. Are they doing the right thing? Is it wrong to protest corrupt politicians and policies? Our Constitution in the First Amendment codifies the freedom to “petition the government for a redress of grievances” by freedom of religion, assembly,

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
09 Dec 2015

Guess WhichPresident Banned Iranians From Coming to America

Facts can be irritating and stubborn, especially when they expose blatant hypocrisy. The internet has made it difficult to hide from facts. Amidst the fake news stories, conspiracy theories, and downright lies, there is the truth. When Donald Trump made his comments about Muslims in New Jersey, he was immediately

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
28 Nov 2015

Contrary to Popular Opinion We Are Not Living in the Last Days

Once again Christians are being told that we are definitely living in the last days. For example, Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California said in a November 19, 2015 sermon that current news events are following the plan laid out in Bible prophecy. Melody Dareing, writing for

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13 Aug 2015

Michele Bachmann Claims Iran Deal is the Fulfillment of End Times Prophecy

Earlier this month, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, declared “that the nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the United States and five other world powers is nothing more than the fulfillment of End Times prophecy found in the Bible, and added that the world will likely see the ‘strong right

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
07 Aug 2015

Is Playing the Hitler and Nazi Card Always Wrong?

I generally like the writings of P. J. O’Rourke. One of my favorites is, “When you think of the good old days, think ‘dentistry.’” Can you imagine dentistry before the advent of precision medical devices and anesthetics, not just for dentistry but for all invasive medical procedures? “The greatest invention

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
28 Feb 2015

‘Apocalyptic Islam’ Paving Way for ‘Islamic Messiah’

In addition to Sharia law and killing for Allah for a first-class ticket to the Islamic version of heaven with 72 virgins based on a reading in the hadith, there’s an end-of-the-world aspect to Islam. Here’s how Joel Rosenberg, author of a number prophecy books, has been addressing the topic

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Aug 2014

Iranian Ayatollah Proclaims High Speed Internet is Immoral and Inhumane

Islamic clerics are all about moral equivalency. The latest is from Ayatollah Makarem Shiraz is has issued a moral decree that states that 3G internet access is immoral and inhumane. Wait until Iran gets 4G internet access. Let me see if I understand this moral conundrum. Access to the internet

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
04 Jun 2014

MAD Magazine Goes Political in Bergdahl Prisoner Swap.

Who didn’t read MAD Magazine when they were kids? I did. But I didn’t know it was still being published. MAD Magazine always had a political bent, but in the internet age there is so much competition that the edgy type of material we grew up with reading MAD can

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
21 Jun 2013

Glenn Beck Wrong about End-of-World Prophecy Views

Listening to Glenn Beck requires a good grasp of history, religion (especially the Bible), and general worldview thinking to filter out the misinformation, especially when it comes to Bible prophecy. Too often Beck relies on misinformed “experts” whom he trusts without investigating their claims or at least seeking out another

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
08 Aug 2012

Jimmy Carter to Rescue President Obama?

The turning point in American politics was the election of Jimmy Carter. He was thought to be a Washington outsider. He wore sweaters, had a minimalist inauguration ceremony, and walked down Pennsylvania Avenue with his wife Rosalynn. The sweater thing was his way of combating the energy crisis. Turn the

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Dec 2011

Could 2012 Be the Year of the Apocalypse?

I’ll go out on a limb and say “no,” the apocalypse will not happen in 2012. There are several reasons I’m almost certain. First, the Greek word apokalupsis means “to unveil, uncover, lay open what has covered up.” The first verse in the book of Revelation reads: “The Revelation of

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
27 Dec 2011

Huckabee Says Paul Supporters Not ‘Mainstream America’

I like Ron Paul. I’ve followed his career since the 1980s. I mostly like him on economic matters. To me, some of his views on foreign policy are naïve. While our current drug laws are a disaster, I doubt that he’s going to get any traction with a proposal to

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
28 Sep 2011

Where is Obama on Christian Pastor About to be Executed?

When President Obama came into office, we were assured that our relationship with Islamic nations would improve. Islam is really a religion of peace. He said the following in his remarks to the Muslim world, delivered on June 4, 2009 in Egypt. “I have come here to seek a new

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