The Supreme Court Gets One Right
In October 2017, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that publicly funded maintenance of the Brandenburg Peace Cross Memorial was unconstitutional because it “excessively entangles the government in religion because the cross is the core symbol of Christianity and breaches the wall separating church and state.” Beginning in 1774, Congress
What They’re Not Telling You About the ‘Racist’ ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’
The woke Social Justice Warriors were out in full military regalia over Thanksgiving. It seems they were triggered after watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving that originally aired in 1973. Franklin Armstrong, the only black child featured in the animated feature is sitting in a lawn chair alone on one side of
Has Thanksgiving Become ‘Government Giving’?
A sign at an elementary school caught my attention. It read, “Bless America.” The question that came to mind was, “Who or what are they calling on to bless America?” Even with the unabashed call for God to bless America, there is no specific God in mind. Is it Aristotle’s
Can You Guess Who Some People are Thanking on Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving has been a history of thanking God, Today, a majority of Americans most likely are thanking the government.