Does ‘X-Mas’ Take ‘Christ’ Out of Christmas?
The use of x-mas is not designed to take Jesus Christ out of Christmas.

What Mary Believed Politically About The Birth of a Savior
The best source of what the birth of Jesus means is Mary. Mary’s Magnificat should be the part of every Christmas message. It’s filled with worldview principles by stating that God is her savior, not the State. He chooses His highest creation for great things. The future is God’s; it does

Is the Christmas Story about a Homeless Couple and a Refugee Family?
For years liberals have tried to make the Christmas story about a homeless couple. Jesse Jackson was the first to turn Joseph and Mary into a “homeless couple” when he claimed that Christmas “is not about Santa Claus and ‘Jingle Bells’ and fruitcake and eggnog,” of which all Christians would

Pro-Abortion Democrat All of Sudden Becomes Politically Pro-Life
Democrats are getting very religious these days. They are concerned about pulpits and Jesus. But the hypocrisy with them is very strong. First, there is Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez who claimed that “Americans were listening too intently to what they were hearing from ‘the pulpit.’” Here’s the context

Did You Know that There are Two Versions of ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’?
Once again, the PC moguls are looking for new vistas to conquer. It began with Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving and moved to Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer to The Little Mermaid and most recently Veggie Tales. This time the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” from the 1949 film Neptune’s Daughter, starring Esther Williams, Ricardo Montalbán, Red Skelton,

Is Christmas About a Homeless Couple or Government Tyranny?
Every Christmas, liberals who despise the Bible and its message about abortion, same-sex sexuality, and the 8th commandment (“You shall not steal”) try to find something from the Bible to advance a liberal cause they claim is based on the Bible. For them, the Bible is selectively relevant and authoritative.

Joseph and Mary were Neither Homeless Nor Refugees
The Christmas story has been turned into a political message about homelessness. Recently, liberals have claimed that when Mary and Joseph could not find a room in Bethlehem – you guessed it – it’s just like today’s refugee problem. Never let a contrived Bible story go to waste. The problem

Can Anyone ‘Be Good for Goodness’ Sake’?
The American Atheists organization has trotted out its anti-Christmas — actually anti-God — billboards again: “Go Ahead and Skip Church! Just be Good for Goodness’ Sake. Happy Holidays!” There’s so much that’s bad about this that I don’t know where to begin. First, the use of “Happy Holidays.” A holiday

Will Obama Outlaw Christmas Parties because they Offend Muslims?
“Criminologist Casey Jordan appeared on CNN . . . late Wednesday to make an abundantly absurd claim that the attack in San Bernardino, California, which left at least 14 people dead and was reportedly committed by a devout Muslim husband and wife tag team, was probably fueled by the holiday party taking place at

Xmas Does Not Take ‘Christ’ Out of Christmas
Many people get bent out of shape when they see Xmas. They think it’s a way of removing Jesus Christ from Christmas. “Every year you see the signs and the bumper stickers saying, ‘Put Christ back into Christmas’ as a response to this substitution of the letter X for the

Obama Says Christmas Story is About Illegal Aliens
President Obama was on the road quoting the Bible again. This time he was equating Mary and Joseph to illegal aliens and strangers. Liberals love to quote the Bible when it suits them. They denounce the Bible because of its very clear stand against same-sex sexuality, but claim that it

Maryland Muslims Say No to Christmas in Public Schools
Who needs terrorism when you can just surrender to Islam? You’ve heard the saying, “Give ’em enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves.” That’s what many of our government institutions are doing. If one Muslim is offended, then all of us must pay for that offense. The same is true of

Christmas is Not About a Homeless Couple
Have you noticed that when a Democrat is in the White House, there are no homelessness people or homeless couples? It’s only when a Republican occupies the White House that there are news stories about the homelessness. The Advent story is turned into a political message about homelessness and how

Atheist David Silverman Attacks Jewish Jesus Over ‘Christmas’
David Silverman, president of American Atheists Inc., is Jewish and an atheist. He is getting into the spirit of Christmas by telling people they don’t need Christmas with a “Who Needs Christ During Christmas?” campaign. Silverman goes further than declaring that no one needs Christ (which is not a name)

Take Down the “Holy-Day Tree” and Go to Work on December 25th
Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee has defied lawmakers and decided that the state would have a “holiday tree” instead of a “Christmas tree.” Does Gov. Chafee realize that the word “holiday” means “holy day”? Not everybody is happy with the governor’s politically correct actions: “One state representative called the governor’s

Atheists Protest, Cry, and Whine for Being Depicted With Horns
Atheists come out in droves as we approach the end of the year and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. They go trolling for sympathetic judges that will shut down any government acknowledgement of Jesus’ birth. The latest atheist “victory” comes from the city of Santa Monica.

A Delta Air Lines Christmas Message from 1972
Take a look at this December 1972 “Christmas Message” that appeared in Delta Digest, a monthly publication by the Public Relations Department of Delta Air Lines. Delta has come a long way in 38 years. Now they’re one of the official sponsors of the annual Gay Pride parade. A Christmas Message

Leftist Radio Host Says Jesus is a Liberal
The American Family Association is promoting a “Naughty or Nice?” Christmas campaign by listing the top retailers and how they recognize Christmas. There are three categories: 1. Companies that use the term “Christmas” on a regular basis are considered Christmas-friendly. 2. Companies that refer to Christmas infrequently, or in a