How the Constitution’s “Welfare Clause” Has Become a Wax Nose.
Any document can be made to say anything if a word or phrase is taken out of context. Ripped from its context, “judge not” (Matt. 7:1) means something different from the point Jesus was making in the next verse (7:2) and other verses (John 7:24). The apostle Paul had no

Do Americans Really Want Socialism?
We’re being told by some that the people of the United States want socialism. The thing of it is, we already have a mild form of socialism. In it’s now famous “We Are All Socialists Now” cover, Newsweek wrote: The U.S. government has already—under a conservative Republican administration—effectively nationalized the

Republican Orrin Hatch Slaps Down Democrat on Senate Floor But Misses the Real Issue
I’m thankful that Sen. Orrin Hatch said to Sherrod Brown, but he missed an opportunity to tell the truth about our nation’s tax and spending policies.

You’ll Be Shocked to Learn Who Created and Copied the Welfare State
While tyranny is often forced upon a population from the muzzle of a gun, it can also be imposed gradually on a savior‑starved people. The history of socialism and communism is the history of how people prefer slavery — in the name of security — over freedom. Adolf Hilter certainly

Millennials have discovered the truth, and economists are panicking
They refuse to take the old advice. Economists and financial advisors are convinced the millennials are marching towards their financial doom, but the millennials are marching to the beat of a different drum than their baby-boomer parents…

The hidden programs bankrupting the country
One of the most amusing things politicians say is when they ask how we are going to fund tax cuts. They act as if the revenue is theirs by natural right. The most obvious course of action never seems to occur to them: cutting the budget.

There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Education
There’s a liberal meme gong around that list the cost of college in a number of countries. It’s been put together by Occupy Democrats. Occupy Democrats was founded in 2012 as an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to “give President Obama and other progressive (liberal)

New Minimum Wage Law Forces Borderlands Books to Close
Lawmakers believe they can create economic opportunity and prosperity by law. If they really believe this, then why not pass a law that says that everybody should get paid $40.00 per hour? If $15.00 is good, the $30.00 should be better. Many companies live on thin profit margins. They are

My Employer Doesn’t Pay for My Food So I’m Going to Starve
Liberals pride themselves in being more logical, reasonable, and scientific than conservatives, but the Hobby Lobby case has proven that this general picture of liberals is all wrong. They also tell us that they are more compassionate, loving, and interested in the welfare of people less fortunate. Hogwash! Have you

ObamaCare Requires Stealing to Operate
Tax cheat1 New York Democrat Charles Rangel claimed that no Republican voted for Social Security legislation when it came up for a vote in 1935: “It should give you some small comfort to know that, historically, the Republican Party always fought vigorously against these types of programs,” Rangel said. “I

President Obama Wants a Second (Socialistic) Bill of Rights
Rand Paul said the following about what he believes are President Obama’s real political ambitions: “I think the President understands the Constitution enough to know that he would prefer a different type of constitution. [Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader] Ginsberg said she admired the South African Constitution. So, I think

Liberals Love the ‘General Welfare’ Clause
In a previous article, I pointed out that one commenter to an article I had written tried to argue that Jesus was an advocate for socialism. It’s an old story that lacks facts to back up the premise. In the same comment, he made the absurd claim that the United

Obama Administration to Go After Retirement Accounts
When threats of Communism were in the news, books were written at a feverish pace reminding us of the insidious nature of the beast. There were the “useful idiots” who praised communism, but they were few and far between. But there were others who believed that while communism was something

Will Young People Decide the 2012 Election?
USA Today published a front-page article about the voting generation gap: “The Underlying Duel of 2012: Seniors vs. Millennials.” There has always been a generation gap. Young people grow up as socialists. In most homes, children are handed everything. Their food, shelter, clothing, cell-phone plans, cars, and educations are paid

How Liberals Use the Constitution to Make us Less Free
Liberals have a love/hate relationship with the Constitution. They love the Constitution when they can find some out-of-context word or phrase and add concepts that aren’t found in it in order to give constitutional credence to their unconstitutional laws. Liberals found the right to abortion in the “penumbra” of the

Liberal Politics of Death and Destruction
“The U.S. Senate rejected a GOP amendment on Thursday that would have overridden President Obama’s mandate that most employers, including religious nonprofits, and all insurers provide free contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs for women. The measure failed by a 51-48 vote.” The Republicans are bad, but not as bad as

Obama Tipping Point May Destroy America
Donald Trump knows how economies work. Yes, he’s arrogant and full of himself. So are a lot of people, but at least he does not let these character flaws get in the way of some very good work. His business acumen creates jobs. Obama is also arrogant and full of

GOP May Vote for Tax Increase
Are Republicans stupid or weak? Maybe it’s a little bit of both. They’re certainly slow learners. Once Republicans secured a tax reduction, they should never let it go. I realize that the payroll tax holiday is a reduction in Social Security income that’s used to fund the bankrupt program, but