Politicians Can’t Create Jobs So Stop Telling Us You Can
Two black women, Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, have come to the defense of Donald Trump in a viral video. When asked why they did the video in support of Trump, they said that it was because he was about jobs. Here’s some of what they said: “‘So I’m here

1,600 Job Applicants for 36 Jobs Evidence of Obama’s Economic Policy Failure
“Thanks to persistent unemployment and low availability of low-skill jobs,” Ben Shapiro writes, “Shenandoah Family Farms’ ice cream plant in Hagerstown, Maryland has received over 1,600 applicants for a grand total of 36 jobs.” How is it possible that with nearly a trillion (fake) dollars (it may be more) pumped

Christmas is Not About a Homeless Couple
Have you noticed that when a Democrat is in the White House, there are no homelessness people or homeless couples? It’s only when a Republican occupies the White House that there are news stories about the homelessness. The Advent story is turned into a political message about homelessness and how

How Government Creates Unemployment
Economics isn’t hard, unless you’re a liberal. Before Paul Ryan was picked by Mitt Romney to be his running mate, there was speculation that New Jersey governor Chris Christie was in the running. Republican governor Christie mocked a network graphic insisting that 55 percent of New Jersey residents think he

Will Young People Decide the 2012 Election?
USA Today published a front-page article about the voting generation gap: “The Underlying Duel of 2012: Seniors vs. Millennials.” There has always been a generation gap. Young people grow up as socialists. In most homes, children are handed everything. Their food, shelter, clothing, cell-phone plans, cars, and educations are paid

Extending the Bush Tax Cuts Worked
If the unemployment numbers are right, the percentage of unemployed Americans dropped from 8.5% to 8.3%. Of course, the CBO published last week that the real unemployment rate is near 10%. The new percentage, of course, does not take into account the number of people who have dropped out of

Out of Work? Send Your Resume to Obama
Latest Congressional Budget Outlook (CBO) for 2012–2022 was just released. It says that the real unemployment rate is 10%. Not to worry, President Obama will help you find a job if you’re unemployed. But he will scold you first by telling you that you should have a job since the

Company Won’t Hire ‘Until Obama is Gone’
A Georgia business owner has put up a sign that is causing some controversy. It reads: “New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone.” The owner says that it’s nothing personal. It’s not attack on the President but on his policies. Bill Looman explained that he can’t

Obama Set a Trap for Republicans
Obama’s job speech was designed to trap Republicans. He’s counting on the economic “crisis” to give him the opportunity to manage the economy Soviet-style. Here’s how the president put it: “The question is whether, in the face of an ongoing national crisis, we can stop the political circus and actually do
Obama Economics Advisor Blames Bush on Lousy Jobs Numbers
President Obama’s economic adviser Gene Sperling blamed the economy the president inherited for today’s unemployment report with a jobless rate at 9.1%. Keep in mind that the president promised an unemployment figure of 8%. Sperling claimed that 11 million jobs had been “saved” due to the president’s spending policies. Here

Moving for Money
“The Center for Changing Worldviews” with Sharon Hughes: This map shows some of the largest inter-state migration. (For a bigger viewing map, go here). The statistics are already old as the number leaving California has increased… The Orange County Register reported: “Does California seem a little less crowded these days? Maybe