07 Jun 2019

My Thoughts on “Thoughts and Prayers”

One way to avoid the kingdom implications of the prayer that Jesus tells us to pray is to claim that presently it’s a spiritual kingdom that will only have substantive, this-world manifestation sometime in the future, either in an earthly millennium or the inauguration of the New Heavens and the New Earth. This way, it’s safe to pray the prayer Jesus wants us to pray since there’s nothing anyone has to do about the kingdom since it is solely the work of God. We can only pray that it comes, that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Try that with the bread portion of the Lord’s Prayer and see how long you last.

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
20 Feb 2018

Is It Ever OK to Lie? Must We Always Tell the Truth?

On Facebook, someone asked the question, “Is it ever right to lie?” Some people answered “no.” Others who are more familiar with the Bible noted that there were times when people did lie to save lives. There are numerous stories about how Gentiles lied to the Nazis by hiding Jews,

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
13 May 2015

Romans 13, Christian Resistance, and the Coming Tyranny

In a previous article I discussed the biblical principle of Christian resistance as it relates to the upcoming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. As was pointed out in that article, there are examples in the Bible of God’s people resisting direct commands by civil officials based on a very

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
30 Dec 2014

Newsweek’s Bible-Bashing Article Says Criticizing the Government is a Sin

Newsweek magazine has published its first 2015 issue with the lead article “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin” written by Kurt Eichenwald. The question is, however, who is misunderstanding the Bible? Could it be that Mr. Eichenwald is the one doing the misunderstanding? Certainly a lot of people do

Gary DeMar 0 Read More
22 Oct 2014

The Old Testament and Resisting the Government

Charles Ryrie, author of the notes in the Ryrie Study Bible, argues that “Scripture teaches complete civil obedience on the part of Christians and does not indicate any exceptions to this principle.”1 Is he right? Many Christians believe he is. There is no doubt that Christians are to submit “for

Gary DeMar 0 Read More