02 Jul 2014

Liberals Upset that Hobby Lobby Imposes Its Religion on Employees

Don’t you just love it when liberals accuse religious people of imposing their morality on other people? Kind of like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. did when he called for the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott and call for the end of segregation laws. Or when religious people in England

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
01 Jul 2014

Keep Your Ovaries Out of My Wallet

I know “Keep Your Ovaries Out of My Wallet” doesn’t rhyme like “Keep you rosaries off of my ovaries,” the mantra of the anti-religion pro-unborn baby killers, but it makes a more accurate point. Nobody should be forced to pay for someone’s sexual choices, especially when those choices result in

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
01 Jul 2014

Liberals Call for Women to Have Sex in Hobby Lobby Stores and Burn them Down

If you want to see a liberal become unhinged, pass a law that’s reasonable. Please explain to me why any company with employees should be forced to pay anybody anything other than what was promised in the hiring process? When did it become a fundamental right for companies to pay

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
29 Nov 2012

Hobby Lobby Takes on the Obama Administration and the Federal Government

As you probably know, ObamaCare mandates are going to hit employers with 50 or more employees. A number of businesses have gotten exemptions. Many, maybe even all, of them are most likely political in nature. It’s the Santa Clause Effect: I’ll do you a favor if you do one for

Gary DeMar 0 Read More