
What Some Christians and Conservatives Don’t Get About Trump

“Contrary to what the editors of C[hristianity] T[oday] and Tim Keller believe, we do not treat the Republican Party as ‘the only Christian’ party. Rather, on seminal sea-change issues, we treat it as far and away the least anti-Christian party. There’s a difference.” — Robert Gagnon

Christians are still fuming and fighting over the election of Donald Trump. I’m not sure what they thought the viable — the important qualifier — alternative was in 2016.

My wife and I ate lunch out over the weekend. The manager of the restaurant came to our table to ask us how we were doing. Out of the blue, he starting engaging us about politics. He said to me, “You should run for President.” He didn’t know me from Adam. I said, “I’m a whole lot more conservative than Trump.”

He went on to say that he did not like Trump’s rhetoric and wished he would tone it down. (My wife agreed.) He did admit that Trump’s policies were working. I didn’t get a chance to ask him who he was going to vote for in the midterms. By the way, he’s Black.

As much as I don’t like some of Trump’s policies and rhetoric, I firmly believe that (1) no other candidate could have beaten Hillary Clinton and (2) no one other than Trump could have confounded the liberals and the media as he is doing.

You might not like his style, but it’s been effective. George W. Bush fought an unconstitutional and immoral war against Iraq but he refused to take the political war to the Democrats. Pres. Trump has accomplished more in less than two years than all the Republican Presidents from Nixon to Bush, and that includes Ronald Reagan.

The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on.

As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts political rallies around the country, during which he talks up his wins in hopes it will energize Republican voters, the administration has counted up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

They include 173 major wins, such as adding more than 4 million jobs, and another 116 smaller victories, some with outsize importance, such as the 83 percent one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members. (Washington Examiner)

Then there are the Christian anti-Trumpers, many of whom have no idea how politics works. Many of them never teach on the subject, and if they do, they sound like socialists. For decades Christians have been told that politics is outside the scope of the gospel. “Just preach the gospel.” As anyone who has rad the Bible knows, the Bible is more than “just the gospel,” a fire insurance policy for the afterlife or a quick trip to heaven in something called the “rapture.”

The Christian life encompasses the “whole purpose of God” that includes every area of life, including politics. You can’t read the biblical books of Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and the prophets and not come across politics. The same is true of the four gospels and the book of Acts.

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Joness, a very popular Christian writer and speaker, preached a message of social, cultural, and political failure, wrote the following in the article “The French Revolution and After,” published in Britain in the book, The Christian and the State in Revolutionary Times (Westminster Conference, 1975):

The Christian must never get excited about reform, or about political action. That raises for me a problem with respect to the men of the 17th century and other times. it is that they should have become so excited about these matters. I would argue that the Christian must of necessity have a profoundly pessimistic view of life in this world. Man is ‘in sin’ and therefore you will never have a perfect society. The coming of Christ alone is going to produce that. The Christian not only does not get excited, he never pins his hopes to acts of Parliament, or any reform or any improvement. He believes in improvement, but he never pins his hope in it, he never gets excited or over-enthusiastic; still less does he become fanatical or bigoted about these matters (p. 108).

He also wrote, “You can’t reform the world. That’s why I disagree entirely with the ‘social and cultural mandate’ teaching and its appeal to Genesis 1:28. it seems to me to forget completely the Fall.” It’s obvious that Lloyd-Jones has not studied the history of the impact that Christians have had in the areas of law, economics, technology, art, music, literature, science, education, social ethics, politics, and every other area of life.

Check out these books:

  • The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization by Vishal Mangalwadi
  • The Genesis of Science: How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution by James Hannam
  • What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe
  • The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark
  • Under the Influence: How Christianity Transformed Civilization by Alvin J. Schmidt

Then there are these guys:

Attacking the followers of Trump, “progressive” pastor John Pavlovitz wrote: “Donald Trump is divinity of sorts. He is the snarling, sneering, spitting deity for fearful, angry people who finally have a god in their own image in whom they trust; one they can worship and bow down to and give their lives for.”

In similar fashion, Randy Deabay, wrote a small book titledThe Cultist Regime of Donald Trump and the Savior Complex…: A Study of Donald Trump’s Failures and the Cultist Fans who Love Him.

What are Trump’s “failures”? A political failure for a liberal is a policy that does not increase the power of the Federal Government and redistribute wealth, support the killing of unborn babies, and does not acknowledge that there aren’t more than two sexes.

Michael Brown writes, “The simple truth is that Donald Trump is the president, not the Messiah (and not the antimessiah, better known as the antichrist). Is this so hard to grasp?” For some, it is.

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